The Astrology of Family Karma and Relationships
Welcome to The Astrology of Family Karma and Relationships Podcast, hosted by me Alexander Mallon along with my co host Sheila G.
A Certified Astrologer and Intuitive who has practiced for over 47 years, I offer Consulting and Counseling Services to a broad clientele, from business leaders to entrepreneurs to teachers and more.
This podcast is about exploring how and why we are ‘astro-genetically’ bonded to our parents, and how our own birth chart is a map of this powerful 'soul-birthing' moment for our entire family. Astrological birth charts are a mirror of the Soul, highlighting hidden themes and revealing our Sacred Karmic Lessons.
Each episode will address our family relationships and family themes, as well as how we relate to our spouses, friends, co-workers and other relationships in our world.
Alexander will be sharing interviews and stories from fellow astrologers, as well as audience members who wish to participate. We will periodically draw names to invite viewers and listeners to have a mini review of their charts during future broadcasts.
To enter our drawing, please email us a screen capture of your review on our Podcast or YouTube channel at info@astrologyspirit.com. Participants will be chosen via a monthly drawing.
We look forward to sharing and learning together with you all, and may the Stars guide your way on.
The Astrology of Family Karma and Relationships
Sun-Father, Moon-Mother and the Lunar Phases in Birthcharts ... with examples of the USA, Biden & Trump's Natal Charts
Unlock the mysteries of your birth chart as we explore the profound connections between the Sun and Moon in Astrology! Have you ever wondered how the positions of these celestial bodies at your birth can mirror your relationships, family karma, and even your personality?
Join Sheila and me, Alexander Mallon, on a journey through ancient practices and astrological insights that reveal the Sun's role as the Father and the Moon's representation of the Mother. We'll also shed light on the historical and cultural significance of lunar cycles and their import regarding calendars and 'women's moon cycles'.
Curious about how the moon phases influence who you are and how you live? In this episode, we break down the eight primary moon phases and their astrological meanings, from the proactive energy of those born under a waxing moon to the reflective nature of waning moon individuals. Discover how these lunar phases can indicate everything from your ability to bond with others , your emotional responses and reactive state, and even as cycles that can herald your gardening success! Plus, we delve into the rarity and impact of solar/lunar eclipses at one's birth, adding another layer of cosmic understanding to your birth chart cycles.
Finally, we take a fascinating look at the astrological charts of Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Understand how Biden's waxing gibbous moon reflects his emotional balance and attachment to family, while Trump's Total Lunar Eclipse birth highlights his conscious ego and materialism vs his emotional ability to bond with family and mother. We also discuss the USA's birth chart, exploring the significance of recent Lunar Cycle events and Pluto's historical opposition.
Whether you're an astrology enthusiast or a curious skeptic, this episode offers a unique perspective on how celestial cycles reflect the development of not only individuals, but entire nations.
Find out about YOUR important chart placements !
~Alexander can be contacted for Consultation and Coaching sessions. You may contact him via his email: info@astrologyspirit.com or website: https://www.astrologyspirit.com/
You can view his offerings and book directly here: https://www.astrologyspirit.com/book-online
Thank you for listening!
Alexander & Sheila
Welcome to this episode of the Astrology of Family, Karma and Relationships podcast. I'm your host, Alexander Mallon, with our wonderful co-host Sheila.
Speaker 2:G, the guide on the side.
Speaker 1:Today we'll be discussing the son-father-moon-mother connection in birth charts.
Speaker 2:And we invite you to follow our podcast on Apple and Spotify and subscribe to our YouTube channel to help us grow.
Speaker 1:Indeed it's very important, sheila, as we're sort of a new production out there, for people to please do follow and please do like subscribe whatever is needed, because we are a new show. We want to make sure people can find us on search engines to come. So we thank you for your attention. Yes, so again, today we're going to discuss this phenomenon in birth charts, sheila, this sun-moon phase relationship. It's one of those aspects in astrology that's not terribly sort of spoken about or dug into even in the process of a consultation, but it's a really central part of looking at a chart, that sun-moon phase relationship. In other words, we're looking literally what phase was the moon in when each person was born? That is that sun-moon phase relationship we'll discuss in a moment from now.
Speaker 1:But really it is also important to understand in Astrology 101 that the sun symbolizes daddy and father. The moon symbolizes daddy and father. The moon symbolizes mommy and mother in our each person's personal chart reflection. Again, that birth chart your birth chart, my birth chart is a is a map of the sky, an astronomical map of the sky when we're born. I used to wonder, sheila, why the ancients knew and why we're taught in astrology 101 that the, the moon, is mommy and the sun is daddy. I used to wonder what? How do they make sense of that? Where does that come from? Of course, it's kind of obvious really, when you think about it, that that that moon phase every month that we have around the earth, that moon's journey around the earth from the earthbound view, coincides with a moon cycle, and I guess it's something you might know a little bit about.
Speaker 2:Oh, of course, me and every other woman on the planet very much have a close relationship with their menstrual cycle, and it's just that menstruation is derived from the Latin and Greek words that mean moon.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So if you're of the XX chromosome version, if you're a girl, a lady, somewhere around age 11, 12, 13, you'll discover your moon cycle for quite a good period of your life, no pun intended. And if you're an attentive husband, you're going to be definitely informed about the moon period as well, the moon cycle as well. So the moon symbolizes everything involving menses and medical astrology it is the uterus, the womb, childbirth. In Astrology 101, the moon symbolizes home, the home, one's home, one's residence.
Speaker 1:The sun symbolizes daddy, because the sun talks about what is sort of obvious, apparent, sort of you can sort of say light of day.
Speaker 1:One of the things that we all do know very commonly is we're all very exposed to and experience a sense of sunrise in the east and culmination at noon and sunset in the west.
Speaker 1:You know that cycle of the day every day, the cycle of the daylight and then the nighttime, the cycle of doing in the outer world, achieving in the outer world particularly, you're going to the office and having a team meeting and then achieving career, and then in the afternoon, hopefully, your boss says I hope you earn something during the day.
Speaker 1:That phase every day, that outer world work, a day schedule is so foundational to our culture, you know, we can actually say. By the way, the coincidence of these last few thousand years is that we literally calendrically calendar, we calendrically measure our world and our year by the sun's motion, by what we see, what we do, the doing, the fire of the sun, the illumination, what we do is a calendrical, foundational point the turn of the seasons, the four turning points of the seasons, the four cardinal signs turning active, the four cardinal signs of astrology Aries and opposite Libra, the vernal equinox Aries. The fall or autumnal equinox Libra. The summer solstice, june 21st, opposite the winter solstice, december 21st. Those four turning points of the sun sun increasing during summer months, sun decreasing above the equator during winter months.
Speaker 1:that's foundational to our calendar however for many thousands of years really, uh, since the dawn of time, humans observed the moon's motion. We created calendars that were lunar-based calendars. It was all about that moon in the night sky. You know, sunset at sunset we're kids. We remember seeing that crescent moon. It was so beautiful and if you saw a planet next to the crescent moon at sunset it really popped out. But the thing that we typically look at, sheila, is not just the sun's motion every day, but we typically look, as humans, at the lunar motion. We do occasionally, the average person look up and say, wow, look at that half moon phase or look at that full moon phase. We commonly think, too, of harvest moon in the autumn, where you have daylight to farm and bring in the harvest, and then you have the full moon at night in September, october to bring in the rest of the harvest. The moon is high in the sky in the fall.
Speaker 1:So that lunar cycle is really key.
Speaker 2:Very much so, and even in ancient times, whenever a woman started her menstrual cycles, back in biblical times, it was by law that she had to retreat. Giving birth and doing her menstrual cycle while she bled, to be apart from her normal duties in society. I think that they actually in certain cultures.
Speaker 1:Wasn't there a book called the Red Tent about?
Speaker 2:20 years ago Exactly, that was based upon that law that women had to follow when they did start bleeding or have birth, which, when you give birth, blood is also involved.
Speaker 1:And also Native American cultures. I have done sweat lodge a few times in my life and I'm sure a few of our listeners and viewers have done sweat lodge as well and the sweat lodge experience. They say if you're a woman on your moon cycle, that you shouldn't be in the lodge. I mean, first of all, a lodge can be a hot lodge typically.
Speaker 2:So if you're on your moon cycle, you know you may pass out, but isn't there again a theme, is it? Yeah, our native american, a lot of our native american tribes here also. Whenever a woman started her menstrual cycle, retreated from the, the tribe um for rest and reflection on their life. They they didn't have to worry about cooking and also also away from their duties, with the male having sex and things like that I love.
Speaker 1:You said reflection because of course you know what is the, what is the moon cycle? I mean it's the sun reflecting off the disc of the moon and you know, another kind of astronomical piece that's really key in understanding the astrology of it that the moon is the reflection of the sun, that the moon is our companion satellite, that that earth would not have life as we know it without the moon. If the moon were suddenly, you know, vaporized, plucked away everything, life as we know it would collapse be in trouble.
Speaker 2:It's in trouble, we'd be in trouble, we'd be in trouble. We'd be in trouble, we'd be in serious.
Speaker 1:We need our moon we need our moon, we need our moon, um. So this slide that I'm showing folks who are, uh, who are listening, not viewing this slide, and make sure on on your um screen that you're you're showing the slide. Blown up a little bit, if you can, sheila um, this slide is of a fragment of bone that they actually found in a Paleolithic cave site. So, you know, ice Age man gave way to Upper Paleolithic or early early man. But this bone fragment says what do you know, early man did understand these cycles of nature, did understand the lunar phase and lunar cycles very well. And they conjecture, sheila, that this bone fragment might have been carried by a proverbial Neolithic hunter or Paleolithic hunter who was following caribou herds and using the lunar cycle to follow when animals and prey were available. But, you know, recent studies have also said what do you know um that you know a neolithic, um, a paleolithic man. They actually perhaps had ability with uh agriculture as well.
Speaker 2:So so there's we're kind of pushing that, the, the idea of mankind, humankind, and not only the, the, the natural hunting gathering, but this, this growing nurturing, I mean think about, and women probably weren't part of keeping track of this too, because we did kind of, I think, start off as a matriarchal kind of society, caring for everyone and making sure everybody, um, collectively, works together for the good good of all. And if you notice, there there's four main phases of the moon cycle the new moon, first quarter, the full moon in the last quarter, and they have equated some. The main, the four main cycles of the menstruation cycle fits with that, where your menstruation starts with the new moon and then the egg ripens at the quarter moon and then at the full moon it releases its egg and then, um, you, the uh resumements again resumements again.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we'll talk about it in other, in other videos perhaps, and certainly in webinars and classes um, it is true that there is that four phase, astrologically speaking. It is true, there is that sort of four phase component, um shown in a birth chart regarding, uh, the ovulation cycle, um, but we'll have to come back to this. It's more complex. So it's not that every new moon, a woman will ovulate and every full moon, of course, menstruate, or vice versa, um that. But but there is a cyclicity in that 29 and a half day lunar cycle um to uh how women move through their hormonal cycle of uh of ovulating and menstruating.
Speaker 2:Indeed, there is a cyclicity right and it could, and it could have followed something similar that back in the ancient time.
Speaker 1:But because now we live in a more um artificial light, it doesn't necessarily follow that type of cycle and it wouldn't fall, may not follow that cycle for everyone, right so, sheila, you're mentioning uh, you're mentioning, you know, our modern, 20th and 21st century worlds that are lit up at night and science has shown, actually, that menstruation cycles are affected, that women's endocrine system and hormonal cycles are affected, that brain chemistry and the cycles of sleep and wake are affected, that even dopamine and serotonin levels are affected by this constant illumination.
Speaker 1:So we're seeing, certainly in animals and animal studies, but also human studies, that this perpetual daylight, this world dominated by what we do rather than our reflection and what we feel and what we experience, that dissonance is a problem. It's not natural. So the astrology describes how a whole being, you know, the ego, consciousness, the sun and one's emotional id or plexal, feeling body, how we move through the world, what's happening around us when we're born and how we naturally, natively, move through. So this slide is to indicate that and to demonstrate that we are all born not just on a birthday, but I like to call it, sheila, a season sign.
Speaker 1:You're not just a sun sign, the sun moving in front of a star pattern. You're really born during a season sign. You're born during a phase of the seasons. There are actually four main phases, you know winter, spring, summer, fall. There are actually four intermediate seasons that the Celtic cross describes and I think also the eight-spoked wheel of Buddhism we'll come back to that in the show as well the eight-spoked wheel of Buddhism. That describes those cross-quarter days and the main turning points of the season. So there are actually sort of eight turning points of the season.
Speaker 2:so there are actually sort of eight turning points of the season and interestingly, those eight turning points of the season describe our birthing you know when we come out of the safe womb right yeah, and since you're such an avid astronomer, you always like to connect the, the outer sky, with our inner, inner psyche, inner being yeah, and so a birth chart is really a map of the sky, an astronomical map of the sky.
Speaker 1:It describes when that baby, after nine months and I always say nine months, 12 hours of gestation that baby comes out of mom's body. I mean, it's a pretty huge event for a woman, right assuming coming A human coming out of your body this baby comes out of mom's body and then first encounters the outer, the outer solar world, if you will, this world of doing in daylight. And you know the man, the man, you know, mankind, you know.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, I love this picture that shows the little baby's hand in the palm of the father's hand, because you know, know, during that, while this baby is being carried by the mother, it's in physical contact with the mother as well as as energetically contact. But once it's finally birthed out of the mom's body, this baby finally gets to also have physical connection with the father and, um, I just love how this picture kind of shows that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's why we chose the slide right, because you know, of course, common sense is that you know, intrauterine I mean, the world is mommy's body, you know in every regard. And once that baby, once we are born extrauterine, when we come out into this physical world, we're interacting with something in some way, you know, radically different. It is like night and day. You can sort of say the inner versus the outer. You know the dark womb and then suddenly the baby.
Speaker 1:Right, you know the baby's proverbially slapped and their eyes open. And they're you know, they're photochemically connected. You know, yeah, you mentioned before Sheila I'm always the avid backyard astronomer and professional astrologer. I always like to look at this axiom in astrology as above so below, that everything's interwoven Certainly so to. The main point of our topic today, then, is this idea of these moon phases, and there are eight primary moon phases, which, by the way, coincide with eight primary seasonal changes. That's an interesting, pure coincidence of astronomy and nature that we experience, but nonetheless, there are eight phases of the moon.
Speaker 2:Well, I kind of look at it like you said before. There's four main phases of the moon, there's four main seasons, but there's intermediate phases as you move from one to the next. So that's why we show eight phases and energies of the moon here.
Speaker 1:Right, right, that is so true that's a good point that there are four main parts of the lunar phase every month the new moon, the dark of the moon. Where of, during a solar eclipse, when things are lined up twice a year just so in certain locations around the earth, where that moon will cover the disk of the sun, which we'll discuss in other programs in the future as well, because that is extraordinarily amazing, that the moon's apparent diameter visually, is just big enough to actually cover the solar disk, I mean, just cover it. And you and I, actually Sheila, saw a pretty awesome total solar eclipse this past April 8th 2024. Amazing, yes, yeah, we drove halfway around across the country to see that into a beautiful area of sort of Corn Belt, america where that moon covered the sun quite dramatic.
Speaker 1:But every month that moon is near the sun, not lined up, astronomically perfect, but every month we have a new moon and that new moon phase is called the dark of the moon where, because of the astronomy of things you know the sun-moon-Earth relationship you can't see the reflected sunlight on the moon. The moon is near the sun, in the sky, so you don't see the moonlight. The next major phase as you said, there are four major ones is the first quarter moon, where you know if we have a sunset or a thin crescent. Rather, at sunset, two or three lights later we say well, what do you know? That little thin crescent, that sliver of a crescent after sunset of the moon has suddenly become half a moon. And of course that tells us the relationship of Earth, the viewer, the moon around the Earth and the sun and the sun projecting onto one face of the moon.
Speaker 1:So we have four major events for the lunar calendar every month New moon, the dark of the moon, the first quarter moon. Two weeks after new moon we have full moon, where the earth and sun and moon relationship are all lined up to each other, so we have that full disk of the moon. So, like you could say, when the sun is setting, the moon is rising, or when the when the sun is rising, the moon is setting at full moon. Just like a seesaw, they're exactly opposite to each other. So the first phase is new moon. Second phase is first quarter of the half moon in the sky, then the full moon, then the last quarter, the third full moon, then the last quarter, the third quarter moon.
Speaker 2:So if you're born under one of these phases, does that have any significance in your birth chart?
Speaker 1:So astronomy tells us what these phases are. Astrology interprets what those phases are about in human experience. Very key thing, folks, to ask yourselves or discover from your birth chart or ask your astrologer or study online, is whether you were born during a waxing phase, building toward full moon phase before your birth. Were you born during a waxing phase moon, or were you born at full moon or after full moon, during a waning phase? Waxing implies building emotional energy.
Speaker 1:So a person who's emotionally more jazzed up, a person who's more emotionally aggressive or emotion more emotionally reactive in a waning phase, if you're born during a waning phase, implies a person who is reflective, feeling, intuitive. They sense, they feel, they observe, they get a full perspective of things at full moon and then they kind of report upon it or review upon it. So a new moon to full moon is sort of charged or growth phase and any barber will tell you. You know, if you want hair to be more voluminous, you cut during a waxing phase when the energy is moving. Same with plants. You cut during the waxing phase to have it grow and if you cut during full moon or waning, it reduces or impedes growth, so it's a really kind of key thing Am I a waxing moon phase or am I a waning moon phase?
Speaker 1:That's one quick and dirty way to go. If you're a waxing moon phase, let's say first quarter. The first quarter especially talks about that first really super visible moon cycle where the starkness of one side of the moon being illuminated. The first quarter especially talks about that first really super visible moon cycle where the starkness of one side of the moon being illuminated, one side not during that first quarter or that half moon in the sky, it's really dramatic visually and it gives you a sense of something big happening, something big building toward that full moon. It's action. So anyone born right around the first major phase afternoon moon, the first quarter they are super active, sheila. And if they're born during that third quarter or last quarter, the waning half moon, they are actively internal, actively external during waxing, actively internal during waning.
Speaker 1:New moon the sun and moon are near each other. Subjective Full moon the sun and moon are opposite to each other in the sky. Objectivity when the sun sets, the moon rises, you have full moon all night. So a new moon baby is a person who's subjective, where their ego and their emotions are tied together in a birth chart. A full moon baby is someone whose moon and sun are opposite in the birth chart and they are objective. So, even Sheila, for someone to look at their birth chart and say where is that moon in relationship to the sun If they are opposite? It's like a seesaw ride. If they're building toward opposition, building energy, if they have been opposed, they're heading back to new. It's internalization.
Speaker 2:Okay, so let's take a look at some charts.
Speaker 1:So we have a couple of charts here to discuss. One reason we're looking at the chart of the USA is that we are doing this production today, on the 3rd of July 2024. And of course, tomorrow is the 4th of July and of course our birth date is a nation July 4th 1776. There's that sun in the birth chart of the nation Significant, isn't it, sheila too, because the month of both June and July 2024 have a full moon in the sign of Capricorn and a sun in Cancer. There's two full moons, both in the months of June and July 2024, with a full moon in Capricorn and the sun in Cancer.
Speaker 1:So it's highlighting the US chart. We are a Cancer sun. Our moon when we were born as a nation was actually just out of Capricorn, in the next sign over Aquarius. But you see, here's an example the moon on one side of the chart of the US. I'm sorry, the sun on one side of the chart of the US, a sun setting chart next to Jupiter, venus, mars and Mercury above it and opposite that in the other part of the sky, the moon in Pluto in the US chart. The moon in Pluto in the US chart.
Speaker 1:So we just had a full moon two weeks ago that was opposite the US chart and we just had a new moon in the sky, or having it. Is it tomorrow even that we're having a new?
Speaker 2:moon, I think Friday, friday here in the west.
Speaker 1:So the day after the day after the uh, the um fourth of july celebration, 2024, we've got our next new moon where there's a dark of the moon subjectivity, and that new moon is in cancer with the sun and that's right on the us chart. This month, on this big bundle on the us chart, we had a significant issue. They say new moons and full moons are well, they're tidal maximum, right, they're tidal big tides, aren't they? New moon and full moon. We just had a big tide come in about two days ago when the Supreme Court made, I think, perhaps the biggest ruling of all time regarding the powers of the presidency. We're not going to spend a lot of time on that, but it is a notable effect of these two full moons of summertime 2024, when the sun and moon relationship is back where it was when our nation was born that sun and cancer 1776. So we're having this highlight of the US chart, just put it that way the sun-moon extremes, the seesaw of new moon, full moon is right on the sun of the US chart.
Speaker 1:And so the essence of what we are as a nation is sort of highlighted with these two, and what moon phase were we born under?
Speaker 2:as?
Speaker 1:a country, us again, we have the moon on one side of the us chart, the sun and the other. So we're born just after full moon. As a nation we've had that full full moon awakening illumination. Think, like you know, sun sets and moon rises. There's awakening, there's observation, there's sort of a polarization theme. Our nation's born from polarization.
Speaker 1:The US chart, specifically, folks, has the planet Pluto opposite the US chart. Pluto was discovered in 1930, and it begs the question when you discover a planet, what was happening when we discovered a new planetary sort of energy, if you will it? What was happening when we discovered a new planetary sort of energy, if you will? When the astrologers in the 1930s plopped Pluto into the US chart, they said golly, gee, what do you know? Pluto in the sky. When the US was born, july 4, 1776, pluto was opposite the US chart. It says our essence, our spirit force, our sun sign, one's spirit force, one's conscious day, conscious light of spirit, conscious energy, the spirit of the US is opposite plutonium, opposite Pluto. Pluto was discovered in the 1930s. Plutonium, right around 1934, 1935, and 1930s also had something else Sheila. That was notable, not just the discovery of plutonium, plutocrats. We had a great abundance of plutocrats, that is, pluto, plutocrats and monarchs, plutocrats and monarchs. Our nation was born literally astronomically, in opposition to pluto, to plutocrats. We, we left England to come to the New World and to shed things in plutocrats.
Speaker 1:And of course I just said we just had two major lunar cycles right on the US chart highlighting the themes of plutocrats and monarchy. That's an interesting coincidence, but astrology always works just that way, you know, observationally, with the coincidence cycles that we all live under. So next year I also have the chart of candidate and right now president, joe Biden. So for a point of illustration, this lunar phase, joe Biden is a Scorpio sun at 27 degrees, born the 27th day, 27th degree. Same thing. He's born the 27th day of the sign of Scorpio, with his sun at 27 degrees of Scorpio. There he's born there for just three days or two and a half days before the next sign over Sagittarius. So you can sort of say astrologically this chart says in nature, those four seasons, in nature Joe is a Scorpio Sag. So I think whenever I think Scorpio Sag, I think Halloween Thanksgiving. That's what I think. That's what I think. I think Halloween Thanksgiving, right.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:So I wonder, for melloween thanksgiving engenders things like when I lived in the mountains for 20 years thereabouts. Uh, halloween thanksgiving says I better get my wood pile chopped. I better get my my wood pile chopped and stacked and covered for the winter, because come february I'm going to really need that wood at the wood-burning stove. That's my relationship to it. It's really very much about cooperation and survival themes.
Speaker 2:So what about? So? Can you tell us anything more about Joe's chart in terms of the relationship of the sun with the moon?
Speaker 1:So Joe has his sun in the latest degrees, the sign of Scorpio and his moon here at zero degrees of Taurus. The opposing sign of Scorpio is Taurus. So he has his sun the very last degree of Scorpio, his moon the very first degree of Taurus, by sign Taurus to Scorpio. They are opposite to one another. Taurus to Scorpio they're opposite. The viewer who's watching the program on YouTube will see that Joe also has his moon opposing Mars. It says that Joe's emotions can be martial or volatile perhaps at times, or extreme. I mean, after all, he is Irish, like I am, so there is that Irish potential with every Irishman. I can attest to that being fair enough. You know, mea culpa, it's definitely an issue and Joe has that too. But really the thing I want the viewer to see and the listener, joe has his son rising in the chart and he's a sunrise baby, born around 8.30 in the morning in November. So Joe's a sunrise chart, joe Biden, and the moon is opposite. It suggests kind of polarity, like a seesaw ride, his emotions on one hand, his ego on the other. Normally I find, sheila, that, unlike new moon people, where the sun and moon are together, where there is no opposition, where there's no moonlight, there's no objective emotion. No objective moonlight, no objective emotion that's seen in the nighttime sky during new moon. That person tends to be very internal, like have a family that's very protective. It's very protective. A full moon family is the opposite. When you are born into a full moon family, it usually means that the family you're born into there is a lot of oppositional force or awakening force or like a full moon. You know I say harvest moon you know there's light during the day and light during the night. Illumination, as you said, illumination awareness. So this implies that Joe may have a great awareness of his father, daddy and awareness of his moon mommy when he's born. Joe is very, very cognizant in his family structure to be there for daddy and be there for mommy, be there for mommy and be there for daddy.
Speaker 1:Full moon babies. He's born just before the full moon, a couple of days. So the moon is actually a waxing gibbous. He's born during a waxing gibbous moon. Is that moon phase? And waxing gibbous here in our cheat sheet says revising in detail, re-editing, editing, writing. I want to say waxing emotional preparation for fullness, emotional preparation for full, emotional awakening. That's Joe's chart. Okay, so moon on one side, sun on the other, heading toward a full moon. There's emotional balance, emotional awakening. Some would say a full moon can be emotional imbalance. I think it's a person during full moon who, in childhood, is striving for balance between mom and dad and helping mom and dad find emotional balance. We do know that Joe is certainly with his moon in this part of the chart, the bottom of his chart. Joe is very attached and focused on his children and his family. We all know his story. For obvious reasons, the next chart we have is also yes about the other.
Speaker 2:Our other choice. Our other choice.
Speaker 1:Donald Trump, former President, donald Trump, and check out the coincidence here Donald Trump has the sun on one side of his chart and the moon opposite. Donald Trump is born exactly, almost exactly, at full moon, literally about two hours, hour and a half before full moon. Joe Biden is also, pardon me, donald Trump is also born as a full moon baby, also born just hours before a lunar eclipse. And what is a lunar eclipse? You ask, right, what's a lunar eclipse? A lunar eclipse has the Earth in the middle, as all full moons do, and the sun on one side, the moon on the other, so you see the whole disk of the moon. That's what a full moon does. But a lunar eclipse has things lined up just astronomically, exactly right where the shadow of the earth is projected. The shadow from the sun is projected onto the surface of the moon. So a lunar eclipse eclipses the illumination of the moon. So a lunar eclipse eclipses the illumination of the moon. So astronomically you know, this kind of like a dark moon or a darker moon, or a hazy, orangey, red moon.
Speaker 1:Sheila, I once had the great fortune at the seashore, to see a total lunar eclipse where there were clouds and storms, and so the net effect of that was that the entire moon went black. I've never heard any other backyard astronomer ever see it. I don't think I've ever heard or read that any other astronomers seen the moon go dark, completely black and dark. I actually saw what's called a diamond ring effect when the shadow covered. Astronomer's going to say no, he didn't.
Speaker 2:Yes, I did?
Speaker 1:Yes, I did. That was the visual. It was likened to a diamond ring effect, this lunar eclipse, when the shadow of the Earth covered the moon and the moon went black, probably behind some obscuring clouds, is what I'm guessing, because it was storming a few miles away. But nonetheless, the image here for when Donald was born, born during the day that sun shining high, the sun dominating the world, not the moon, the sun, daytime baby, the sun dominating the world during a lunar eclipse, and the moon and its light being literally covered in this chart, obscured. So where the previous chart, joe Biden, had the sun opposite the moon, in this case, again Donald Trump's sun opposing moon, but born during a lunar eclipse, that moon's light obscured, covered, one could say.
Speaker 1:What's illuminated and highlighted in this chart, being born near noontime, for Donald Trump is the sun, the ego, the conscious ego. What's also highlighted is the earth in the middle, one's power, one's personal power in the earth, materialism, one's personal power in the earth, materialism, you could say the light of the earth, materialism, the physical, material. Earth covers one's emotions, covers his emotions. That's how Donald Trump's chart could be interpreted. A daytime baby, donald Trump, a noon hour baby. The Sun is high in the sky. In the area of career, normally we're really knocking it out of the park for career issues. Opposite an eclipse moon where the emotions and feelings are not consciously seen, experienced. That's Donald Trump's chart, an interesting kind of arrangement. Both candidates are sort of full moon kind of personalities, one where the moon is highlighted by family, one where the moon is obscured or darkened or not seen. Donald trump wow.
Speaker 2:Well, he's very much seen. We definitely see him life. So how can you just touch briefly on what his relationship by this chart would say, what he has with his mother and his father, since we're talking about mom and dad in the chart?
Speaker 1:career sector, excuse me, next to Mercury, mercurial Mind is what astrology? What Mercury means in astrology? And right next to or conjoined to the planet Uranus. Uranus was discovered during the French and American revolutions. So they say in Astrology 101, when you have the sun conjoined, uranus, you are a revolutionary. And a lot of people would say Donald Trump is a revolutionary trying to bring revolution. Actually, kind of. The facts are in right Donald Trump bringing revolution. Revolution doesn't necessarily tell us what kind of revolution, but revolution nonetheless is what we see with Uranus sun conjunction. It's a standard in astrology 101.
Speaker 1:Donald Trump's Sun conjunct, his planet of revolution, uranus. He embodies a revolutionary spirit Opposite to an eclipse moon. His revolutionary ego is overwhelming, dominating, overarching to his emotional capacity to respond or feel or connect emotionally or connect to family. And I think that's a really big distinction we have during this July 4th 2024, when our US chart is so powerfully aligned, with two full moons in the sign of Cancer, with two full moons in the sign of cancer, capricorn, june of 2024, july 2024, the new moon, july 5th 2024, the lunar phases, the moon, moon birthing, mommy. The theme of family and family values is certainly very high this election with regards to women and women's health and women's rights and birth control and the right to have health care for women in their first, second and third trimesters.
Speaker 1:It's a very lunar July 4th and a very lunar election and both primary candidates, both Joe Bideniden almost a full moon moon one side, son other, from lunar eclipse moon really at full, total full moon moon on one side, some of the other for donald trump. Both candidates highlight themes of family and emotion joe b Biden being there for mommy, being there for women, being there for daddy, being there for the outer world function. The outer world and the inner world are very heightened in Joe Biden's chart. The outer world only is really heightened in Donald Trump's chart. The moon is, in fact, eclipsed, covered in Donald Trump's chart. That's astronomically the case when Donald was born during a lunar eclipse and I would say in my estimation, family seems to definitely take a backseat in Donald Trump's chart and women take a backseat in his chart.
Speaker 2:I mean in his life too.
Speaker 1:Some women, especially Sheila, would say that that's a particularly strong truth and truism, isn't it?
Speaker 2:Yes, well, that's very interesting to take a look at our two candidates to run this country and this. Relationships between sun and the moon.
Speaker 1:So we all want to look at our birth charts, folks. You want to look at your personal birth chart and ask yourself which moon phase did you have when you were born? Number one was it a waxing moon building toward full moon, or was it full moon itself, like elimination Think about extreme tides, extreme awareness or were you born after full moon, in the waning of the moon, which is more internal? Were you a waxing external, emotional and emotionally external, or a waning moon, emotionally, more reflective and reviewing internal? Those are two fundamental things to look at. So we should mention that we are offering a special 10% discount, Sheila.
Speaker 2:Yes, if you don't have an astrologer or would like a reading with Alexander, you can book one of his offerings 10% off using the code PODCAST5. This will only be available to the first five listeners or viewers every month that get in there and book.
Speaker 1:So they can visit us at wwwastrologyspiritcom. So my website is astrologyspiritcom and I look forward to seeing you all and having you connect with us again on podcast, and may the full moon upcoming in july be a an abundant, nurturing moon for all of you out there.
Speaker 2:Thanks so much for listening. So thanks for listening and hope to hear from you next time. Indeed, blessings take care bye, thank you.