The Astrology of Family Karma and Relationships
Welcome to The Astrology of Family Karma and Relationships Podcast, hosted by me Alexander Mallon along with my co host Sheila G.
A Certified Astrologer and Intuitive who has practiced for over 47 years, I offer Consulting and Counseling Services to a broad clientele, from business leaders to entrepreneurs to teachers and more.
This podcast is about exploring how and why we are ‘astro-genetically’ bonded to our parents, and how our own birth chart is a map of this powerful 'soul-birthing' moment for our entire family. Astrological birth charts are a mirror of the Soul, highlighting hidden themes and revealing our Sacred Karmic Lessons.
Each episode will address our family relationships and family themes, as well as how we relate to our spouses, friends, co-workers and other relationships in our world.
Alexander will be sharing interviews and stories from fellow astrologers, as well as audience members who wish to participate. We will periodically draw names to invite viewers and listeners to have a mini review of their charts during future broadcasts.
To enter our drawing, please email us a screen capture of your review on our Podcast or YouTube channel at info@astrologyspirit.com. Participants will be chosen via a monthly drawing.
We look forward to sharing and learning together with you all, and may the Stars guide your way on.
The Astrology of Family Karma and Relationships
The 'Cosmic Influence' of this Summer Solstice/Full Moon on Presidential Politics
Ever wondered how celestial cycles like the Summer Solstice together with a Full Moon could reveal what's behind the curtain of major political events?
-Join me Alexander Mallon and the brilliant astrologer/Intuitive Laura Sklover, as we uncover the cosmic significance of June 21, 2024, when these two powerful astronomical phenomena align.
- We'll explore how this rare event—where the Summer Solstice Sun simultaneously occurs with this months Full Moon, describing this pivotal national event- the upcoming Presidential debate. Our YouTube viewers will also get a visual treat of plenty of Astrocharts to help them grasp the cosmic dynamics at play.
This month's full moon cycle of Cancer Sun and Capricorn Full Moon, are more than mere celestial occurrences. They are key indicators in a larger astrological story, especially at the crucial 0 and 29th degrees of each Sign, which symbolizes change and critical-culmination. We'll dissect this astrological chart for Washington, DC, showing how Neptune's position can indicate both 'erosion of faith' AND also spiritual guidance amidst the tension created by the Sun-Moon opposition and Pluto's involvement. From celestial mechanics to the significance of upcoming full moons, we cover every intricate detail to help you understand how these cosmic events shape our world.
Shifting our focus to the political arena, we'll also analyze how current astrological events are influencing the US and key figures like Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Mars' transit through the fifth house and its conjunction with Uranus herald potential disruptions, while a pivotal full moon and solstice alignment spotlight the personal and political implications for Biden and Trump. We'll also discuss the broader themes of balance and unity, reflecting on how full moons in Cancer and Capricorn influence family unity and spiritual togetherness during these polarized times. Tune in for enlightening insights and a cosmic perspective on the upcoming presidential debate and beyond.
Find out about YOUR important chart placements !
~Alexander can be contacted for Consultation and Coaching sessions. You may contact him via his email: info@astrologyspirit.com or website: https://www.astrologyspirit.com/
You can view his offerings and book directly here: https://www.astrologyspirit.com/book-online
Thank you for listening!
Alexander & Sheila
Welcome to this episode of the Astrology of Family, karma and Relationship. I'm Alexander Mallon, your host, and today we have a special guest presenter, the brilliant and wonderful astrologer and intuitive, laura Sklover. Laura, thank you so much for joining us today.
Speaker 2:Oh, thank you for having me, my friend. Thank you so much.
Speaker 1:It's always wonderful to work with Laura. She's a font of experience and information in her own right, and this is an interesting kind of organic episode, isn't it, Laura? Because we were sort of just happenstance on the phone. You know as friends, and I've known Laura for forever and ever.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's 40 plus years 40 plus.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we're're dating ourselves actually little 45 years.
Speaker 2:Um, so that, yeah, but, alex, I mean, really, when we saw what, what's going on with this full moon and the fact that we have another full moon coming up, uh, in july, we just knew we had to jump on. And you, you had pointed out something that I thought was really interesting as well, and I don't know why it escaped me, but you talked about the summer solstice and, um, how this is lining up the summer solstice so we want to mention to the audience those who are listening, besides those who would be viewing uh this, this, uh program on youtube.
Speaker 1:Um, some, we have some charts and some visuals to show for people who are going to tune in on YouTube and those who are listening. We'll try to flesh it out verbally. Today is the 21st of June 2024. And it is the summer solstice. Right, today is really the beginning of summer but, more importantly- Today.
Speaker 1:Today, and it's important. I think you know people know me as a avid backyard astronomer as well, so you know for for an ask from an astronomical standpoint, soul sun stisha stands still today. The sun stands still means it the sun is at its highest point in the sky, astronomically above the viewer's horizon line. So the sun's way high. Basically we're going to the beach and getting our suntans, what have you out there playing ball, bike riding, etc. The sun's way high.
Speaker 1:In the summertime sky it's at its highest point. And today on the solstice, the standing still of the sun. From this point it has climbed as high as it can from winter solstice, where it was at the bottom of the sky at noon, really really low to the horizon midwinter and now it's as high as it can get midsummer and it will start to descend every noon hour slightly, day by day, back toward winter again. We're at that turning point of the season. So it's a big deal from a growing crop sort of standpoint. Next stop, after summer solstice, is harvest point. But that kind of is a little natural framework I'd like to throw in.
Speaker 2:Right, right, yep, we love our summertime. But, I love that fall too.
Speaker 1:Indeed. So, Laura, what had us you, and I think that this would be a program we should throw out there. Not only is it the summer, solstice happens every June 21st.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, you know, just thinking about what's going on in the world today in particular. In particular, we're coming up on a presidential debate next week, which you and I had touched on, which was something that it doesn't escape me, that a lot of these planets, as they progress, are going to be making aspects to the presidential candidates, as well as the US chart, and maybe, at some point, we can look at that.
Speaker 1:You know, we totally will. We did, we did, uh, you know, throw up some charts there and we're kind of kicking them around together, laura and I before this, and we said hey, let's just record, let's, let's throw ourselves on there.
Speaker 2:This is juicy stuff, but we're talking about 12 o'clock, 12, 30, one o'clock or something. Here is it's 4 o'clock Eastern time.
Speaker 1:That's right, but today. So it's a summer solstice. Today, june 21st, the sun is at the highest point and we have the longest day, the shortest night, the most visible light versus the winter, the shortest light, the longest night. Here's the longest day, shortest night. That's number one. Number two today's unique, laura, because it is a full moon day. In fact, I'm going to bring up a chart to show the folks out there where this graphic will literally show us this full moon chart for today the full moon on one side and the sun on the other. Of course, that is what a full moon is after all. We'll do a little really brief riff because, again, the astronomy part, it's hard for you not to go there and just make sure I know it is my friend, you can't separate the astrologer from the astronomer in you.
Speaker 2:No way, jose, that's right.
Speaker 1:So we have the sun on one side and the moon on the other. This full moon chart, I set Laura to Washington DC. In terms of the US, you know we are sort of like, you know, dc-centric. You know everything is sort of DC these days, of course, politically speaking, yeah, dc, it's DC-centric, right Happens to be on the East Coast and in specifically DC, on the East Coast and in specifically DC.
Speaker 1:Today, june 21st 2024, full moon happens exactly by one degree of Cancer, one degree of Capricorn and seven minutes of Arc. Happens exactly at 9.07 pm, eastern Daylight Time in DC, literally just eight degrees or 24 minutes after sunset today. So right after sunset, we have technically full moon and also we have full moon rising at that time. And I think a really helpful astronomical groove to think about with charts charts that are really the upper half of a chart is always what you visibly see in the sky. If the observer stands on the earth, you know that halfway point of a chart, that chart being cut in half, the observer stands on the earth and looks at the sky above. You know what's rising, what's culminating, what's setting. We have it here what's rising, what's culminating, what's setting. So today, 9.07, just about 28 minutes after moon, after sunset rather, we have moon rise here, full moon rise tonight. That will be happening around 9 o'clock Eastern time. So that's the astronomy of it.
Speaker 1:There's one little thing I'd like to throw in there in terms of the astronomy of it. What is this? How do we know full moon? Oh, we have the Earth and we have the sun on one, one side, and the moon on the other. In fact, they're exactly all lined up the sun, the Earth, the full moon. The reason you see the whole disk of the moon is because the moon's on one side, exactly 180 degrees, like a seesaw opposite the sun, and the earth is right in between. You know, laura, when these things line up just right, that's when we have four times a year eclipses. You know two solar and two lunar eclipses a year. Yeah, everything lines up. You know just right spatially. But every month we have a new moon when the moon is, you know, from our viewpoint, from the earth, the moon is near the sun somewhere, so we don't see the reflected light of the moon. And every month we have a moon cycle and, as a woman.
Speaker 2:You definitely know something more about the moon cycle, something about that?
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, something about that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and they say the full moon every month is about a celebration of awareness, of awakening. It's that full moon cycle. The moon is really, really bright, we see the whole disk of the moon and it's a standout. I always think, laura, of harvest moon when we have this kind of cycle. Harvest moon, it's that time where, when the sun sets and you lose the daylight hours, when the sun's above the chart, above the sky, when you have, instead, moon rising, full moon rising in the winter, in the fall, pardon me we could carry the daylight forward with the light of the full moon, and the moon is very high in the sky. There's something else about today's chart that I want to throw out there for the astrologer astronomers who are out there, and that is that we have three planets that are out of bounds. Out of bounds the moon.
Speaker 2:Talk about that because I think a lot of people don't know about that and I didn't know about it until you started explaining it. Can you tell the audience?
Speaker 1:Yeah, so you know the Zodiac, the Zodiac itself is the path of the sun. It's like literally astronomically watching the sun, day by day, trace its pattern in front of the backdrop of stars that we call signs of the zodiac. And so there is this quality of sort of the orbit of things around our sun, around our star, the orbit of planets, that visually speaking, planets can be above or below that imaginary ecliptic, the sun's path. So you can have a sun or a moon very, very high in the sky or very, very low, very commonly in the summertime, because we have summertime signs of, let's say today, june 21st, zero degrees, the beginning of the 30 days of the sign of Cancer. So when we have summertime signs where the sun is high during the day, we have during the summertime moon signs at night that are quite low to the horizon, and vice versa, wintertime, the sun is very low during the day and the planets and moon are very high at night.
Speaker 1:Any astronomer can say, yeah, yeah, that's true. When I go and see the moon and full moon in the winter it seems to be overhead, and when I see the full moon in the summer, like tonight, it seems to be really close to the horizon line, like right above the horizon. So what we have tonight is not only a summertime moon in this case sun today, and and cancer moon and capricorn right or the stars of capricorn, but that moon is also particularly super low to the horizon. It's never going to climb very high. So it's going to be kind of striking to see the full moon disc and to see the trees and farm houses or neighbors houses, whatever forward to that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it throws quite the contrast. It's like everyone thinks is the moon fatter and bigger when it's near the horizon. No, it's just a visual thing, like you know. It's one of those visual aberrations that you think the moon is bigger because it's just close to something you can relatively see, you know, like trees. But you know, I throw that up to the astrologers in the audience because astrology, astronomy is well, they say, in modern textual scholarship.
Speaker 1:Astrology is about 5,000 to maybe 8 or 10,000 years old. As an art form discipline. I always say astrology, fire and stars. When you were, you know, early man, the seasons and the signs and the moon and the visibility, all of this was really like natural and survival oriented. So our moon and fire and stars goes back. So when we have a moon, this full moon tonight, the summer solstice moon, it's a big deal. We're really're really feeling it, seeing it and it comes up in our show today. Right, we thought we should do this program of this summer solstice, one of the four big seasonal turning points, and this full moon, by happenstance on the summer solstice, when it's happening a week before the presidential election to come right.
Speaker 2:And then I'm I'm curious on the other side because we are having another full moon in Capricorn July 21st, so June 21st, July 21st, and I'm curious to see how that shakes out, how that looks. I don't know if we'll have enough time to look at all that today, but that'll be something interesting to look at as well.
Speaker 1:Well, that's another reason we jumped on this last-minute idea, isn't it today? Wow, not only do we have a summer solstice and a full moon, but we have exactly on the 21st today June 21st 2024, and July 21st 2024, two consecutive moons. We have another full moon against 2024, two consecutive moons. We have another full moon Again. Cancer Sun Capricorn full moon Today at zero. One degree of Cancer Capricorn, July 21st at the last degree 29th.
Speaker 2:Right the anoretic degree. So that's an anoretic degree.
Speaker 1:You're going to have to.
Speaker 2:And we can kind of uncover at some point well, I you mentioning it now.
Speaker 1:I think this is this is the time. Why don't you fill the audience in on what an anorexic degree?
Speaker 2:well, no, I'll let you, as you are the professional astrologer amongst the two of us here, but go ahead well, in astrology, speak every sign.
Speaker 1:You've got 12 divisions of the season. That's what the signs are. They are season signs, I call them, and you got 12 divisions and they go from zero to 30 degrees of the sky, literally, astronomically, each sign, I mean. A good way to really kind of make sense of that is if you basically take, you know, two, hang ten symbols and put your thumbs together and hold it up at arm's length to the sky. That's 30 degree, that's a sign. That's the far that sun travels you know, at arm's length every month.
Speaker 1:So every month the sun travels these 30 degrees of 360 of a full season and we simply divide the circle 360, a whole year into 12 equal sections, 12 sort of subsections of seasonal experience. This one is cancer, zero, cancer to 29, zero, almost one. Here we see one degree in this chart of Leo, each sign's got 30 degrees. So there's a zero point and there's a 29 point. There's a beginning point and there's an ending point, and the idea in astrology is, when we have this ending point, there's some kind of summarization, there's a sum total, there's a termination terminus and there's the ancient Greco-Roman. It might have been actually its origin Babylonian, but the term anaretic, the point of death, or demise, or shift, I think it was meant literally death. But I think our interpretation is change. We've had something that's been familiar for 30 days and now there's a change point.
Speaker 2:Right, right. And when we're looking at that on the 21st of July and we're looking at that sun at 29 degrees of cancer, opposing that moon at 29 degrees, the sunrise chart. Yeah, the sunrise chart. So that's a sunrise chart, and so this is. The moon is setting, so this is a sunrise, as opposed to right now. Tonight is the moonrise chart, is that right, alex?
Speaker 1:Exactly these two full moons June 2024 and July 2024,. June is a moonrise chart and July is a sunrise chart, both at exact full moon.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, now keep that chart up for July. Keep that up for a minute if you don't mind. I'm noticing, and I think we touched on this earlier I'm noticing that Neptune is at 2950. And that right there, that Neptune is making a trine to the sun, which is really nice, and it's also making a sextile to the moon and Pluto, even though Pluto's technically in, I want to say, uranus, in Aquarius, along with the part of fortune, interestingly, but I'd still call that a trine, I mean a sextile. And when you look at that, I think that the way through here, the opposition which might bring some stress, because it is a moon Pluto conjunction that we're going to be going through, is through that neptune in the ninth house of the, the chart here, and that nept. What do? What are your thoughts about that?
Speaker 1:so what you're saying, what you're showing in the, in the, in the chart here this july, 21st 2024, we?
Speaker 1:have sun and moon set at full moon precisely washington. When, when full moon of July 21st occurs in Washington DC, it happens just after sunrise locally there, and so the graph shows sun rising, moon. Having set Sun rising, pluto and moon right next to each other astronomically, like literally. Take a telescope Pluto's right next to the moon, right. So those two are in opposition, and I always think, laura, of a seesaw when I see an opposition. There's one person on one side of the seesaw, one person on the other side of the seesaw, and either you have a good seesaw ride or a crappy seesaw ride. It can go really well or really badly. You know, it depends on your seesaw partner.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:Right, a full moon. We have the moon, a sort of lunar plexus gut feeling. Think of the tides. We have the mood and the moon and the tides in the one hand and the light of the sun, light of consciousness, in the other. That's what a full moon always is, every month, this one in July 21st of this year. It's a junction opposite that sun and you're saying it implies some stress or tension. The Pluto. Pluto deals with plutonium. When Pluto was discovered, plutonium was essentially discovered to the depths of things, and also our plutonium, plutocrats, plutocratic power. And you're saying Neptune is well positioned in this chart regarding those that are positioned. It's trying, I think.
Speaker 2:Neptune is. Yeah, I think Neptune is easing a lot of that stress there and I think that I don't want people to get lost in the weeds about how stressful this aspect may look on its own.
Speaker 2:But, if you put in that Neptune, I think that you'll see that there's a way through this and that's really connecting spiritually. That really. I mean, you know, we're showing it for Washington DC, which is probably a great way to do this, because that really is the hub of the United States, right? So when we think of the United States and we're you know, you know washington dc, that's what we think of, and so the way is is through this stressfulness. Um is really neptune and what is it about?
Speaker 1:well, in neptune, in astrology parlance, basically in sort of mundane daily life, we'd say Neptune is a few things right, but it's coincidental.
Speaker 2:Well, it's Right.
Speaker 1:I'm sorry.
Speaker 2:Positive aspect, I would say spirituality.
Speaker 1:Well.
Speaker 2:And higher thinking.
Speaker 1:Well, you know, here's today's chart, june 21st, and again, yeah, let's that Neptune is still rather important in today's chart, although it is technically square.
Speaker 1:Here the chart shows the 90 degrees, not 180 like the full moon, 180 like a seesaw, but Neptune's at the midpoint, that tipping point of that square. I wonder if this demonstration, this display proportional houses, whoops shows a little bit better. Sorry about that, get rid of that chart. Yeah, so I wonder if proportional houses shows it, and here it does, it shows that moon rising, that sun setting today, and Neptune like right in between, like the pivot point of the seesaw. This is an interesting thing. When you mentionedune is in astrology parlance, spirituality, amongst other things. Right, neptune's at the pivot point of that today's uh, uh full moon and solstice. Right, um, neptune spirituality, uh, square, like I always think, ceiling to wall square, inner tension. Right, the principle of spirituality and one's emotions, or the public's emotions, spirituality and one's ego, the sun, one's conscious intentions. The Neptune square today is coincident with something else in the news, and I believe it's in the news is Louisiana, believe it's uh in the news is louisiana.
Speaker 2:Louisiana has made it mandatory to have the uh, the uh, biblical uh you know big ten.
Speaker 1:Oh right, right, we've got to have uh moses plaque of the, the the big ten things that we do and don't do uh written in school, every public place. I think every school system isn't that the?
Speaker 2:thing. Yeah, you know, I started to read about that this morning. I touched on it and well, I didn't really.
Speaker 1:I actually just saw it as like a little blurb and and went past it, but wow, Well, there are a lot of people that are up in arms because it's, it's it's about, you know, technically, our nation of many religions and many peoples is essential as a separation of church and state.
Speaker 1:Instead, louisiana literally the governor of Louisiana, I believe said when he made this mandatory, you know, to post the Ten Commandments in public places, school systems particularly. He said specifically that our country is struggling and it's in a moral conflict and we need to re-inject what founded this country, you know, 300 years ago, this moral barometer. So that's Neptune moral barometer. And there we see that moral barometer during this full moon illumination, so the illumination regarding a square to the principles of the moral barometer that's in the news today. The square is simply coincident. This is a coincident chart coinciding with two things chart full moon chart, full moon culmination, you know, seeing the whole moon, awareness awakening, an awakening theme that involves polarization and really a pivot point neptune, spirituality is a pivot point, right that might, and there's saturn there too, right?
Speaker 2:so even though you know it's it's a wide conjunction, you still have to look at that yeah well, as an astronomer I don't look at that as a wide conjunction.
Speaker 1:I joke, I say tongue-in-cheek and I I mean in no way to engage. You know different ideas about astrology. In astrology parlance we look at things that are one degree or really tight as conjunct. Uh, maybe three or four, like that sun and venus as being conjunct, and other astrologers say you know, the 10 degrees is just way too far away. As an astronomer I say, wow, they're right there. You look up in the sky, boom, boom. You take a telescope, boom, boom, they're right next to each other. It's like it's a piece of cake. You know they're not on the other side of the sky, you know they're right there. So I see them as very much conjunct this whole year and I think that the principle of Neptune coincides with spirituality or with what one can see and can't see In Neptune's discovery 1846, the principles of what can and cannot be seen.
Speaker 1:Readily like, madame Curie died of radiation poisoning in the 1800s. Neptune there, but not there, what you see and can't see fully. They also just announced a few days ago the plan you know, full moon announcement, full moon. You know, hello, we can see it. They just announced a private billionaire. I believe that he's going to visit the titanic, that he's going to create another submersible. The plans are already underway to visit the titanic, another neptunian astrology works people well astrology is a mirror.
Speaker 1:Astrology is not doing it right. I would say to astrology is like a road sign. You know, the road sign doesn't make the road wavy, but it's telling me what's cooking, right? Yeah, these are some powerful charts right now.
Speaker 2:This full moon chart today, june 25th you know, also looking at the fact that the, the um, the ruler of the ascendant, the ruler of the moon as well, the ruler of the moon mostly is is saturn right, and so saturn is conjunct, that neptune, and so you're looking at that and and I think that that that restriction, that um, I mean, is it a restriction? It sort of is? I mean you're saying the 10 commandments, I mean I didn't read the article so you can speak to it more, but to me it certainly does seem like somebody's laying down law well, saturn is chronos in history.
Speaker 1:Saturn was for eternity, in terms of astrology, astronomy, the farthest, lowest orbiting planet that you could see with the naked eye, and therefore Saturn symbolized the rule, the bottom, the judge, the final statement on things, kronos, father, time.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So Kronos, father time and humans experience Saturn cycles. Again, I'm not saying Saturn makes it, it's just that we watch these cycles of nature. And what do you know, saturn's orbit is 30 years, age 30, age 60, age 90. It's always a marker of major developmental change for people. So Saturn structure, social structure, neptune, spirituality spirituality and it's right now at the bottom of this chart, visually speaking kind of brings up themes in my astrology of family, karma, podcast and ideas. It brings up themes of the roots of things, the roots of the nation, and I was kind of wondering I think I was playing around with you earlier chart wise and we were looking at the full moon chart today um, uh, against the us chart. That's the july full moon. Sorry, thank you, here we are. Is that the right one? There we go, thank you, against the us chart. Here's the us chart.
Speaker 2:Well, that's the thing they bring back up again there's the us chart and yeah, transit the the full moon right now. So you know, again, looking at that, the sun is applying to Venus in the chart of the United States and obviously the Venus in the sky right now is at five degrees of cancer. It just passed that three degree mark of cancer in the United States chart, but it's right on Jupiter in the United States chart, so isn't that interesting.
Speaker 1:Well, this full moon is, sure, powerfully aligned to the US chart.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we're having our birthday, July 4th, coming up. We're having our birthday chart coming up with the sun approaching sun. It happens every year for everybody when the sun returns to your same day or same birthday, it's a solar return. So, excuse me, we're having a solar return coming up in about, you know, um 12 days from now, having a venus return. That just happened over the last two days. Right, we're having a mercury return. That happens at the end of the month or maybe two or three weeks from now. Three of the principal things in the US chart Mercury.
Speaker 1:This full moon is really activating that, picking it off in a way that wouldn't be, Keep an eye on the news, because I think a lot of interesting things are bound to show up well, one thing I was saying earlier that connecting the dots was this this full moon chart that has that saturn neptune at the midpoint of the full moon yeah we talked about the 10 commandments in louisiana schools and texas is bidding to do that now also.
Speaker 1:Church and state issues, spiritual issues, concrete, you, you know tradition. Saturn is tradition, spiritual tradition At the bottom of the chart. We look at it against the US chart and there's Saturn-Neptune, again the bottom of the chart. The US chart here's the US chart in the inner wheel transits the sky right now, summer solstice sky. In the outer wheel, that Neptune-Saturn at the bottom of the chart, at the pivot point of this full moon. It says there is potential tension today in the full moon, full moon awareness regarding root issues of tradition and spirituality. And it falls right at the base, this Neptune-Saturn right at the base of the US chart. Saturn right at the base of the us chart. Here's the us chart, right at the base. It falls right at the base.
Speaker 2:We straighten things out I wonder if there was going to be some protests about that. Um, you know, I wonder, um you know, louisiana, the bible belt, maybe not, you know, it's not like it's somewhere in the northeast, but I do wonder if there's going to be some protesting about that. Interesting to see. So Mars is in the fifth.
Speaker 1:The transiting in the sky.
Speaker 2:Transiting Mars is in the fifth, and that is. And that is well, yeah, but how would you read that, alex?
Speaker 1:Well, I would read that Mars is approaching Uranus. I'd read that Mars is beginning its approach over the next few weeks to Uranus disruption, explosive disruption. I would read that Mars and early Taurus when I think about the US chart as approaching Mars, next stop in Gemini. That will be happening about a month from now. So I think we have sort of the fixings, the cycles, the roots, these cycles like from one season to another. We're approaching the next season. The next season of Mars, if you will, will be when Mars moves into Gemini and we have a Mars return to where the Mars placement was in the US chart in 1776. So we're getting a two-year orbit. It happens every two years for everybody. Mars comes back to Mars in the US.
Speaker 1:But the rest of the fixings of what's happening, the rest of the big fixings of these big cycles that are happening with the US chart being activated by Mars, that's a different story. So astrologers will link these multiple cycles together and say that's kind of a standout theme in about a month from now. But right now I look, Laura, particularly, as you said, we're having a birthday chart. Laura, particularly, as you said, we're having a birthday chart. We're having, you know, July 4th come up. We're having a Venus return, a sun return, a Mercury return, and all of this while we have this big, beautiful full moon, Right While we have that Saturn-Neptune pivot point. Remember, one chart showed, that full moon chart today, that solstice chart, that turning point of the season, the turning point of the social season, one week, one week from a presidential debate which is why we're doing this show, laura one week from a presidential debate, this solstice turning point of this social season and this literal season has this full moon and that neptune saturn, right at the pivot point in between right us chart.
Speaker 1:It's at the root. It's at the bottom of the us chart, the pivot point in between Right US chart. It's at the root, it's at the bottom of the US chart, that pivot point, that transit. It's at the bottom of the US chart, the pivot point. It's another pivot point for the US, pretty critical, because this Neptune placement is also where Neptune was 165 years ago during the Civil War. It's another key thing to think about in terms of what's happening these cycles yeah cycles so let's pull up um donald trump's chart and and joe biden's.
Speaker 2:Whoever you have first, is it's fine either way are you?
Speaker 1:you're looking for what the, the um, the debate chart or the full moon with their chart? I?
Speaker 2:think right now full moon with their chart. I just want to see how it's looking. The debate chart yeah, let's look at that at another point. Um, so this is joe biden's chart, so he's got that three degrees sad rising, and so jupiter okay. So the moon, the full moon, is in his first house, and so that first seventh axis, the first seven axis in his chart.
Speaker 1:Yeah right the sun, the spotlight, the area of partnership, and the moon the inner sort of continuity of a person in his first house of his chart. So that opposition of that full moon chart of today that was summer solstice full moon chart, that has this opposition full moon every moon's a full moon, sun on one side, moon on the other, but this full moon has that Neptune-Saturn pivot point. It's interesting that Joe has Sag rising in his birth chart and the US has Sag rising as well, if we use the symbol.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you had pointed that out.
Speaker 1:These years it's equally and also at the base of Joe Biden's chart, that same Saturn Neptune. It's at the root of his infrastructure, of his world. And it had me wondering, laura, where is the full moon this summer solstice? Full moon today falls with that Saturn Neptune at the base of Joe's chart. What's cooking in Donald's chart?
Speaker 2:I'd like to see that chart. Oh good, you got it the full moon let's look at his chart.
Speaker 1:The full moon chart today. First of all, the sun just came out of Gemini, so Donald just had his birthday about, you know, like a week ago roughly. That's number one, donald Trump. Number two is having a Mercury return during this full moon, right back where it was when he was born. Number three the moon in the sky. The full moon in the sky falls very close to the moon position in Donald Trump's chart. Donald Trump himself. Let me see if I can bring that up.
Speaker 2:I mean, you know you're going to get some blowback on that, since his moon is in Sag at 21 degrees. But OK, yeah, I know.
Speaker 1:I'm saying last night, basically the moon.
Speaker 2:But he is a full moon baby, so that's another interesting thing.
Speaker 1:Donald Trump a full moon baby. So that's another interesting thing. One's gut mind the light of mommy or mothers or women is locked out or occluded by the earth. The material earth blocks out the light of the moon. So we don't see the full moon when Donald was born. We see the sun and the earth, one's ego and materialism Trump pun intended one's feeling state and one's family and one's emotion and one's women, which, by the way, I have to, I'm sorry. This is when Alexander's got to be naughty. I've got to be naughty and say this brings in another slide that I thought about preparing, kind of an idea of this. You know, this full moon, this turning point, this cancer, summertime, full moon, we're having the beginning of summer and family coming back together. It brings up the theme of family. This presidential election, after all, talks about the first family, the US first family. What we're discussing right now during this upcoming June presidential debate is who will be our first family?
Speaker 2:right, right, and they're not letting uh, um, kennedy, um, he's, he's not going to be on that stage on, you know, unfortunately we're not gonna, he's not gonna have his his time. When I say unfortunately, I have no um, you know I have no preference here, but, um, but I think he should have at least been allowed to be on stage. Legacy, you know back during the Kennedy's legacy.
Speaker 1:Of course there was this idea. I think they called it Camelot. They referred to the Kennedy family as the American Camelot, the American family it was. You know the American family and obviously you know the American family and obviously you know John and Bobby Kennedy were critical players at a critical turning point in US history and you and I can probably riff on the fact that, astrologically speaking, you know we're back as a nation in some critical turning point cycles for the US chart that's been percolating for a really long time. This Neptune at the bottom of the US chart, this Pluto returned. Our first Pluto returned Our nation's 248 years old Pluto's cycle is 248 years, so we've been around for about 250 years. The whole Pluto cycle is 248 years, so we've been around for about 250 years. And astrologers look at that Pluto return to where it was when we were born these years as a review of all things Pluto. Pluto discovered in 1930. Plutonian.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I'm curious when was Pluto at 27 degrees cap? It was going back and forth for a while. Yeah, I um, and it's still a conjunction. I mean it's still there, it's still in play. It's also going to be hitting that south node um, yes, which is a point of karma.
Speaker 1:A point of karma. But the key thing, with a 250 248 year year, technically a 248 year Pluto cycle, you know Pluto's going to hover in a certain area for quite a while and so it may not be exactly, and astrologers will look at when it's exact, by degree, on conjunction and so forth. But as an astronomer, astrologer, I look at this and say yeah, yeah, this is a long, big cycle. This is a period of history and time, of this theme of Pluto and Pluto power. You know the US chart. We were born when the essence, the conscious light of day, the essence, the spiritual essence of the United States was in opposition to plutocracy or monarchy. That was our birth. That's our birth. So when astrologers discovered Pluto in 1930 and plugged it into the US chart, they said well, what do you know? Pluto's opposite the US chart. Oh yeah, monarchy, plutocracy opposite us. So astrologers in 1930 said gee, what happens in 2019, 20, 21, 22, when Pluto has its first pass to go back where it was when we were born and opposes everything? Well, we've had George Floyd, we've had Breonna Taylor, we've had Roe v Wade, we've had Vladimir Putin. We have a goodly number of plutocrats rising worldwide. Plutocracy and plutocrats are rising, dictators rising worldwide, as they had in 1930 and in the 30s. This is the one big cycle we have now in the US chart.
Speaker 1:And then Neptune, the same cycle we had when we had the Civil War. Another big cycle right now. Yeah, the chart says big things, big turnings are happening and again this lunar full moon. We're having this turning point of the year one week away from the presidential debates that's also happening right now. So I kind of look at those presidential debate charts. Here's the presidential debate against Joe Biden's chart, joe Biden's chart, the inner wheel, november 20th of 42, joe Biden. And here's the presidential debate chart on his chart, right Again, because Joe Biden's got Sag rising, sag rising, neptune Saturn cycle. Joe Biden's chart has that Neptune Saturn cycle. The night of the debate, that Neptune-Saturn cycle, the night of the debate, the moon is in Pisces, right Astronomically, truly right in between, visually, saturn and Neptune that night.
Speaker 2:Yes, right at the bottom of Joe's chart, right, right, and I'm really curious about that. You know, I also look at. You know, yeah, yeah, the moon and neptune, yeah, yeah, um, but so you're looking at the where. Where's this? The moon and the sun is in the 12th house. The moon is in the fourth so his needle sun.
Speaker 1:Right, so joe's needle sun uh, okay is.
Speaker 2:Okay is in the 12th house.
Speaker 1:Let me bring up Joe's chart separately, just to kind of catch.
Speaker 2:Sorry, yeah.
Speaker 1:So Joe has that Scorpio sun almost set.
Speaker 2:Well now, when you look at it from that aspect, Right. When you. So, right Now, what you're looking at is you're looking at the fact that he has Mercury, sun and Venus in trine to Saturn, moon and Neptune, and that makes me feel pretty good. In other words, we do have a Moon-Neptune, and there's some things that may be unclear. You moon neptune, but there's also, um, there's a feeling of hope. I mean, the moon is exalted in, in um, in pisces.
Speaker 1:Neptune is in its home in pisces, right the moon is not technically exalted, but yeah, the moon is. The moon is nicely placed, uh, by some standards, in in a water sign. You know know, a water sign.
Speaker 2:Osteoporosis is my bad.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, it's okay. And so the moon's well placed in water. Joe Biden has his sun in water sign Scorpio and his Jupiter in water sign Cancer, and so these late degrees absolutely provide some good, if you will, some good. Juju, that sort of says Joe Biden is maybe in a good groove, you know, during this presidential debate and will emotionally appeal to the American family, the American public. Moon is trining his Jupiter, moon is trining his sun.
Speaker 1:That's what you're referring to right, that has me bring back this, this slide moon is trining his venus this slide, and I purposely chose these slides.
Speaker 1:I make no bones about it, folks um yeah this slide shows a black all-american family there this slide shows a black and white of of and Joe Biden and their kids when their kids were little kids, when their kids were, when both Hunter and Bo were there. And you know, this slide talks about and shows like this, this quintessential American family, kind of like the Kennedy family. I always thought that Donald Trump and his ideas were to follow the Kennedys. I think and I believe, and I still hold it, that Donald Trump believes the Trump name, the Trump icon, is the next and better thing to the Kennedy Camelot empire. I think Trump has always thought about having an empire, a monarchy of his own. Really, he wants to get rid of the Constitution, he wants to have unlimited terms. He doesn't want to concede. He wants to remain in some form or other monarch.
Speaker 1:Trump loves and idealizes other national leaders who are essentially monarchs of their nation, who are essentially monarchs of their nation. That's definitely Trump's sense of empire. So Trump has this ideal of empire, but we also have to look at his family dynamic. What kind of family vibration has Trump shown the world? What kind of family experience has erupted during his time in office and his time after office, in contrast to the family values that we see the Bidens portraying. Nobody's perfect and, yes, the issue with Hunter. People made a big deal of it. Maybe they should. I can't talk to that. The law of the land spoke about what happened for Hunter recently, but nonetheless we certainly see with Joe Biden a person who is extraordinarily attached to family. And when we look at Donald Trump's chart itself, yeah, let's bring that chart up.
Speaker 1:Donald Trump's chart shows a lunar eclipse, a moon that is blocked out by the earth, by the material earth, by the material earth. I think it's a very fitting descriptor of Donald Trump, his outer world personality and his inner world family dynamic and how they are not in concordance with one another, like my little video, rather my photograph implies. They're kind of all these individual players, these elite. That's what always shocks me, laura, that these are the elite of the elite, of the elite. I mean, he's a self-professed billionaire, not a common person. And Joe Biden you know he talks about Scranton and we kind of laugh when he does, but this is a guy who came up from a scrappy childhood, family, family values, American family background's. Who biden is? So, during this lunar eclipse time, this solstice, this cancer solstice, this summer solstice, full moon. Today, june 21st, it's all about highlighting full moon, highlighting family gathering you know, the beginning of summer and family uniting, and this right is preceding this upcoming presidential debate.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I'm curious to see Trump's chart with the date of the presidential debate, which will start at 9 pm, and that's going to be in Atlanta, so let's look at that.
Speaker 1:So here's that presidential debate, June 24, 9 pm, Atlanta Georgia.
Speaker 2:The moon-Neptune conjunction. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, no, no, go ahead. Well, the moon-Neptune conjunction in the eighth house speaks to, he's very good chance he's going to be not be truthful, right, I mean? Or something's hidden, something is right. Neptune in the eighth.
Speaker 1:Well, in an astrological tradition, the eighth sector of a chart talks about resources. So one would think that perhaps either the questions or where he'll go himself might involve resources. It might also involve security issues of, of course, criminal security, safety laws, the border security, money issues. So Trump will be focusing on money issues. For sure. That moon, the moon, travels swiftly. The moon is the fastest moving planet. So, astrologically, for those who don't know astrology, the moon always describes sort of day by day, sign by sign, what's kind of cooking. Where our focus point is that presidential debate. The moon's in Trump's eighth of money. So it's all about money and trying to focus on where our monies are as a nation.
Speaker 1:During the presidential debate, joe Biden has the moon going through the bottom of his chart, the sector of family. So the thrust of Joe Biden's discussions perhaps during the debate will be about the family, will be about the roots of the nation, perhaps during the debate will be about the family, will be about the roots of the nation, the roots of the nation, the roots of the family, the roots, roots, roots. The bottom of the chart in Astrology 101 deals with home and family roots, tradition, family traditions. So the presidential moon, the presidential debate, rather so the presidential moon. The presidential debate, rather, of June 27th. The moon of that day falls in Biden's fourth house family roots. The moon of that day, during the debate, falls in Trump's eighth of money.
Speaker 2:Right, well, money, you said it just like money. Yeah, inheritance, money, inheritance money, legacy, death, themes of life, right?
Speaker 1:which I think probably, um I mean, I'm not a political astrologer, that's not my, my area of expertise, um but I think that we can safely say donald Trump has definitely been a supporter. The GOP, the MAGA Republican Party, is a direct supporter of corporate America and corporations first. And Joe Biden even this debate moon at the bottom of Biden's chart says his focus is, of course, not about American well-being and wealth, but it's about the wealth of the family, the wealth of the, the roots of the nation. That's what the debate moon, that moon and pisces that night uh right, it's all about. It's also interesting, isn't it, that that moon and pisces during the presidential debate is astronomically, literally, visually, that night, right right between Saturn and Neptune structure and Neptunian delusion or unclarity.
Speaker 1:So, any astrologer I'm sure other astrologers are discussing this besides you and I, Laura and then say that presidential debate moon in Pisces, between Saturn and Neptune is promising just a bunch of confusion, like a lot of unclarity for us. Of course they're. They're doing this presidential debate in a way it's never been done before. There's no audience and each for each, each candidate oh, there's no audience there's no audience and each candidate has their mic and they're not in control of their mic oh wow, so there's no audience and and and.
Speaker 2:Oh wow, I didn't. You know, I've I've not been paying attention to the news the way I used to. I used to be, you know, as you know, I was really a bit of a news junkie there for a while, but I had to kind of step back. So you're kind of you're, you're telling me something that I actually didn't know me something that I actually didn't know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think that my computer's doing funny things. I think that, okay, computer. I think that that's a general sentiment. Yeah, this idea of enough is enough. Saturation of news, saturation of difficulty, saturation with Republican Democrat saturation with toxic warring fighting. I think a lot of people are tuning out and I think a lot of people are tuning in to Neptune, to the message.
Speaker 1:I always say why is Neptune the message? What makes Neptune the message? Neptune was discovered in 1846. Neptune was discovered when we basically began to have media Film, film emulsions were discovered, the silent films and then the talkie films, radio, radio broadcasts, international media. It all began when Neptune was discovered in the 1800s. Neptune in the US chart is at the top. The career sector, neptune in the US chart is at the top of the chart. It says our nation is a nation of media. That's for sure. The media is the message. It was an old phrase, marshall McLuhan. The media is the message and we tune into the message. The media really more. The media is the message and we tune into the message. The media really more the hype than the substance. You know, I think, this whole presidential debate. Most people already have their minds made up of who they're voting for.
Speaker 2:Right, right. I think basically it's just going to be seeing how well they do and for people who maybe are on the fence and maybe it's just a little bit of entertainment, sad to say, but that might be what it is.
Speaker 1:Well, the moon in Pisces the moon in Pisces is a moody moon, emotional Moon conjunct Neptune is the image and media. So the media, literally the lighting, the microphones, the media the theatrics, their ability to act. And you know, a lot of pundits will say, if we go back in American's history, it was all newspapers. It wasn't instant, instant. It wasn't, like you know, whatever instant, immediate. What you can see Now, it's all about how well one carries oneself as a politician with the media. It's not enough to be a functional political, financial world leader or even just a leader. You've got to play well with the microphone and the camera and that's what this presidential debate is definitely going to be about the moon, neptune.
Speaker 1:Neptune being media just slam dunks that reality.
Speaker 2:It's going to be interesting, I'll be tuning in. I mean, you know, I'll be tuning in, for sure.
Speaker 1:What can we advise people? What can we as we close? What can we gather from this exercise of looking at today's full moon chart during the summer solstice and this presidential debate about to occur?
Speaker 2:well, you know you. What can we? That's a good question, alex. You know the moon. By the way, it's my. I have a moon in capricorn, my, uh, my friend, over here with your, your son and your whole stellium. What do you have in capricorn? Just not to digress too much from where we're good, what we were talking about, but well you're.
Speaker 1:You're pointing out for the audience that I'm a Capricorn sun sign.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:And you're a Capricorn moon sign.
Speaker 2:Yes, yes.
Speaker 1:Today we have the moon in Capricorn and the sun in Cancer. It's opposing. So the theme of Cancer, capricorn, the theme of summertime family gathering, the theme of summertime spiritual family gathering during Christmas, hanukkah, et cetera. The theme of the wintertime spiritual family gathering during Christmas, hanukkah, et cetera. You know the turn of the season, right, that's what the summer full moon always talks about, and the winter full moon, too, is the theme of the highlight of family, family ideals and family meaning, the meaning of family. And so, yeah, part of what God is doing today's program, too, is our awareness and a kind of a back of our minds. Oh yeah, what do you know? Alexander is a Capricorn sun and I'm a Capricorn moon, and highlight, therefore, is what are those two signs of the Zodiac that are specifically family, summertime, cancer, winter time.
Speaker 1:Capricorn the before the family and family structure. So maybe I guess I wanted to say answering my own question. You know, what can we garner from all this? You're the astrologer here, I just dabble well, not so much that, but what can, what can we, what can we gather from this full moon? What's the highlight? It's it's family values, it's's family ideals, it's really the national identity around men yes, very good point, yes.
Speaker 1:And when we think about, let's say, the border, when we think about immigrants, we're all immigrants, a great majority of the nation is immigrants or were at one point Right. I also want to point out cancer, the moon itself. The moon is about food. The moon, a moon cycle, a woman's moon cycle, is about the womb, nurturing. So this highlight in the US chart of the womb, the moon, the family, the nurturing. It also brings up themes like feeding the US, like literally crops and migrant workers and food workers and farm workers. That's another theme we have.
Speaker 1:So I think that those are big themes and I guess I want to throw in one thing about that I want to say regarding these souls, who are mostly children and mothers and families, not gangs and violent gangs and drug lords, but mostly what we see are children, mommies and families escaping terrible political, financial, gang violence in other nations.
Speaker 1:Most Americans that I know I'm curious your opinion don't raise their children or their grandchildren to be American farm migrant workers. Most of us raise our children to do something else besides be farmers and migrant workers. However, these people that are desperately seeking asylum, they would readily take those jobs that we so desperately need and I wonder, isn't there something there that could be done to sort of fast track some of these people to take the jobs that are so desperately needed, and I have heard that, with different laws having been applied over the last decade, we are losing farm workers. We have a dearth of farm workers. There's a need desperately in the breadbasket of the US to feed our own nation. That's another theme I think this full moon highlights, and I wonder if, during the debates, yeah, you brought up something there that I didn't even think to look at.
Speaker 2:But now that you've brought it up, that is really interesting and I wonder if you don't have something there. I can see that, I can see how that could work, but you would imagine that this conversation has come up right. I mean, the opportunity has been there now for how many years? So why not utilize them in that way? They're looking for the work, and most of Americans don't want that work. They're looking for the work, and most of Americans don't want that work.
Speaker 1:That's right. Well, not only most Americans don't want it. I know very few Americans who are raising their children and grandchildren to do it as a career. That ain't happening. Farming sure, that's different. I'm not referring to farming, I'm referring to the workers that are needed to run a farm Right, A farm that is 21st century, automated to a great degree, you need workers.
Speaker 1:So we have an interesting theme again, I believe, during this time this year, particularly when the roots of the US chart, that Neptune-Saturn are really powerfully indicated. Yeah, yeah, we really do, we really do idea. First of all, full moon. It always is that they're opposite in the sky. There's an awareness of balance, there's a theme of balance, this particular full moon, and then we have another full moon in July, as you pointed out, and I had missed it altogether Two full moons in Cancer, Capricorn. The signs Cancer and Capricorn of family and family unity. The summertime sign of Cancer, family unity gathering. The wintertime sign of Capricorn, spiritual unity, family unity, not only one's personal family, Cancer, but one's global or national or local family, Capricorn. Those are the themes that are really highlighted right now and I think that that's what's percolating, At least astrology.
Speaker 1:I think one way we could use it as a tool is to kind of highlight complex themes. You know, themes about our own personal birth charts that are complex, to make sense of our lives. Your personal birth chart, my chart, give us an objective viewpoint of the cycles that were happening when we were birthed out of mom's body when we came into our family. Our chart is an event of our entering a family social system, and that's what a birth chart for a nation is. And again we have a July 4th, a Cancerian nation. The nation whose premise is here we all are together, nurturing one another, is the premise escaping sun, in the US chart, opposing Pluto, escaping plutocracy. That's another really big theme that we have these years to look at.
Speaker 1:So I think that the full moon is intending or, if you will, one way to use this frame of time is to be thoughtful, mindful about who am I, what do I feel, what do I need? Who are we collectively, certainly as a nation, when we see these presidential candidates debating or really telling us what they're going to do for us and how they're going to support us individually and collectively. Well, the astrology charts of things say Joe Biden's focus will be on our roots, our collective family roots. And Donald Trump's chart says the focus should be on money and earnings and corporate earnings. That is what he's promoting. And I want to add one last thing before we close. Just yesterday, financial scholars were saying that Trump was promoting another idea. Remember that full moon in the chart.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:The full moon was the debate moon was in Trump's eighth house.
Speaker 2:Right, you want to bring that up again.
Speaker 1:Yeah, here it is. He actually came up with a plan and released a plan very recently, or at least it was put in the media very recently that he would get away with income tax. He would dispense with individual income tax. Sounds great to me in the surface of it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, sounds good.
Speaker 1:Well, all the fiscal pundits said that is the absolute worst, like beyond. It's beyond laughable. It's phenomenally destructive the idea that we'd get rid of income tax and instead have tariffs tariffs. What would happen is that that would throw the US into an incredible spiral financially to get rid of taxes, as mentioned. If you had no income tax to pay for everything that we're doing, everything that needs to be done instead, tariffs. That appears to be, according to all economic pundits, beyond the worst idea that any president has ever even dared exit their lips. That's another thing. I'll bet Trump will bring up that issue of getting rid of income tax for the people, getting rid of the burden which instead, oh yeah.
Speaker 2:Oh, he's going to bring that.
Speaker 1:Which the pundits say actually benefits the richest of the rich, and if it's tariffs, it hits the middle American and the poor the hardest.
Speaker 2:Right, because they're the ones who are going to have to pay, whatever it is. Yeah.
Speaker 1:The tariffs. That's how it will go. So it's another dimension. You know the moon at the bottom of biden's chart. It's about the family and how we are all here together, that debate, debate, moon and trump's chart. It's about tariffs and taxation and money and really ultimately serving the wealthy. The premise is ronald reagan's trickle down, that if the wealthy are really wealthy, the money trickles down. We haven't seen that.
Speaker 2:We have not. No, we haven't seen that. We haven't.
Speaker 1:So thank you for joining me today.
Speaker 2:Thank you for having me. I mean, we just kind of threw this together real last minute and we were able to make it work, which was a blessing really.
Speaker 1:And I guess I want to say in closing for people to just think about gee, for us to full moon awareness. What is the awareness that we can hold about these phases and cycles, what's the awareness we can hold about this time period, Not just to look at the sort of be myopic and see the immediate, but can we see a more global? What's the global time period? What's the picture? Not just our little family, but what's the bigger picture. What's happening overseas and in Europe? How are they seeing this time period in the US? So that's my final word.
Speaker 2:You know, there's one more thing I wanted to add, as I think about the chart, the one on the 21st of July, and when I think about that chart and I think about the aspects that it's making to Neptune and to Pluto, that I really feel like the way through is, you know me, I'm always thinking about how to raise the vibration and it's about really connecting with each other and sending out love and light to everybody. And it doesn't matter, you know, political views, it doesn't matter because we're all so polarized. But if we could just really get out of ourselves and think of the greater good and we just really keep sending love and light out, it doesn't require being religious, it doesn't require anything like that, so it just requires an intention. So just my, just my two cents thank you, that's a.
Speaker 1:That's a lovely. That is perhaps the most important thing that we discussed.
Speaker 2:The entire program, well said but uh, I think it's important anyway. Thank you, everybody for sharing time with me.
Speaker 1:Thank you for sharing time with me, dear Laura, your, your dear, your pleasant, your pleasure to be with, and spiritually, that's that's where it's at in the end result. It's, it's all about the, the, the mark we can bring, the, the support we can bring to each other and to our nation right now particularly, and internationally. But the support we can bring individually is where our intentions are, where our best intentions are, is ultimately what everybody wants, right? Thank you for joining me, thank you everyone for listening, for viewing, and we'll see you again for another episode of the Ast of family, karma and relationship podcast. Blessings to everyone thank you take care.