The Astrology of Family Karma and Relationships

Election 2024, Astrological Indicators: the Charts of Michelle Obama, RFK Jr, Biden/Harris & others !

Alexander Mallon Season 1 Episode 7

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Are there OTHER candidates for the 2024 Presidential Election? 

Join us on this special Election '24 episode of the Astrology of Family, Karma, and Relationships podcast, where we, Alexander Mallon and Sheila G, are joined by the insightful astrologer and intuitive Laura Slover. 

We dig into Biden's astrological chart and those of other potential candidates, - Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Gavin Newsom and others through the cosmic lens of astrology.

 With significant Pluto cycles and notable Full moons in Cancer and Capricorn, we unpack the broader implications these planetary movements may have on the United States Chart. 
Climate change is accelerating at a startling pace, and our planet is feeling the strain. From the unexpected acceleration of polar ice melt to the plight of polar  bears as climate-change-indicators, we tackle the urgent issues facing our environment. We explore the broader environmental and geopolitical consequences as Pluto returns to its position on our Nation's birth chart of 1776, and draw parallels to historical events and contemplate our Nation's future dynamics

We also dive deep into the astrological profiles of several key political figures. From Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, to potential candidates like Michelle Obama, Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Gavin Newsom, we explore how their astrological charts might align with the US chart. 

Discover the transformative cycles impacting these individuals and how these cosmic influences might shape their political ambitions and leadership styles. With Laura Slover's expertise and our astrological insights, this episode promises a comprehensive view of the celestial factors at play in the upcoming election, providing listeners with a unique perspective on political leadership.

Find out about YOUR important chart placements !

~Alexander can be contacted for Consultation and Coaching sessions. You may contact him via his email: or website:

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Thank you for listening!
Alexander & Sheila

Speaker 1:

Welcome to this episode of the Astrology of Family, karma and Relationships podcast. I'm your host, alexander Mallon, also with our special guest today, a wonderful Laura Slover. Fantastic astrologer, intuitive, hey.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I also have to have you, Laura.

Speaker 3:

Nice to see you guys.

Speaker 2:

And also with our co-host. Yeah, you know me, sheila G, the guide on the side, indeed.

Speaker 1:

So today, folks, we're going to be discussing the topic is Biden in or out? We're talking here together in the middle part of the month of July 2024, and the media has it all over the airwaves what's happening with the presidential race, what's happening with Joe Biden since his recent fantastic performance in the last debate, which was certainly notable. It'll go down in history as a special moment and, of course, it begs the question is Biden in as a candidate, our Democratic candidate, or out? And if he's out, who's in?

Speaker 3:

So that's the question, yeah that is the question.

Speaker 1:

And, laura, there were, there were a bunch of possibilities that we might be discussing today.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah. Well, you know Gavin Newsom's name's been floating around a lot. He's denying being interested, but I don't know. I think after that debate we have to really consider that Biden may be out. So you know, maybe we want to look at his chart first. What do you guys think?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, by all means. We can look at Biden's chart, obviously, and have the audience, those who are watching us on YouTube. You'll be able to see the charts of the different candidate possibilities we're going to bring up there, of course, trump and Biden particularly. And for those who are listening, we'll describe and do our best to share with you what we're seeing and what sort of stands out from these charts astrologically that give us some clues not only as to Biden's wellness, but also as to the whole sort of issue of candidacy and the general zeitgeist, what's happening in the mindset of not only America but internationally. You know, ladies, I saw a little snippet on the Boob Tube the other day with Volodymyr Selensky from Ukraine being interviewed, and they asked him are people in Europe watching what's happening in the US regarding this debacle of Biden and his poor performance? Are they watching it and keeping abreast of it? Are they informed? I think Zelensky said like constantly, like we're only watching it, like all the time, like it means everything, and that is, I think, a very important statement that Vladimir made at this time, really, statement that Vladimir made at this time, really, this time period, 2024,.

Speaker 1:

I have said, laura and Sheila, that I think, astrologically speaking, we see some very strong similarities against the birth chart of the US that we saw during our first civil war. That's number one. Number two we see very big Pluto cycles. That we saw, in fact, when our nation was born. And whenever nation national charts, I'm thinking about the chart of Great Britain.

Speaker 1:

By the way, when I'm speaking about the US, I'm thinking about the chart of Great Britain because when we look at the Pluto placement right now against the US chart a cancer nation, july 4th 1776. And we look at the Pluto placement in the sky right now, in Capricorn Aquarius, against the Great Britain chart, great Britain's chart given, is a Capricorn nation. So here we are. Laura first brought it up a few weeks ago, didn't you, laura, that July of 24 and June of 24, we have two back-to-back sun and moon full moons in Cancer, capricorn Cancer. Yeah, so it implies our nation, it implies Great Britain, which are both Cancer Capricorn nations, maybe having big things happening right now. Of course, we just saw what happened with the Prime Minister in the UK, that's, you know, the Labour Party has now finally taken over there. So big things are really happening. Astrology usually mirrors that right.

Speaker 2:

That's why we do it.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to explore these topics and others to try to get a handle on this. So, by the way, we want to make sure for those of you listening and watching to please indeed follow our podcast on Apple and Spotify and please subscribe to our YouTube channel. We are still a fairly new program and obviously we hope that the search engines will recognize our existence out there. So the more we have followers and subscribers, the more likely we'll come up on search engines and have other viewers participate and share with us. So thanks for your following and subscriptions, folks.

Speaker 3:

And you know, on YouTube youtube I think. I'm not sure about all of the other um platforms that you're on, uh, but I know on youtube you can actually make comments you can like. If you like an episode or you want to comment on something, you can do that as well on youtube. Um, so that might be something, because that might be a nice way to get some feedback also.

Speaker 1:

Feedback is always helpful yeah keep, keep in mind. We have Laura today, laura Sklover, our wonderful astrologer, intuitive guest speaker and lecturer. So those of you who want to get in touch with Laura for consultation, please also reach out and be sure you can comment, you can follow, you can subscribe, you can reach out to us through our website and we will love to connect you. So, yeah, the theme today is is Biden in or out? And if not, biden who?

Speaker 1:

Yeah that's a classic little little screenshot here. Yeah, I had to inject some levity. Ladies, we need, we need levity at this time, because otherwise I might start crying.

Speaker 3:

We need levity at this time because otherwise I might start crying, depending on what's happening.

Speaker 2:

We must not despair.

Speaker 3:

We'll try to be crying on each other's shoulders, that's right.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, listen, it sounds. You know I am, as Sheila will say, I am a Cappy and since I'm a Capricorn, born after holiday season's, over January 7th, I'm a crappy Cappy and so I don't want to be too crappy a Cappy when we're discussing these really important times with Capricorn Cancer. The two full moons of both June and July are Capricorn Cancer full moon, which is unusual to have two back-to-back months. So mid-summer here of 2024 is a Capricorn Cancer summer, ironically in that way, and it's serious, capricorn's born wintertime. When you're born wintertime, like me, you may be a crappy cappy too. It's a serious time of year. It's a serious time that we're in right now, and I don't think we can really understate it, although we have to really find our way, we have to all collectively find the solution. Go to find the, go to the light, you know, go to the light, go to the lightsaber and find our way.

Speaker 2:

And of course.

Speaker 1:

I think this is no time to get caught up in hitting the golf course. I think there are a few things that are more important now than whether Biden or Trump challenge each other on the golf course. I think, fellas, you know septuagenarians, octogenarians, you know there's a little bit of other things going on out there than you know riding a golf cart. We got to get together guys. Yeah, what do you ladies think?

Speaker 3:

Maybe they were trying to add a little levity, I don't know.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

You know, biggest thing is yeah.

Speaker 1:

Indeed. Well, you know I have this slide, ladies, because I wanted to remind myself everything is a season and astrology, after all, astrology is about seasons. Astrology is about your sun sign, your season sign. Everything has a season. There's a season for achieving, there's a season for throttling back. We all need to, as Laura brought up earlier right to invoke some spiritual mindedness, that there really is a balance and a flow that we can strike, especially if we put our minds to it, right, laura?

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah, yeah. And Sheila I mean Sheila is very spiritual as well, so she's right in there with that, right, sheila.

Speaker 2:

Certainly, and also big believer in prayer. So I pray for our country that we all come together.

Speaker 1:

Good of all. So the slide. We have folks who are listening. We have a slide that shows the four seasons, the season of spring, fire, earth, air water.

Speaker 1:

Fire, earth, air, water, the journey of the sun, every season, describe it, or even each sign, I should say Each sub-season, this journey of nature, because that's what astrology always is all about cycles of nature, to understand cyclicity and that things come and go, the day dawns and the night falls. There is a natural rhythm that we have to keep in mind and when we look at these charts, I always want to invoke this idea of charts describing this natural rhythm, this natural sort of nature's cycles that we all are subject to. So I thought, as I mentioned to Sheila and Laura in preparation for today, I thought I'd throw up the slide of the recent total solar eclipse, the US total solar eclipse of April 8th of 2024, which Sheila and I actually did see. Right, we drove, in fact we drove to Poplar Bluff, missouri, in the middle of the country, to see the total solar eclipse first eyeball, and it was quite dramatically beautiful.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, certainly yeah, we saw it here in Pittsburgh as well, but we didn't get the view that you all did yeah, the path of totality.

Speaker 1:

This is a. This line is the path of totality. You know where that that moon just perfectly covers the disk of the sun. So you have totality. So you have the corona of the sun showing and you, you block out the the light of the sun. So you can see the edge of the sun, and they call it bailey's beads. You know, as the craters of the moon and mountains of the moon, uh, cover the sun, so you can see the edge of the sun and they call it Bailey's beads. You know, as the craters of the moon and mountains of the moon cover the sun in just a certain way, you have these shining little areas. So, indeed, astronomically, this is the path of totality of this recent eclipse.

Speaker 1:

I want to throw out one other idea. I believe it was 2017, we had our other eclipse that went from Medford, Oregon, across the nation and actually here where we are in South Carolina, in Charleston. It went right across my observatory. In fact is what it did 2017. So that eclipse of 2017 crossed the nation from west to east. This eclipse of 2024 crosses from Mexico through Texas and across up through-.

Speaker 3:

Near where my mom is now right over there. She's outside of Killeen, about 20 minutes away.

Speaker 1:

So she probably got quite a view herself of this recent eclipse. The reason I bring up the eclipse map is that those of us who are fellow students of astrology know that astrology has long made concurrences drawn concurrences. Astrology has long made concurrences drawn, concurrences that do exist between the path of eclipses, the path of totality, the path of a total solar eclipse very typically is a path of a lot of geological, environmental and geopolitical upheaval. So, if we think geopolitical upheaval, our eclipse of 2017 from Medford, Oregon, to Charleston, South Carolina, divided the nation in half. This eclipse of 2024 from Mexico along the Mexican borderline, by the way, think of immigration, this eclipse line divides the nation in half yet again, north versus south.

Speaker 1:

And, by the way, we've only had two total solar eclipses in the recent years. I think there are actually like two or maybe three in a 120-year period for the US this time around. So these eclipses are significant astronomically for US citizens who can see them, but astrologically they describe big things like Earth changes, weather changes, weather system changes, forest fires in the Northwest that, if we go back to 2016-17, were rampant, raging as they are again, the heat that we're having in that period of that area of the nation of the West, the heat in California. I think that the last week that Death Valley, California had its absolute hottest temperature ever recorded, so things are literally on fire. Not only are Biden and Trump going to tear it up on the golf course, but things are on fire, Literally hot right now, and also too up in Maine. They were approaching high 90s and even almost 100 in Maine.

Speaker 3:

Which is pretty much unheard of. When's the last time we've heard of that? I don't.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't happen. It doesn't happen.

Speaker 3:

I'm in Rhode Island in Connecticut, which is up in that area, and I never got that hat.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, this is why the last few years, particularly the last five years and going back 20 and 30 years ago, climate scientists said that they were concerned about polar cap ice melt. They told us 20 and 30 years ago that maybe in 100 years, maybe a little bit less that the Ross ice shelf could break off Antarctica. Well, that didn't take 100 years, nor did it take 80 years. The Ross ice shelf broke off about seven years ago. It was about 100 years in advance of what they thought.

Speaker 1:

That's how it's going with this climate. We know that literally in the Arctic Circle, the Arctic Circle ice bed is breaking up. So we're having some big issues climatologically and environmentally with polar bears, which need to swim and need to have ice to hunt. So we're actually having a hybrid of polar bears and grizzly bears up in Canada. They're literally hybridized because polar bears now are starting to interact more and more with landmass and with humans.

Speaker 1:

So there's how the again the environment going through a massive change. So this warming, this global warming, that's giving us 100 degree temperatures in Canada and the northern tier of the US it's really profound. We're seeing again ice melting and water sea level rise political things that are really extreme, and I think it's again sort of the background noise, if you will, for all of humanity, this concern of what's going to happen geopolitically and environmentally, environmental stressors. And there's another factor, ladies too, that I think we've just hit 8.1 billion people. We've just hit 8.1 billion humans. Billion people, we've just hit 8.1 billion humans. I was born in the early 60s and at the time we had about 4 billion people, so we just added 4 billion in a lifetime.

Speaker 3:

Which is insane, yeah, insane. And where did they all come from?

Speaker 1:

Well, that's the border issue, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, I think too they were. They've been saying that there are roughly 90 million people who are displaced across the planet right now, 90 million who are geopolitically, politically, militarily displaced right now, obviously 2024, from October of 23, the last solar eclipse in the US, by the way, when that horrible incident occurred in Israel. From that time period to now, we have obviously again more displaced people, another two million displaced there on the Gaza Strip. So this issue of how we are divided, even as a nation, north versus south, is a very big consideration. So here's a chart of the US, july 4th 1776. I use the 5.10 pm versus the roughly 2 am versus the roughly 2 am to 10 am chart. I use the 5 10 pm chart in Philadelphia. Um, believe, they believe the researchers, that the constitution was signed in the afternoon, not in the early morning, but there's debate about this.

Speaker 3:

It makes sense, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I use this, uh, this good called Sibley, the Sibley charge that has 12 degrees of Sagittarius rising. And the reason I use this chart is that nine, 11 had Pluto, the planet of life, death and transformation, Pluto whose cycles are concordant with Pluto's discovery, 1930. So think about the 1930s, when Pluto was discovered and the beginning of the brown shirts in World War II and the rise of Nazism began. Hitler's rise began with Pluto being discovered and we are going through a powerful Pluto cycle as a nation right now, when we take our chart and plop in Pluto's discovery, our chart, july 4th 1776, we plop in Pluto's discovery in 1930 to this chart. Astrologers then said oh my gosh, pluto's opposite, the whole US chart, the US chart, the US chart's premise, our nation's birth premise, was to oppose plutocracy, oppose monarchy.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

We have a Venus-Pluto opposition right now and I'm sorry, go ahead, Alex.

Speaker 1:

No, please. You were saying.

Speaker 3:

No, I was just saying well, we have a Venus-Pluto opposition right now, you know, with Pluto being in Aquarius and Venus being in Leo. Just entered Leo, Was it yesterday or the day before, and so I think that theme, even though it's not exactly what you're talking about here, it's still at play, you know.

Speaker 1:

So what I was saying, that you're highlighting, laura, is that here's the Pluto placement in our birth chart 1776. Pluto's orbit is a 248-year orbit, so astrologers in 1930, when they plopped it into this chart, said, wow, well, what happens when Pluto does a full circuit, a 248-year circuit, which occurs in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023? So Pluto in the sky right now is back, right about here, back right where it was when we were born, which is a significant configuration. Pluto over the next 20 years will be approaching the us moon, and the moon, in political charts, describes the people. It also describes women, by the way. The moon the moon, like moon, cycles life, death, rebirth. Moon is moon cycles. Pluto's there in the sky right now, hovering in early Aquarius, and you were just saying, laura, that Venus feminine, and Pluto are opposite each other right now in the sky.

Speaker 3:

Right, right, right and well, basically what I was saying is, you know, because of that being activated again, it just brings up that, that, that opposition, and even though we're not talking about exactly being activating the United States of America chart by degree, it's still as as an astronomer you might say, that is active, you know, and that's playing now. So I'm curious to see what's going to happen, just even in the next week, while that's, you know, still an orb.

Speaker 1:

Kind of curious about that so you're looking at July, the month of July, this next week in particular, I think, is going to be loaded. Well, we're having in June of 24 and July of 24, two concurrent moon-sun oppositions, two full moon cycles that involve the Cancer sun June and July and the moon in Capricorn sun june and july and the moon in capricorn. So the the full moon of july of june 24 and july 24 month, back-to-back months are highlighting this opposition in the in the us chart right oh yeah and you're.

Speaker 1:

You're said, laura, that venus is involved transiting in the sky. Transiting venus is further intensifying that opposition in the US chart right now. So the months of June, july are really hot months.

Speaker 2:

So we'll have to see what plays out next week, because there is the Republican convention starting Monday.

Speaker 3:

And oh, there is, so there's yes and so.

Speaker 2:

It's an intense week. We'll see how what happens.

Speaker 1:

Yes and so it's an intense week. We'll see how what happens Well, and full moons don't full moons bring well. I always say full moons astronomically, I always think of harvest moon. Right, full moons bring illumination at night. Full moons bring illumination at night so you can see like harvest moon.

Speaker 1:

But a full moon also means there's the sun on one side of the sky, observationally, and the moon on the other. So when the moon rises at full moon, the sun sets, or when the sun sets, the moon rises Full moon. They're opposite, they are like a seesaw. So I always think of oppositions which we have in the US birth chart, of this Mercury sun, mercury specifically opposite Pluto, this big bundle or stellium in the US chart opposite Pluto, that we have this big opposition in the US birth chart which discusses either we have a good seesaw ride if we have a good partner, or you have a bad seesaw ride. And so the full moon of June 24, and the full moon in Capricorn near this birth Pluto of the US chart in July 24, it accentuates the full moon swing, it accentuates this opposition in our national birth chart. Now, coincident with that, that we've had a number of powerful themes. We've had Biden's catastrophic debate with Trump the other day the GOP convention coming up, we have issues around women's rights and we have the ruling of the Supreme Court during these two full moons that are on the US Pluto.

Speaker 1:

Let's remember Pluto when we discovered it in 1930. Pluto's discovery in 1930 is concordant, coincident with plutocracy. There was an abundance of plutocrats in the 1930s. We had Stalin and Hitler, mussolini and Franco, so we had an overabundance of plutocrats. In the 1930s we had plutocrats and plutocracy that we escaped and built our nation upon in 1776. The sun of the US opposite Pluto. So the theme of plutocracy and power, pluto is also like plutonium, also nuclear power, plutonium Right right.

Speaker 1:

So we're having those highlighted themes right now with these full moons and, of course, the Supreme Court basically just handed the monarchy to Trump. If Trump gets reelected, that a president can do whatever they damn well want without any legal repercussions.

Speaker 2:

Right and a plutocrat is someone who derives their power from having lots of wealth and dominion over people. That's one reason we should be concerned.

Speaker 3:

We should be very concerned. So back to what brought us here today. If Biden's out, who might be in Well, here's the chart of Joe Biden. Who could actually maybe take that? Oh, you want to look at Joe? Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm just going to throw it real quick, joe and Trump, but then, yeah, let's talk about that. Who might take it? Yeah, how does Joe Biden's chart look? Ladies, what do you both think about Joe Biden's chart? Both his birth chart and what it might mean for our nation? But what about his chart right now? How is Joe Biden's chart aligned with cycles that he's receiving, astrological cycles that mirror his life?

Speaker 2:

well, I mean go ahead, sheila, it's okay you're saying I wasn't sure of your question, alexander. Are you saying what? What is you said, what is he experiencing right now? We're looking at his birth chart and you're saying so, how is it? How is that going with what's happening in the sky now? Yeah what's happening in the in his chart?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what's happening in his chart that would be important to consider astrologically right now. I could wrap transits around it and go to that in a second. But one thing off the top of my mind, for instance, is if we're having a Pluto return as a nation and Pluto, we know, is about zero degrees, one degree, rather, of Aquarius, which is marking this next phase of the Aquarian age, I call it. When Pluto moved into Aquarius, it's coincident with AI. So when AI really became AI, you know transforming our lives already, pluto moved into Aquarius, which is opposing Joe's Jupiter and Pluto and squaring Joe's moon, exactly, oh, ok.

Speaker 3:

OK, oh, okay, okay. So again we're seeing the power struggle and and and also made. I think what's happening, you know, I think it's it's been fairly obvious is does he have the strength to Pluto right To really to really take this nation forward? If he does, then there's going to be a major transformation within him on some level, I would think.

Speaker 2:

Hold on. Okay, alexander, I think what you're trying to stress again with Joe's chart is that the country is undergoing a big Pluto cycle, and so is Joe Biden. He's under a lot of stress to get out of the race, but even though his chart aligns well with the US, he's a Sagittarius rising and he has his four years of presidency has been very beneficial for the US. But under all of the stress, let's take a look at who else is out there that could help lead this country forward and continue the dream that our founding fathers had about our country.

Speaker 1:

Well, let me bring up the astro software here to help that effort. So there's a US chart, as I said, and maybe I could wrap a chart around that and show the viewers exactly what's happening right now, today's date and time and show what those big cycles are the US chart in the center wheel, like astrologers do, and the transits wrapped around the outer wheel. And there's that Venus-Pluto that, laura, you were talking about. And one of the key things, also just for the viewer and the listener, is those big outer, long, slow-moving astrological cycles. There's that Pluto back where it was. The Pluto has done a full circuit 248 years.

Speaker 1:

So the US chart's having a Pluto return, its very first Pluto return, which every time other nations had that, like Great Britain, whenever Great Britain has a Pluto return or opposition, they go through their own major reconstruction, which is what we're having right now. So there's that Pluto cycle on the US chart and then we can look also too we were just discussing Joe that Pluto cycle on Joe's chart opposite his Pluto, pluto in the sky transiting square his moon. So that indicates those big, sweeping, massive changes, just like we're seeing in the US chart Pluto, plutonic, big, sweeping, massive changes for our national identity Pluto in Joe's chart, big sweeping challenges for Joe. But, sheila, yeah, you were just making a comment that the US chart has Sagittarius rising and that Joe Biden also has Sagittarius rising.

Speaker 2:

So, if not Joe, who else should they be looking at if they really want to get rid of jail? Well, we have a couple of different charts.

Speaker 1:

We've got robert f kennedy jr.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, let's keep that up for a second let's before you switch to someone else, because that one's pretty interesting. If you, um, if you want to put up the us chart with it like sort of like a synastry chart oh, you want the us on the inside or the outside what it's up to you.

Speaker 1:

Whatever helps you read, it is okay with me. Well, there's the US chart. This is what we do between people, right? We call it synastry. We take one person's chart and compare it to another person's chart. So here's Robert F Kennedy on the outside wheel. So US chart on the inside wheel, that July 4th 1776, that 13 degrees cancer sun in this big bundle for the USS, and Robert F Kennedy has his moon in cancer.

Speaker 3:

His moon in cancer is directly on that sun. So the moon is at home in cancer and he feels, you know he's been very passionate about you know coming out and running and obviously now he has to be. You know he can't run on the Democratic ticket, right, they won't take him. So he's running independently and he feels it like it's to him. This is personal. He needs to do this for the country. He really feels like he needs to do this Now is he the right man for the job? Let's look at this a little bit more. You know what I'm noticing? That Pluto and Venus right now are right on his ascendant and descendant activating.

Speaker 1:

There Isn't that interesting. That's Robert Kennedy. Let me bring up his chart solo. So, you're saying that Pluto and Venus in the sky right now are right on his chart. Pluto at that area of partnership, that part of a birth chart that deals with marriage and partnering, and Pluto's about plutocrats, pluto's about power. So Pluto's a long-term cycle. He's just had Pluto move across his Capricorn stellium here, right, laura.

Speaker 3:

That's right, that's right.

Speaker 1:

What would that mean for a person?

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean obviously he's. He's going through some major changes in his life. It could, I mean it could. Obviously there's health issues and we know he has encountered some health issues with his voice. That's been something, although that happened a while ago, but he's you know, he's hard to listen to. He admittedly says that about himself, but could there be a possibility of his mortality coming up? Maybe? Or maybe it's about the fact that he can rise to the occasion here.

Speaker 1:

Well, so you know, astrological cycles not only are concordant with a mirror what literally unfolds. So if a person has transiting Pluto, let's take the chart for now and wrap it around. We're going to wrap what's happening around Robert's chart. Here we go, the transits right. So there's that Pluto. That's on his marriage angle, his partnership angle, for the entire next couple of years, 2023 through 2027, at least highlights Robert's ability to connect with people in a partnering manner. So, Laura, were you just pointing out that Pluto has just in the last three years, swept across all of his Capricorn planets? And because he has a full moon baby chart, again like we've got Donald Trump, a full moon baby, We've got Joe Biden almost a full moon baby, We've got Robert F Kennedy, another full moon baby, where the moon on one side, the sun on the other.

Speaker 1:

So when you have a transit of, let's say, pluto to one side of the opposition, the other side of the sea cell gets hit as well. So that means Pluto has swept across Roberts and I'll try to show the chart. All by itself. Pluto has swept across here in Capricorn, all across Roberts, capricorn, venus and Sun and Mercury and opposing Roberts, moon and Uranus.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I'm sorry to talk over you, but let's not forget it also just hit his North Node and North Node right, North Node, South Node, axis there. So he was born just after an eclipse.

Speaker 1:

Like Donald Trump, born during the Moon Eclipse.

Speaker 3:

Yes, very similar. But what I'm liking about his chart is, you know, the conjunction that it has with Venus and the sun and Mercury, and so this is somebody who is fated, at least to make his, his mark. What where it goes is is he going to be the next president, or ever be a president, I don't know. But this is his time, right now, to step out and at least make a go of it. You want to pull up his chart with the, not with the, transits with the United States chart.

Speaker 1:

Oh, let me see here what do you think about? So there's the US chart in the inner wheel and Robert F in the outer wheel.

Speaker 3:

So you know, I can't help but notice also, you know, the opposition that he has to a lot of those planets in the United States chart, as well as the conjunction that he has right he's got. I mean, his sun is at 27 and Pluto is at 27 in the United States chart.

Speaker 1:

Well, let's take that one, that one. Well, let's, rather sorry. Let's take these two configurations in Robert F Kennedy's chart that are on the US chart Again for the viewer. Here's the US chart with the Cancer Sun and the Pluto opposite the Cancer Sun, that Pluto-Moon kind of a pattern there at the bottom of the US chart, and we're going to have that as an inner wheel and wrap Kennedy's chart around that. Where was it? No, what happened to it? There it is, there it is.

Speaker 1:

So the two things that leap off the page you're saying, laura, is this moon 13 degrees cancer for Robert F Kennedy Jr on the US sun at 13 degrees cancer. One of the things that reminds me of Laura is that Carl Jung did a study of the best pairings of husband and wife or partners, romantic marital partners. The best marriages specifically come between someone's sun-moon conjunction. So when you are, whatever your sun sign is, ideally you might want to find a marital partner whose moon sign is in the same sign as your sun sign. Well, so if we want to find a good marriage partner for the US, which is a cancer, 13 degrees cancer nation, we want to find someone with a moon in cancer. Well, here Robert F Kennedy has his moon in cancer. But also right, exactly by degree, on the US sun, and Carl Jung's study I think it was like 720 sampling or 750 sampling showed the best marriages were a moon-sun conjunction, especially exact by degree. This says that we have a perfect fit of Robert F Kennedy Jr with the US, the essence, the sun, the life force of the US chart.

Speaker 1:

Now, because Robert F Kennedy is a full moon baby himself, sun opposing moon, if his moon is on the US sun, that means Robert's sun is opposing the US sun as well. So Robert's sun is opposing the US sun. Robert's sun at 27 of Capricorn, robert born January 17th, january 17th of 1954. So that sun at January 17th 1954 is at 17, pardon me, 27 degrees of Capricorn, right on the US Pluto. So the sun-moon conjunction's beautiful of his chart to ours, our US chart. How about that sun Pluto?

Speaker 3:

Right, how does that play out? And then you have to look at if we're looking at the sun, which makes pretty much an exact conjunction off by a couple of degrees, we have that stellium he has there is right there, and so all of that is at play at the same time and that's one of the reasons why I think he's getting so much traction. There's right now, it's at least his moment for the right now, and you know this election, whether or not he'll, I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

Well, his full moon cancer Capricorn chart that Robert F Kennedy Jr has in his birth chart. That again mirrors the two full moons cancer Capricorn of June and July 2024.

Speaker 3:

We've got two full moons cancer Capricorn this summertime of 2024.

Speaker 1:

And it's all over Robert F Kennedy's chart like crazy. And it's all over the? U Kennedy's chart like crazy. And it's all over the US chart like crazy. And so these two full moons are highlighting both the US and Robert. So those are two really key possibilities to consider here.

Speaker 1:

But you know, I look at the son of Robert F Kennedy Jr at 27 Capricorn in his birth chart, right on that 27 degree Pluto of the US chart. His son is on the plutonium of the US chart. Does that mean that he would be a person to transform our energy consumption, our energy usage? Would he transform what we do with the sustainable energies that we're moving into, versus traditional carbon-based fuels that we've been using, that are not going to go away? There's nobody looking at major energy systems. Who's considering getting rid of oil and gas? That's not going to happen overnight. But Robert F Kennedy's chart seems to be right on the US Pluto, right on the US Plutonium.

Speaker 1:

Now, let's not forget Robert F Kennedy was a very big proponent of environmental protection laws. Let's not forget, donald Trump is the exact opposite, has the exact opposite position. Donald Trump with the United States and its energy policies. So, donald Trump, he just said drill baby, drill. When I'm president again. Drill baby drill. He's like the hell with all this nonsense Donald Trump says about environment and environmental collapse and sea level rise and temperature. Ignore it all, just worry about profits. That's Donald Trump's message.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So Alexander, as the student here, I don't try to play an astrology in this podcast. So if we're looking at these different individuals, we're looking at okay, if not Joe who? So how does Robert fare up with our US chart as a candidate? Can we just do a quick run through?

Speaker 1:

Run through. Ok, so my quick assessment Robert is a powerful firebrand that is going to create a huge sort of explosive restructuring. Whether that will be coming together or whether he will intensify polarization is to be discussed, but I think, laura and Sheila his son on the US Pluto, you know we are at a time with Putin and Xi and Little Rocket man in North Korea. Plutonium is a key theme. You know, this Pluto return that we're having as a nation brings up a theme of plutonium. When I saw this 30 and 40 years ago as a young practitioner, I was concerned about plutonium themes for 2020. And now we have Vladimir Putin warning us about plutonium themes. So I think that Robert Kennedy Jr will definitely bring up themes of energy and, frankly, this could be more of a war hawk kind of arrangement. What do you both think?

Speaker 3:

I've heard him speak, and so he does bring up energy and he does seem to have a you know know, from what I've heard so far, a creative way to to transition, to transition from the fossil fuels to something more right environmentally friendly right that's right so so what?

Speaker 1:

you? I haven't listened to him. So you're saying, laura, you've actually heard him continue to propound ideas that started his career. Those of us I grew up in New York, so we were seeing Robert F Kennedy Jr as our hero. 30 years ago, in cleaning up the Hudson River, he was a key, key personage to jump in there and really go against the corporate interests who are polluting the Hudson River. So if he maintains that platform, I'm a happy person, but corporate America will be less happy.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so who else do we have? Let's see we're talking about.

Speaker 1:

Newsom. Well, we have Michelle oh.

Speaker 3:

Michelle Obama, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Michelle came up in the news as a would-be candidate that people would love her or want her. I think, laura, actually you brought up Michelle particularly.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think if she were to run, she could maybe take it and beat Donald Trump, and wouldn't it be nice to see the Obamas back in the White House. I don't think she wants to do it, though, but her name is being floated when you look at that chart and again, we have her at noon in this one, but it said her moon then would be zero degrees Pisces, which means that she was born earlier in the day. It would be Aquarius, and I could see both of those. What are your thoughts?

Speaker 1:

Well, my first thought, ladies, is um. She is born michelle, january 17th 1964 and robert f kennedy jr is born january 17th oh my gosh 54, I didn't even realize that january 17th, the same birthday for robert f kennedy jr and michelle obama. Wow, one is born in 64, michelle, and one is born in 54. Kennedy so therefore, if Robert F Kennedy's son is at 27 degrees of Capricorn on January 17th, and can join the Pluto power of the US.

Speaker 1:

Michelle's chart will also have her son therefore, on the US chart in terms of themes of power. So let's look and see what that looks like. If Michelle and, by the way, if Michelle were to become president, then that means that Barack would be the first husband, not the first lady. The first husband.

Speaker 2:

That would be cool.

Speaker 1:

So here Michelle has a Sun-Mars-Saturn conjunction. I look at it as a big stellium Sun in Capricorn, 27 degrees, almost right in the US Pluto. So 26, 27 for the Sun, for Michelle.

Speaker 3:

And Mars is next to her Sun and Pluto is approaching her Mars, right yeah?

Speaker 1:

her Sun and Mars and Saturn are all conjoined together, but I look at this Sun-Mars particularly, but the entire, to me it's an entire stellium of involving really her Capricorn, mercury. I use very wide worms and I see astronomically from an astronomer's lens, literally in my case, that the eyepiece, as often as it can be, chart falling on the US chart. Michelle's sun falls on the US, pluto opposing the US sun and Mercury. Michelle's moon, at zero degrees, pisces or late Aquarius, falls right on the moon of the US.

Speaker 3:

And what about her? Let's see her. North node is right on the sun of the US.

Speaker 1:

Her north node at 11 degrees of cancer is right on the 13 degree sun of the US North node in a birth chart in Western astrology right. Isn't that given to what's positive growth? I call it dharma. I call it dharma versus karma. In other words, taking an intentional initiative to restructure or birth something.

Speaker 2:

So I think she would be great for women. She would be. She would definitely be securing women's rights and mothering the nation in the sense that we have. We had Absolutely.

Speaker 3:

Her moon is almost the same degree and you know, I wonder, and I don't know if we can do that, but it would be interesting if, if you were to put her, let's say, at at 6 am, would her moon be at like 27 degrees. I wonder if her moon is right on the moon of the United States of America chart.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, her moon is so close as to not even I mean. Astrologers generally like to be very exacting. They try to make a science out of astrology and make it exactingly accurate, which I think is definitely a noble effort. But you know what I look at life as cycles, you know sweeping cycles and I think frankly, whether her moon is exactly on the US moon, it's more powerful an idea. It's still powerful as it is.

Speaker 1:

Michelle has a moon-Venus conjunction together in Pisces, which is a loving spirit. One of the four royal stars of Egypt is three degrees Pisces, fomahot. And to have Venus conjunct, fomahot, a star in one of the lower fish of Pisces, it's one of the four royal stars marking the turn of seasons. So to have her Venus moon on a royal star on the US moon, well I think it sort of says she is the female royalty, she is the feminine royalty and Sheila, as you said, moon is nurturing like a moon cycle, a woman's moon cycle. So moon on moon, she's a mother figure nurturing Moon-Venus conjunction.

Speaker 1:

A loving, nurturing mother figure Moon-Venus, fomahot, the fixed star, fomahot, three degrees Pisces, moon-venus Fomahot, a noble, regal, mothering, nurturing figure for the feminine, certainly for her two daughters. So she has skin in the game that she takes care of women and women's rights, her son Mars. She's a powerhouse. When you have a son Mars conjunction in your chart, if you're an individual, son Mars conjoined, isn't it Laura and Sheila? Isn't that son Mars conjunction typical with firemen and rescue workers and policemen and military general. It's somebody who Mars, who's Marshall, who can lead.

Speaker 3:

People in the military right.

Speaker 1:

yes, so Michelle's chart, even though we all think she's told us she's not going to, no way in hell is she going to run. But her chart would be exactly the kind of healing this nation needs. And, laura, you said the North Node, a positive fate. A positive fate. Her North Node, conjunct the sun of the US chart, she would produce a positive fatality, a positive faithfulness, I should say a fateful upwelling for the US. It would also be faithful because her Sun, mars, falls on the US Pluto. Either she becomes a plutocrat herself or she becomes a heroic force, heroic um force. Regarding plutocrats.

Speaker 2:

She would be a heroic, but anyway, who's who would be next? I would love if michelle ran, but um, she's not gavin newsom.

Speaker 3:

What do you what?

Speaker 2:

do you have on him gavin newsom?

Speaker 3:

again. He's saying he's not going to do it, but I think if any name comes forward, it would end up being him.

Speaker 1:

I think, think so too. So Gavin Newsom's chart we could dig into that. One of the interesting things about his chart, ladies, is that he's got some would call it by different terms this gestalt, this overall chart gestalt, October 10th of 1967, 5.13 in the morning for San Francisco, is Gavin Newsom. What's really a standout in Gavin's chart is he's got Saturn as a singleton planet and then everything else in a bundle. So this is called a fan pattern, like a Japanese fan, where the handle opens the whole fan. So we could sort of say Saturn, which describes cycles of terra firma. Saturn is cycles of 30-year orbits, so age 7, 14, 21, age 30, these seven years of Saturn cycles are all about material reality and Saturn opposes his son directly. So the whole fan opens up by Gavin's Saturn. So he's got the chart of a can-do, pragmatic, practical Libra. I think of Jimmy Carter when I think of Librans.

Speaker 3:

Right, right. Can we put it with the US chart and see how that looks?

Speaker 1:

sure. So let's see, okay, us and gavin. So there's gavin's chart wrapped around. Gavin has a moon in capricorn that opposes the us sun, right, so it says gavin's emotional nature, uh, either is oppositional to the essence of the us or, uh, it is like a full moon, it's illuminating, it creates illumination. In other words, gavin's emotional state might be, uh, uh, a de facto illumination of what the, the people of the us feel, so he's going to create illumination.

Speaker 1:

Perhaps best case scenario, gavin's son falls, right, exactly conjunct, the us saturn and gavin's. Since gavin has son saturn opposing each other in his birth chart. If Gavin's Sun falls on the US Saturn, it means that Gavin's Saturn opposes the US Saturn as well. So this again is a big restructuring. This is an indication of massive restructuring. Gavin also has his Mars opposing the US Mars, so Mars opposing US Mars. That would be the opposite of a war hawk, that's, someone who opposes jumping into military conflicts or creating military conflicts willy-nilly or before their time. I want to throw up one wheel for us to look at, and that is Donald Trump with the US chart, and the reason I, at this moment, want to bring that up is Donald Trump's son is exactly conjunct the US Mars. So Donald Trump's essence is Marshall. Donald Trump has Mars rising in his chart. He rises with aggression, so this is about aggression under.

Speaker 3:

Donald Trump. He's got Mars right on his ascendant there, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And Donald Trump's Mars ascendant conjunction, how Donald rises in terms of his own aggression. Donald Trump rises with aggression all the time, does he not? I mean, let's get real, here and there it is, that Mars rising in Donald Trump, that martial quality that Trump has. His martial quality opposes the moon of the US, opposes the feminine. Donald Trump's martial, egoic identity opposes the moon of the US, opposes the moon. In a nation's chart, the moon describes the people, and especially the female people, by the way. So here Donald Trump's chart shows, in his Mars opposing the US moon, that Donald Trump is definitely no supporter of women, not the general feminine in the US, and we see that. So okay, so back to Newsom's chart. You asked what do you both think about? I think the Mars opposing Mars and Gavin Newsom, his Mars opposing the US Mars. His son conjoined the US Saturn.

Speaker 3:

So you know, to me there's some good things about this chart, but it doesn't seem as strong as RFKs or Obamas, michelle Obamas.

Speaker 2:

So who do we have next? Yeah, I guess. Yes, Alexander, what do you think about it? I think you're quite right.

Speaker 1:

I think you're right. I think Gavin Newsom's chart does not seem like a slam dunk with the US chart. It has me wonder about another full moon personality. Donald Trump was born at the full moon. You know. Biden's born just before the full moon and Kamala Harris is born at the full moon and Robert Kennedy Jr is born during a full moon. They're all full moon people. I always say when I interpret full moon Laura and Sheila that a full moon person having the sun on one side, the moon opposite near chart, full moon brings illumination. So either you have a successful seesaw ride with opposition or you have imbalance. Kamala's chart, born during a full moon, literally astronomically had the moon near Jupiter the night of her birth. It says her emotional moon nature is jovial Jupiter Jove.

Speaker 3:

It's well, I mean okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, astronomically speaking, it's 30 degrees away. Yeah, roughly. And Sheila and I were looking telescopically we're using scopes of the day and looking up at the moon and we were measuring 30 degrees. Weren't we doing it just the other day, sheila?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we were.

Speaker 1:

It's surprisingly close. It's surprisingly, you know, visually. Visually it looks very close, yes, so astro? An astrologer says, oh my god, it's almost a full 30 degrees, a full sign away, her moon, jupiter. The astronomer says, really, there's jupiter right, there, right. Her character certainly is emotionally jovial. She has a, she has a, a ready laugh, she's got a jovial. She breaks into laughter very naturally and without holding back. She certainly is not stone-faced, right.

Speaker 3:

No Correct, so let's look at.

Speaker 1:

Kamala with the US chart.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, let's look at her with the US chart. Yeah, let's throw up the US chart.

Speaker 1:

Here's the United States. Here's Kamala she's a Libra sun just like Gavin Newsom is a Libra sun. That's right. Gavin had a 16 degree Libra sun. Kamala has a 27 Libra sun. Jimmy Carter has a Libra sun. Kamala is, however, three days or three degrees away from being a Scorpio, and God knows, we see a Scorpion equality.

Speaker 3:

You can see that. You can see that with her.

Speaker 1:

Kamala has a Scorpionic quality, kind of like Hillary Clinton, who was a Scorpion. She's a prosecutor, kamala. She's nobody's fool, she's a strong, strong woman.

Speaker 1:

That's right, yes, she's born during the full moon. Her moon's 27 Aries, her sun's 27 Libra. Her sun and her moon both aspect the US moon. Right Libra. Her sun and her moon both aspect the US moon. Interestingly, kamala's Saturn struggle, stress, patriarchy, saturn. Saturn is also about fact and fact finding. Kamala's Saturn falls right on the US moon, right on it 28 degree Saturn for Kamala, 27 degree moon for the US. What do you, ladies, think about that Saturn moon conjunction?

Speaker 3:

Well, I certainly think it for her. I think it almost is like she is a person to bring structure. She can be the task master, if you will, if needed be, and I think we see that with. She has been doing that along the ways, even though we haven't seen it up front that she is the one who's bringing more structure and is able to really hone in. What do you think? Would she be a protector?

Speaker 2:

of women too also.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, well, Saturn is a patriarch, so it says the best case with Saturn on the US moon that she will take a patriarchal attitude, as Laura just said in running the show, like really putting you know, she would sort of smack down, she will cut through the baloney and really get down to brass tacks about what needs to be done regarding women and women's rights. I also noticed that Kamala's Mars in Leo reminds me of somebody else's Mars, and that was Donald Trump. Donald Trump's Mars is in Leo as well, opposing the US moon. Kamala's Mars is in Leo, opposing the US moon With Trump, we do know, I'm sorry with Trump. We do know his Mars opposing US moon means he is martially against women. That's true. Does it mean that with Kamala, is she against women?

Speaker 3:

Well we know she's not right, you know she's going to be a warrior for women yeah, so we, we know that, that you know she would be a cheerleader and has been also too he's a champion for her.

Speaker 1:

Her moon is 27 degrees in aries, aspecting the natal moon of the us, 27 degrees aquarius right her moon is in good, excellent configuration to the moon.

Speaker 1:

Her sun is in excellent 27 degrees of Libra, 27 Aquarius moon of the US. Her sun is in excellent relationship as well to the US moon. Now we have a different thing, that situation where Trump's Mars opposes the US moon. That is not a benefic. That is much more malefic. That is not a benefic. That is much more malefic. However, since Kamala's sun-moon opposition is about in this case, I think, illumination. In fact, I think jovial Jupiter, not far from that jovial illumination, I, opposing Mars on the US moon, says she's going to lower the boom if she's president on the US border, she's going to get the border under control. She's going to find ways to create structures that both support women and children at the border. At the same time, she will command the border. That's what I think her chart says she will do, which, by the way, is what needs to be done, apparently right.

Speaker 3:

Right, that does need to be done, that needs to be taken care of.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

That's a hot button issue.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

That is a hot button issue If you want to talk about. I think for some people that is the issue.

Speaker 1:

Well, in terms of the moon, is the people of the nation and also the womb and birthing. So the US moon at 27 Aquarius, with her Saturn falling right on it, it defines well themes of birthing. Well, first of all, we darn well know, when we look at Donald Trump and he has that Mars opposing the US moon, well, he's also opposing birth control. Here I think that she's going to define themes of birthing and birth control. I think Kamala will say a way to manage the issues of women's rights and women's health and the health and wealth of the emotional body of the nation is to have people be able to make their choices about their family, rather than taking away birth control. Actually, she may be more pro having more birth control Rather than having abortion issues. Have birth control issues? Have family planning issues? Have family management issues? Saturn is patriarchal planning. What do you think, laura? And since you're both women, what do you both think about this idea of family planning versus birth control?

Speaker 3:

I think you're onto something and I think what were you going to say, sheila?

Speaker 2:

No. So I agree. And that's why her aspect of Mars opposing the US moon is different from Donald, because Saturn is there to say say, no, let's bring some structure to this right. So I agree so maybe the issue is.

Speaker 1:

Maybe the issue is functional structure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, so I mean that looks like a good fit. Thank goodness she's our vp. That's right for now, and let's hope that that continues, or maybe become our president. So what's who's next?

Speaker 1:

well, you know also something. Lastly uh, both libra is at the top of the uS chart. So any Libra president, any Libra potential, has their son in the career sector of the US chart. That's true of Kamala. That's true of Gavin Newsom, whose son is up there in Libra at the top of the chart. That's true of Jimmy Carter. Now, some would say God, jimmy Carter was a fiscal nightmare for the United States 1974. Not all Librans are cut from the same cloth. The bottom thing about all Librans is that they are conciliatory. They are the sign of balance. The two seasons autumnal equinox, the seasonal being balanced, portraying a rationally balanced personage, is what a Libra is all about. That's Gavin Newsom, that's also Kamala. But where is Kamala here? She's here somewhere. I had the chart of Kamala.

Speaker 1:

Where'd she go there, it is, there's her son.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So I know we've got to watch our time for this episode. Any last thoughts or questions or comments about other potential candidates? We'd spoken about a bunch of different people and I'm wondering if anything's sort of left unsaid or undone.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. Was there anyone else whose name has really been floating around? Pete.

Speaker 1:

Buttigieg Andy Beshear Wes Moore.

Speaker 3:

I don't see those, I just don't see maybe Wes.

Speaker 1:

Moore, but I don't know if he's well-known enough. Wes Moore is another Libran. Wes Moore's birthday October 15th 1978.

Speaker 3:

Look at 1978. Another Libra. He's young.

Speaker 1:

Westmore's Pluto sun is powerfully placed on the US chart and, unsurprisingly, we take the chart of the US and we wrap Westmore in there around it. We see Westmore's Libra sun with Pluto right on the US Saturn. Well, I know exactly. Well, first of all, he's not going to become the president. So Westmore, in terms of the US chart, what would he be known for? Well, pluto's death and restructuring and rebirth. Saturn is physical structures. Saturn rules the frame of the body. Saturn rules the bones and the actual framing, carpentry. So what is Westmore known for?

Speaker 2:

Well that bridge right. Yeah, the bridge collapse in Maryland.

Speaker 1:

He's known for taking the bull by the horns with the bridge collapse and, in a very short order, opening that damn channel. And you know, having that channel open it's a critical, critical, critical shipping route for the US financial infrastructure and he took the bull by the horns and made that happen Absolutely.

Speaker 3:

But when you look at his chart, you had said he wouldn't be president, right? You don't see him as presidential thoroughly.

Speaker 1:

I don't see Wes Moore. I personally think he's awesome. I'd love to have him as president. Well, I think he'd be presidential it's just that.

Speaker 2:

When you start looking at the candidates, I think he's, and plus he's also a new governor. I don't see him switching out of that. I think he would stay committed to his governor role. Maybe down the road he might. He would be a good candidate, maybe down the road right.

Speaker 1:

Well, sheila, you said something very powerful. You thought that he would maintain loyalty to his role, to the people. Well, look at Westmore's chart. We don't know a time of birth, so ignore anyone watching this, ignore that sunrise chart, forget that, we don't have a time for him. So I just do a sunrise chart to get a bearing of where planets are that day, october 15th of 78, westmore, he's another full moon baby, and I always say full moon babies are born into a family system where the balance of mom and dad is a theme and it is either good balance or bad balance. I think Westmore, I guarantee you, is an example of a good balance, meaning he's very much with that moon as the singleton planet in his chart. We saw the same thing with where was it now? Gavin Newsom. There it was, with Saturn as a singleton in this fan pattern.

Speaker 1:

Saturn is structure. Gavin's central style is structure. This fellow, the moon, feeling emotion. Family is his central, pivot point of this chart. Westmore is all about women. Westmore is all about his mother. Westmore is all about the feminine. Westmore is all about no-transcript.

Speaker 1:

You know, maybe we look at Joe Biden's chart because, after all, he's sort of the center point of the discussion right now and again, coming back to it, pluto, big changes. Opposite is Pluto, square is moon. These are significant indicators in a young person's chart. They are seriously big indicators in an older person's chart. Saturn, neptune at the bottom of his chart, says he's going through foundational rumblings and challenges. The area of Biden's chart that's highlighted is partnerships. Partnerships are super highlighted right now, business partnerships particularly, and if we think about his cabinet and those who follow under him, they are the ones that have helped make his presidency arguably a great presidency economically. Last note Biden's a Sag rising. The US is a Sag rising nation. The US is a Sag rising nation and Joe Biden is a Sag rising as well.

Speaker 3:

Now, that was interesting too with Kamala. If the time is right for her, she's a Sag rising as well.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I missed that. Very cool. How did I miss that? Where's Kamala? She's up here somewhere. I've got to bring her chart up again. No, kamala is a Gemini rising.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

Sag descendant. So Kamala Sag descendant would place the US ascendant at her marriage. In other words, the essence of the US would be a partnership theme for her With Joe Biden, since the US is a Sag rising and Joe's got his son only two anda half degrees from Sag. With Sag rising, it says Joe's identity is wrapped up with the mission statement of the US. The rising sign of a chart is always about its mission statement.

Speaker 1:

The rising sign describes how he rise to meet the outer world and Sag is freedom. The US is freedom and Joe Biden is about freedom. That's what his chart says. Any last thoughts or comments? How he rise to meet the outer world and sag is freedom. Right, the us is freedom and joe biden is about free freedom. That's what his chart says, right? Any last thoughts or comments?

Speaker 3:

well, one of the things if you throw up the transits over joe biden's chart, real quick um, hold on, sorry, I thought I had him there.

Speaker 3:

Those are the major outers that I've got right, right, but you see the opposition um of lars and uranus in opposition to his stellium there in Scorpio, his sun, venus, mercury, mars, the Mars-Uranus conjunction, and Mars is going to go past it, you know, but I'm wondering even if we're going to see some health issues. You know, something else happening coming up as Mars passes over that Uranus and really activates and like, maybe makes more of an opposition to his sun and his Venus.

Speaker 1:

Well, one thing we know is that Mars is an action, a point of action, and Uranus was discovered during French and American revolutions. So it's about revolution, so revolutionary, explosive action in his sixth sector, sixth house of health opposing his Mercury opposing his sun, and this is happening the next few days.

Speaker 1:

So this this week, we're having this mars uranus conjunction dead opposite joe's sun, and that would astrologically say what? That this should come to a head over the next few days, which we know logically. Astrology mirrors. What is astrology mirrors? You know what's happening, so that's right on time that things could be absolutely explosive. I mean, I, I, I actually be surprised if, if joe uh chooses not to run any longer, but this opposition could be just that and again the sixth and twelfth house, and and both of those deal with health, you know so we shall.

Speaker 2:

So we shall see. We'll keep our eyes on the sky and keep ourselves aware in the news and keep our prayers going.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you everyone for listening and viewing. We hope to have you come and share with us again. Thank you, dear Laura Sklover, for being our wonderful guest host and supporter of this endeavor today. Again, laura, you want to tell people how they can reach you.

Speaker 3:

Well, they can reach me at laurasklover at gmailcom, and that is L-A-U-R-A-S-K-L-O-V, as in Victor E-R at Gmail. Wonderful Thank you.

Speaker 1:

We're going to have Laura join us again, so if you didn't have a chance to connect more with her this time because Alexander's doing his Alexander rap, well then we'll have a next time. I'll back up and maybe Laura will run some computer programs for us.

Speaker 3:

No, you were great. All right folks, yeah, all right. Thanks everybody.

Speaker 1:

Leave us a comment. We love to hear from you.

Speaker 2:

Bye, okay, bye.