The Astrology of Family Karma and Relationships
Welcome to The Astrology of Family Karma and Relationships Podcast, hosted by me Alexander Mallon along with my co host Sheila G.
A Certified Astrologer and Intuitive who has practiced for over 47 years, I offer Consulting and Counseling Services to a broad clientele, from business leaders to entrepreneurs to teachers and more.
This podcast is about exploring how and why we are ‘astro-genetically’ bonded to our parents, and how our own birth chart is a map of this powerful 'soul-birthing' moment for our entire family. Astrological birth charts are a mirror of the Soul, highlighting hidden themes and revealing our Sacred Karmic Lessons.
Each episode will address our family relationships and family themes, as well as how we relate to our spouses, friends, co-workers and other relationships in our world.
Alexander will be sharing interviews and stories from fellow astrologers, as well as audience members who wish to participate. We will periodically draw names to invite viewers and listeners to have a mini review of their charts during future broadcasts.
To enter our drawing, please email us a screen capture of your review on our Podcast or YouTube channel at info@astrologyspirit.com. Participants will be chosen via a monthly drawing.
We look forward to sharing and learning together with you all, and may the Stars guide your way on.
The Astrology of Family Karma and Relationships
The Cosmic Blueprint of Family Relationships
This episode aims to review the foundations of "astrogenetic" family bonds, and reveal how our astrological birth charts can serve as powerful tools for understanding core constructs of relationships and parental influences.
Join us as Alexander shares his personal journey into the world of Astrology , including his initial studies in science and astronomy led him in an attempt to 'debunk' astrology. Along this path, hear how Linda Goodman's "Sun Signs" transformed Alexander's initial deep skepticism into a profound appreciation for astrology’s role in shaping our lives.
We examine the crucial role Astrological Chartwork plays in self-awareness, offering each person their unique roadmap of Soul journey. Highlighting insights as to how one's birth chart can unveil family roles and ancestral backgrounds, illuminating how these elements contribute to our personal growth and interactions. Together Alexander and Sheila delve into how family dynamics, social interactions, and genetic inheritance sculpt our personalities and character.
Tune in to engage with our exploration of the Astrology of Family, Karma, and Relationships, and don't forget to leave your reviews, and to join us for upcoming episodes!
Find out about YOUR important chart placements !
~Alexander can be contacted for Consultation and Coaching sessions. You may contact him via his email: info@astrologyspirit.com or website: https://www.astrologyspirit.com/
You can view his offerings and book directly here: https://www.astrologyspirit.com/book-online
Thank you for listening!
Alexander & Sheila
Welcome to this episode of the Astrology of Family, karma and Relationship podcast.
Sheila G:I'm Alexander Mallon, with our lovely co-host Sheila G, the guide on the side host, sheila G, the guide on the side during this program.
Alexander Mallon:We'll discuss what this podcast is, what our new podcast of astrology and family karma is all about, how you can relate to the topic specifically. It's a topic about family, family dynamics, and how astrological charts are an incredible mirror of these very complex relationships, the most complex relationships, sheila, of course, our relationship with ourself, but it's also a fantastic descriptor, this birth chart that one has of the relationship of your family and family members. So we'll talk about that.
Sheila G:So in the intro you mentioned the word that we are astrogenetically bonded to our parents. What do you mean by astrogenetically?
Alexander Mallon:Well, one thing that any long-term student of astrology can know about astrology practice is that what's really quite amazing about our charts is that they will describe mother-father figures, family figures, what's happening when we are born into that relationship, family system.
Alexander Mallon:So if we are born to parents who are really aligned maybe they're a new couple or a younger couple the chart will mirror that. If we're born into a family system where our parents perhaps are older or have had other children or family challenges or career challenges, chart will mirror that as well. So the chart number one is a mirror of our soul journey, a mirror of who we are and what our dynamics are, what our experience is around us. You're born as an incarnate soul to these parental figures and there is this, perhaps a spiritual cosmic, certainly a spiritual connection that our soul is drawn to, that father, that mother, that connection. So the chart mirrors that dynamic. That chart is actually an event chart in mom and dad's worlds, as I tell clients, especially, of course, for mom. Having a baby come from your body after nine months and 12 hours of labor is a significant spiritual journey for mother, child, father, really the whole family.
Sheila G:So is this going to help me understand why I am stuck doing something that may be detrimental to the way I live my life? Because it's based on, maybe, what my mother was experiencing during the time she gave birth to me, during the time she gave birth to me, or what my dad was going through at the time of my birth.
Alexander Mallon:. In other words, it brings to mind over the years, clients asking me or suggesting that. Do astrologers see a birth chart as some kind of rigorous or rigid template of who we are, what we are, what we're about, what we can do? Does it define who we are? Does this chart say that this is what we are, kind of defined in a box? So I'm wondering if part of what you're asking, that so many people can ask, is about something like that.
Alexander Mallon:Really, you know, number one important thing that I teach every single client when I do a consultation or when I teach and lecture in public forums, is that a person's astrological birth chart is actually an astronomical snapshot of the sky. Those of you who know me or have some kind of review of my work, you'll know that I'm an avid, backyard astronomer. I've been a super powerfully, uh, intensely avid amateur backyard observer for my whole life, and that actually preceded my studies of astrology, which we can discuss, you know, another time. so how old were you then when you you discovered that sky up there and wanting to look at the heavenly body?
Alexander Mallon:uh. So I began to study nature, all of nature, nature studies, uh, about creatures and animals, ornithology, birds and um and uh, lepidoptery, butterflies and moths and all these different things about our nature when I was eight and nine and 10 years old. I thought it was all incredibly fascinating. And then, through a book in the library when I was in grade school, there was an easy example of how to build your own microscope and I thought that was super interesting. So I learned how to build my own microscope when I was 10 years old, rudimentary, although it worked incredibly really well, and that led to my interest in astronomy and telescopes and building telescopes. I was 11 and 12 years old. I never ground an optic, but I assembled, assembled, you know, bought professional optics and assembled the telescopes.
Alexander Mallon:So that work with astronomy, uh, of course, had people begin to refer to me as an astrologer and, as any astronomer can tell you, uh, that makes their head blow off their shoulders, it makes them crazy. And when I was those ages too, I I had the same phenomenon that, um, having people refer to me as an astrologer I took took offense to, actually. So I thought, well, I better start studying this astrology nonsense so I could argue more intelligently against it and really show people the error of their thinking. You know, it seemed nonsensical to me. We're all trained in linear science, which you know, I did. I'm definitely a fan of science.
Sheila G:then you went to the library and you saw a book on the shelf, or how did you find astrology?
Alexander Mallon:Well, back in the 70s, you know, when I first started studying, there was a famous book on everyone's bookshelf. You know, sort of the 60s hippies movement had a couple of key books on people's bookshelves. One was Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. It was a fantastic book and sort of outlined each 12 sun signs and their character structures. It was super popular, best-selling book. And I read that book and I read through all 12 signs. I thought, well, capricorn, that I am, I'm going to put to a real, rigorous, reality-based review. And out of those 12 signs, Sheila, six sounded like me and six did not. I thought, well, there you go. Astrology, it's what you expect, it's nonsense, it's 50-50. But then I learned how to calculate a chart. There was a basic book in my local library by a Rosicrucian astrologer - that was a spiritual movement, Rosicrucian really a sort of sect, I guess, of Christian mysticism .. a book by Max Heindel, and it was a simple book that he had put out there on how to calculate your chart. And I thought, well, okay, since Linda Goodman's Sun Sign says you have a personal birth chart, maybe I'll discover more there by learning how to set up my chart. I found that those six signs I had chosen had at least one planetary body in those signs, and the six signs I did not choose had no action in my chart whatsoever! I thought, well, that's interesting and kind of odd, but still didn't prove anything. So I pursued that more deeply and as I began to look at my chart and charts of people I knew .. family members and so forth, it kind of was that 'matrix moment', you know where the dominoes, just everything just made sense. I understood that this birth chart is a mirror of one's Self, it's a map of the sky- it's an astronomical map, it's the sky, the season of your birth, the date of your birth creating your character... so are you born during a blizzard? Are you born during a summertime pool party?
Alexander Mallon:As I tell clients, you know what's happening around you when you come into this family system and how is it imprinting you. And, by the way, something astrologers, Sheila, I think they don't think about is how is this baby event for our parents? How is the event of our entering a family imprinting the family? It's a multi-way dynamic. Here I was safely in mom's womb for nine months and then born, and suddenly this birth chart tells people, mirrors, what's experience? What's my experience? What's happening at me, to me, for me, coming out of mom's body at safe place, that's our birth chart, the encounter of the outer world. At the same time, that moment that I'm born, you're born. It's a powerful event for mom, god knows, and for dad too, for the whole family system has a newborn into that system, that dynamic.
Alexander Mallon:So a powerful theme that our charts immediately reflect is and the chart will tell you the astrologer, by the way where in this family system, where in this development, this child came? Was it the beginning of a marriage? Were you the firstborn child? Were you a middle child? The chart will mirror sort of this process, what's happening for mom and dad, where were they in their evolution and how your entrance into their life at that time colored their personal and marital evolution. So that really is kind of like the heart of astrology. So when I learned all of that and I said, oh my God, this art form of astrology is a mirror of all of that, the chart doesn't make me something.
Sheila G:The chart reflects that I'm participating in this experience Now were you able to use your own family, upbringing, the dynamics from your mother and father and your siblings to help you solidify that? Hey, there may be something to this astrology.
Alexander Mallon:Well, it was precisely those inquiries, those discoveries, setting those charts, literally penning those charts by hand, that helped me understand that these charts are a mirror of each individual. I was the last of four children in my family and this bread was 13 years before my birth and this bread was 13 years before my birth. So I realized not only are those people quite different those first siblings quite different from myself, but what was happening around them, what was happening for them, their birth experience, their experience of this marriage, of mom and dad, who those people are, was radically different than mine. Those 13 years of that family birth order, which are also mirrored in each person's chart, describes so much about what my experience was, what molds my frame of reference to the world around me. And that is why, from birth chart to birth chart, in sibling order, one sibling's chart will say mom and dad were playful, fun, easygoing. Another sibling's chart will say mom and dad were aggressive, difficult, demanding personalities. What have you? Again, the chart's a mirror of what the experience actually was.
Alexander Mallon:That's a really key piece too, so that with some clients who feel they've had no relationship with a mother or father other than to have them participate in their, their, their consent yeah, yeah, not rare these days that clients say I didn't know my father or know my mother how does this chart mirror that? That's baked into the chart as well. What was happening for mom and dad? Uh, what was happening for that individual at that time? And the chart's story about you might be different than you think. The chart story about that early beginning not rarely suggests what was happening to mom and dad that you might not have fully known about or fully understood.
Alexander Mallon:And I know the results. I know, after almost 50 years of practice now, that the charts actually do talk about the beginning. You know the early childhood developmental periods in those teenage years and into our adult years. It really mirrors through cycles that we all go through, that developmental process. So there's so much more, in other words, to this review, this mirror of our lives through our astrological charts, than most of us know when we first begin to study. But the bottom line is, yeah, it's a multi, it's a multi-level dynamic. I'm born, the experience is imprinting me. Uh, my birth to that environment and the people around me is imprinting them so, is it?
Sheila G:how does it help you just make sense of why? Maybe how you react to the world is different from a sibling that came in during a different dynamic of the parents? Um, just so that you can understand. Huh, I now I get why. Why, um, my younger sister was able to go to the prom and I was not.
Alexander Mallon:Yeah, yeah, and everything in between, yeah, yeah, that's the whole point, that, from a spiritual standpoint, that an astrological chart for an individual is in fact this map of that spirit, that soul journey in this incarnation is in fact this map of that spirit, that soul journey in this incarnation. And so in that regard it describes all these circumstances. So let's say, in Western therapeutic models cognitive therapies, going to a therapist talking about your life, talking about your experiences we have our inner relationship, our inner viewpoint of what we went through and who we are, our inner viewpoint of how we step into the world and how we believe the world experiences us. But then the cool thing about a mirror is that I always joke if I'm having a bad hair day, the mirror is just reflecting my bad hair day. The mirror is not talking about the inner world, it's just showing me what the world is seeing. So the birth chart is a mirror of one's personality. Likewise shows and mirrors our self-perception and the experience of others perceiving and experiencing us, experience of others perceiving and experiencing us.
Alexander Mallon:In that regard, you know, the chart is kind of an interesting morph because your self-constructs about your family and your place in the family, your role mom and dad, who they were, siblings, et cetera. That's through your experiential lens. But the chart gives you like a roadmap, gives you a perspective above. The roadmap will give you a larger frame of reference for that place you are on that road, on that particular path at that time. So this astrological roadmap gives you an objective perspective.
Alexander Mallon:Not only does it honor your inner experience and really just explain it super exactingly, what you went through, what you experienced, it also offers an objective viewpoint so that as we're moving forward, as we're growing and we are expanding our sense of self, as we are perhaps healing, we're improving upon, we're developing our gifts and healing our childhood experiences, these charts really help give us an objective viewpoint of one another, an objective viewpoint of mom and dad as fellow souls. They're no longer mommy and daddy or mom and dad or mother and father, but this person and what they went through. Lastly, I'll say your birth chart, my birth chart, tells us not only where mom and dad were in their development at that year that you came in, that maybe they were 25 or 35 or 40, but our birth chart describes their parents, their parental lineage, where they came from, that uh set their inner reality, system of behavior and how they see the world. That's the juice of astrology. You get this, this, this blown out sort of observations, with this objective review of what's happening.
Sheila G:So so it just helps with understanding. Then, understanding this life I have not only with my family, then maybe, how I relate to other people, like she said, you will go into how, knowing your birth chart and knowing your genetic bonding, how you then will relate to others that come into your life, whether it's a spouse, friend, co-worker.
Alexander Mallon:Yeah again, I think in the end result, over the years I've taken to say I think what is the most important or powerful reason that we would practice and study astrology? It's because it is this wonderful mirror of spirit. It's number one, an astronomical map of the sky. When you're born, that's what it is. So that part of your birth chart is a scientific, factual map of what was that you were born into. Interpreting that map, modifying one's ideas and comprehensions, understandings of the world and themselves. In the end result, what's the mission statement? The mission statement is self-awareness. The mission statement is coming to consciousness. Coming to conscious, mindful awareness of the truths and facts of one's being in this incarnate experience and it's getting it right.
Alexander Mallon:It's getting. It's getting the story, getting the storyline right.
Sheila G:And part of that getting it right also means mom, dad, brother, sister, to see them objectively, to see them as soul level, as these people have these experiences themselves, rather than for us to personalize our journey only, but to see it in a global, spiritual, evolutionary storyline. Right, so, knowing that, so are we affected by, energetically, by this map of the sky. At the time we were born, just like now we're having a lot of activity, sun activity, and people are able to even see effects here on planet earth of too much sun, solar flare the solar flares yeah.
Sheila G:Electromagnetic yes so is that similar to why? Why we cast these charts that shows where we are, where all these planets and well, right now you're talking.
Alexander Mallon:Now you're talking science and astronomy. So, you know, when you start to bring up, uh, science and astrology, those two things to most people seem to be contradictive. Um, I forget now what somebody did, but, you know, sort of cognitive dissonance might be what's been thrown in my face, um, but that's actually a person's lack of proper comprehension about what astrology is. Astrology is not necessarily an active. You know there's what astrology charts mirror are not necessarily active principles or forces, um, but simply a reflection, a mirror of what's happening. Um, so, yes, you could say that there, there, there might be a uh, someday science might validate that there's a mechanism behind, sort of why astrology charts mirror the soul. The first thing to think about is that astrology charts are a map of cycles, like seasonal cycles. What season are you born during? Are you a blizzard person? Were you born into a blizzard, literally? Were you born like Barack Obama, poolside perhaps? Or I always think of better yet Bill Clinton. You know Bill Clinton. We know that he is. He's born perhaps poolside His behavior, his character seems like a margarita party. That's when he was born. His chart says he was born into a family system that had more of that dynamic of a margarita party. His mom carried this baby springtime, summertime, and mid-late summer Bill Clinton Leo came out. So he's part of that social, environmental dynamic. So a chart mirrors what astronomically, environmentally, is happening. It's not necessarily a force, so describing forces other than coincidental cycles. Are you born during summer, winter, spring, fall? Are you born during a new moon, a full moon? What phase of the moon Astrologers interpret what those phases mean? Over time we collectively see these phases of cycles. Astrology is all strictly about cycling. Now the another part of your question as to whether there's some physics, like energetics, like solar flares and such, that's much more complex.
Alexander Mallon:And there is actually an astronomer, not not an astrologer an astronomer in the UK back in the 70s and 80s and 90s had penned a few books. His name is Percy Seymour, dr Percy Seymour, and he wrote a few books on the scientific explanations for astrology. His theories were not the four forces of physics that physicists and scientists will claim. Astrology is obviously invalidated by. He said it's not what science understands at this point. It has to do with resonances, magnetic resonances, and his theory was when that umbilicus is cut and when that infant comes out of the womb mom's womb there is, or rising sign one's ascendant, describes that earthing, like being born on this physical earth, coming into this family, and it describes that potentially that synaptic wiring, that brain and sort of nervous system wiring how we are connected to and responding to that world. Like I said, are you responding to an environment of a blizzard, are you responding to an environment of a pool party? That's your initial experience of engaging the world and that's what the birth chart says, kind of like a birth chart.
Alexander Mallon:A birth chart I liken to the roadmap or rather, pardon me, the blueprint of a house. So you have this house, this blueprint of a house. It's have this house, this blueprint of a house. It's either perched on the ocean or perched on a mountain or perched in a suburban, outside of the city environment. That blueprint of the house describes the fixing, the foundational, literally makeup of that house. But you can also add rooms or add, add a pool or or add sections to the house and build up in the house. That's kind of a good analogy for personality.
Alexander Mallon:That our birth chart describes that foundational beginning point genetically and psychotherapeutically. So that brings up your question. Earlier, by the way, you asked about the astrodynamics piece. The chart describes all of who you are, the dynamic, the social dynamic, the season, the environment, the social environment, the social season. What's happening around us, what's happening around mom and dad, and the chart also describes lineage over time. It describes family genetic lineage and your chart describes are you primarily more dad's genetic lineage, mom's genetic lineage? Where are you in that sort of mix of mom and dad's personalities and even genetic soup? How are you connected to that?
Sheila G:Okay, wonderful personalities, and even genetic soup. How are you connected to that? Okay, wonderful. So it sounds like, as we go through um future episodes, we will see more examples of how this information can help us and living helping our best life and how to relate better with our family and understand who you are well understand.
Alexander Mallon:yeah, not just that I have a personality that's, uh, blustery or or meditative, or withdrawing, but why? What in the family soup, what in this social, family exposure and experience um has helped to mold you? And what, even genetically, in your family has been passed down through mom and dad to help mold your personality and character?
Sheila G:Wonderful Alexander. I look forward to more episodes and I hope you will, too, continue to join us and follow and leave us a review. We very much appreciate it.
Alexander Mallon:Thank you, and we'll see you again for another episode of the Astrology of Family, karma and Relationship. Much appreciate it, thank you, and we'll see you again for another episode of the Astrology of Family, karma and Relationship. Thanks for watching, thank you.