The Astrology of Family Karma and Relationships

Astrology of Election 2024- Harris vs. Trump ... and the Winner Is??

Alexander Mallon Season 1 Episode 9

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Harris v Trump 2024 !!

In this episode of The Astrology of Family Karma and Relationship Podcast, we explore the celestial dynamics at play, starting with the United States' foundational chart featuring its Cancer Sun and Aquarius Moon. These elements symbolize the nation's family-centric ethos and quest for independence. 

We delve into the impact of significant planetary transits like Pluto and Saturn, including their roles in the reversal of Roe v. Wade, and look ahead to Jupiter's upcoming conjunction with the U.S. Mars, hinting at an expansion of the military machine as the election nears. And don't miss our analysis of the percolating transformative 2025 Jupiter Return Cycle in the U.S. chart, which will renew our national focus on family values post-election.

Join us as we draw parallels between historical and contemporary astrological cycles involving Jupiter and Uranus, linking them to global events like WWII and current geopolitical dynamics with Ukraine,  Europe, and NATO. 

We also scrutinize the astrological charts of presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, highlighting Trump's explosive tendencies contrasted with Harris's balanced and innovative traits. Moreover, we examine the profound influence of Plutonian corporate power on American rights, reflecting on the 'Reaganomic roots' in the present rise of an autocratic America. Advocating for a return to our foundational values that support family and the rights of the working class, we show how the expansive pairing of Jupiter and Uranus emphasize our collective urge towards individual freedoms and a mindful evolution of our national ethos. 

Tune in for an insightful discussion that bridges astrology with contemporary political and social issues.

Find out about YOUR important chart placements !

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Thank you for listening!
Alexander & Sheila

Speaker 1:

Welcome to this episode of the Astrology of Family, pharma and Relationship Podcast. I'm your host, alexander Mallon, here with my wonderful co-host, sheila.

Speaker 2:

G, the guide on the side.

Speaker 1:

Today's episode we'll discuss election 2024. Biden is out and Kamala is in and the winner is. That might be the theme right of the show. So many people are wondering what exactly is happening. So many people are wondering what exactly is happening whether we're going to have Kamala or Trump as our next leader. That's indeed Big, big times. These big times, these Sheila. So I'm looking, sheila, at the chart of the US to sort of start us off. July 4th 1776. I like to use the Sibley chart. That is the signing chart at 5.10 pm, when the Declaration of Independence was signed at 5.10 pm, philadelphia, july 4th 1776. It gives us a 12 degrees Sagittarius rising. So July 4th 1776, of course, we all know that means, if you're into astrology, that our nation is a Cancerian nation.

Speaker 2:

July 4th we're a Cancer nation To be more exact, that's when Congress voted to declare independence from the Brits.

Speaker 1:

That's right to declare independence from the Brits, that's right. And that Cancer Nation, that July-August time period of cancer and Leo every year, that's when essentially, children and families come together. School is over and kids come together, and when a baby is born as a cancer, it's about mommy, daddy, family, it's really, it's the essence of the family, the nuclear family, I'll say so, the us. Being a cancer a nation Implies that we are sort of a family, a nation of family, and the nuclear family, which is interesting these days, considering so many things are happening. Which is interesting these days, considering so many things are happening politically that we'll discuss today, a little bit like Roe v Wade, women's rights, the family where our family is going. Nuclear family, that cancer, sun and that Pluto and the opposite sign, capricorn. When our nation was born, july 4 1776, it says our nation was born Sun and cancer, opposite Pluto, in opposition to plutonium, in opposition to Pluto plutocracy, I meant to say in opposition to plutocrats, in opposition to to dictatorship and monarchy.

Speaker 2:

Authoritarian rule. We want to be independent from others. That's what to do and decide for ourselves.

Speaker 1:

That's it right, that our nation of family values is a direct opposition to monarchic dominance. That's what this chart says. That's one of the things that leaps off the page. The thing that stands out with the us chart, sheila, is that we have a cancer water emotion, water sign, water season, cancer, july. A water sign, sun sign of cancer and a moon in the sign of Aquarius.

Speaker 1:

Now, in a nation's chart, the moon describes the people, the individual populace of the nation, where the sun, in this case Cancer, describes the spirit of the nation, the moon describes the populace, the people of a nation. By the way, astrologically speaking, because astrology always is just a mirror, these cycles are always typically mirroring what's unfolding for an individual or for a nation. We've had the planets Pluto, plutocracy and Saturn Patriarchy crossing over the US moon these last couple of years and, of course, coincident with with that happening, an astrologer could have you know if you will predicted this. Um, it says that the rights of the populace, the rights of moon think of moon cycle, think of women, the rights of women are in some ways reconstructed or constrained. Saturn, patriarchy, patriarchal constraint. Well, in a roe v wade.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we've seen evidence of that yeah, the reversal.

Speaker 1:

Who could have thought, yeah, in 50 years of of roe v wade suddenly being reversed by the supreme court? So this is kind of a big standout in the us chart that moon on the one side with pluto, the US chart opposite the sun and the sign of Cancer. So the question might arise what are the cycles, alexander and Sheila, for this election, this upcoming election? What stands out here is that we are having transiting in the sky, jupiter in the sign of Gemini, within one degree conjunction, right on top of the US Mars. Jupiter cycles, sheila happen for all of us individuals at age 12, 24, 36. So Jupiter cycles coincide, sheila, with the cycles of expansion.

Speaker 2:

And then butting up against that Mars. What does that mean?

Speaker 1:

It's suggesting that for the US expansion of Martial efforts, like Mars, martial militaristic efforts. We certainly see that ramping up with Ukraine, ramping up with our involvement in the Middle East, ramping up with Iran ramping up with Russia and Vladimir Putin.

Speaker 1:

So we're having this powerful Jupiter cycle at this time of this election, 2024,. On the US. The us mars expansion of militaristic force is one thing. We're also gearing up hill and next year, 25, that jupiter returns to where it was when we were born as a nation. We're having another. Another jupiter return happens every 12 years, but of course this is a particular powerful 12-year Jupiter return for the US. So we have a Jupiter in Cancer, our home sign, our nation sign, next year, 2025. So Jupiter again cycles of expansion beautifully expanding in Cancer next year, after the election, after the inauguration of this president.

Speaker 2:

And within Cancer. That means it's going to be more focused again on the family, the spirit of the family, of the nation.

Speaker 1:

That's right. That is the idea. What's beautiful about this election day of 2024, November 5 of 2024 for our election day, is this transiting Jupiter conjunct that US Mars. So it's action, and maybe military action, that Jupiter is in beautiful configuration, a trying configuration, to that US moon in Aquarius. It says expansion of the feminine, maybe even martial or active expansion of the feminine. Gosh, I would say you know, as we're taping this program here at the end of July 2024, what we see with Kamala's progress in her campaign, it certainly is galvanizing women, galvanizing the feminine. That's what's happening right now. Yes, so this election chart of 2024 has that Jupiter.

Speaker 1:

It also Sheila has something else and I'm looking at that Uranus approaching the natal Uranus of the US chart, we will be having folks a Uranus return, an 84-year cycle for humans, a Uranus return on the US chart, literally beginning when Uranus ingresses into Gemini in 2025. So we've got Jupiter on Mars and Cancer next year. We've got Uranus returning, which is a revolution. Uranus, the planet of revolution, discovered during the French and American revolutions. Uranus cycles are revolutionary right on the US chart simultaneously. So it says this is a politically revolutionary time.

Speaker 2:

So it's very important that we elect someone to lead us in a direction that benefits us or makes it, because we have a lot of changes coming up.

Speaker 1:

That's right.

Speaker 2:

Again, because we've seen this before.

Speaker 1:

We've seen this before. You know, by happenstance, I was sort of looking at different cycles of this election day. Sheila and I was um sort of stumbling around. I thought, gee, you know, I'm thinking about cycles that we see as astrologers, that have us think about 30s. What was happening in the 30s? What was happening as we were heading into, uh, world war ii, for instance, when there was a great deal of uh events surrounding our pluto in our chart and plutocracy around the world, as we're having right now in the us chart, the us having a pluto return, a 248 year cycle, our first national pluto return 240, basically our nation's 248 years old. So pluto's come back to where it was when we were born. That's always significant. Pluto cycles describe death and rebirth and of course we're having a massive review death and rebirth.

Speaker 1:

But I went back and did a little historical review too, um, to that world war ii period and uh stumbled upon something said I'm not a political astrologer, really I looked at the fact that the last time we had this Jupiter in Gemini with Uranus return was during the attack of Pearl Harbor. Oh boy. So when we think about this election and all of us know the stakes are high, all of us know it's a powerful time. All of us know that this is a big deal. We can corroborate that astrologically by saying gee, when was the last time we had Jupiter and Uranus together on the US chart in the exact same or very almost exact same degree places? I mean, it's uncanny, it almost is exactly the same this election day Jupiter 20 degrees of Gemini, right on the US Mars.

Speaker 1:

Uranus 25 Taurus, pearl Harbor. That was Jupiter at 16 degrees of Gemini. Right now it's 20. Uranus at 27 Taurus. Right now Uranus is 25. Pretty darn close to exactly the arrangement we had when we entered World War II and when you and I were prepping the show, I think you laid out sort of an exclamation of concern.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that we don't want that to happen again.

Speaker 1:

So well, you were asking me. Yeah, you're asking me what that? Is there something jupiterianly positive or yes?

Speaker 2:

yeah, what we don't. No one wants war. What can we do to make sure we don't have these repeats, even of these cycles? I mean, these cycles are saying that's coming, so how do we prep ourselves?

Speaker 1:

or right, we're having the same cycle now during this election in 2034, that we had with those two planets Jupiter and Uranus respectively that we had when Japan attacked in Pearl Harbor. How can we get a different view? What can we create? In other words, what can we be mindfully creating as a nation is what you're asking. How can we apply this energy, these cycles, positively? Jupiter are positive cycles of growth. Uranus are positive cycles of not only revolution but evolution, precisely right. So we're in a time right now for evolution. But if this evolutionary cycle were to go differently, we could certainly have challenges more than challenges. But the positive you asked about the same Jupiter-Uranus that we had during the Pearl Harbor situation at the beginning of the US entering World War II. How on earth can we look at that through a positive lens? Our entering World War II definitively changed the course of that war. The US entering World War II definitively changed the course and squashed dictatorship worldwide. So the positive is freedom, liberation liberating France, liberating Europe collectively.

Speaker 1:

We're in a situation right now with Ukraine that we are attempting to, without being directly involved, help to liberate Europe. Essentially, once again, people suggest that if Russia continues to conquer and does conquer Ukraine, russia might not stop there. So we have a similar dynamic here Jupiter cycle going through that sector of the US chart that deals with partnerships. Partnerships, partnering with Ukraine, partnering with Finland, partnering with NATO, partnering with Europe, partnering with Eastern Europe. These are things that are absolutely powerfully on the table right now and you know there's a lot of discussion too, while it appears Iran are definitely not our partners right now.

Speaker 1:

During the Obama administration, even if it was roundabout, some suggest it was a recipe for disaster, but we never found out which way it would go sort of into partnership. I can tell you one thing we do know those of us who have friends, connections with anyone who's from around the youth of Iran do not want the old guard ways to continue. The youth of Iran want to regain their progressive system that they had in the 70s. That, of course, was was crushed by the ayatollah going back a few decades. So the cycles we have now with jupiter, uranus, revolutionary partnering is what is highlighted in the us chart and evolution.

Speaker 2:

So then, if we make sure we elect a leader that is will be able to help us through these cycles, better off we will be.

Speaker 1:

Indeed. So I thought also too, Sheila, that we might want to look at Kamala's chart on Election Day and Donald Trump's chart on.

Speaker 1:

Election Day. Donald Trump is a Gemini sun sign. Jupiter's cycle coincides with cycles of personal expansion, usually career and goal expansion. Jupiter right now is in the sign of Gemini. Donald Trump is a Gemini Astrology 101, basic astrology, a new student of astrology would say well, gee, if Jupiter's cycles of successful expansion and Jupiter is right on top of Donald Trump's sun, that must mean he's going to win this election. And folks, it is concerning.

Speaker 1:

That is real concerning during this time of this election, when we have Jupiter around Donald Trump's sun, when we have transiting Mercury heading retrograde around the time of this election, when we have transiting Mars stationing retrograde itself not long, I think, about a month after the election, transiting Mars stations retrograde. It stations retrograde right on the US chart, at Mars. Mars stations retrograde right on Donald Trump's Pluto and his Venus by a few degrees. Some astrologers say is too far off. But as a backyard astronomer, as an astronomer, astrologer myself, I say no, that transiting Mars retrograde station, that happens December 7th, interesting, december 7th 2024, this year, december 7th, gee, that date, december 7th. What does that bring to mind? Oh, yeah, pearl Harbor. Yeah, mars stays in retrograde on Pearl Harbor Day this year, right on the US chart, right on Donald Trump's chart. Right on Donald Trump's Pluto-Mars.

Speaker 1:

I call it a conjunction in Donald Trump's chart. Yeah, chart. Right on Donald Trump's chart. Right on Donald Trump's Pluto-Mars. I call it a conjunction in Donald Trump's chart. Yeah, gee, does that sound? Concerning folks, pluto is stationing retrograde, stopping in the sky from an Earth-bound observer's point of view, right on Donald Trump's Venus. That's an issue of love from the people, perhaps. Issue of love from the from the people, perhaps. Right on his pluto, mars plutonium, right on his mars. This is an explosive recipe that we have with donald trump's chart. Um, donald trump's chart, honestly, is explosive meaning he will make things explosive.

Speaker 2:

He well, we do know he'll make things.

Speaker 1:

Yes, one way or another on donald trump's is well slated, unfortunately, from my perspective, regarding this 2024 election. Why do I say unfortunately? I won't get off on this topic too far down this rabbit hole, but anyone can see Donald Trump's chart a big bundle chart with the moon, all by itself. A big bundle chart with his son opposing his moon. A big bundle chart with the moon, all by itself. A big bundle chart with his son opposing his moon. A big bundle chart.

Speaker 1:

Donald Trump was born during a lunar eclipse where the shadow of earthly materialism eclipsed his emotions and his mother and his family. This theme of eclipsing women, you got it, folks. So Donald Trump's chart, I mean, really listen, let's put aside nonsensical sort of banter or even being neutral. I don't like to be neutral when the house is on fire, I want to say, holy cow, there's smoke, and then I see flames. The house is on fire Enough being neutral. Time to do something. This chart of Donald Trump is the chart of a narcissist. We know that. It is really literally true Astrologically a chart of a narcissist, his. It is really literally true Astrologically, a chart of a narcissist, his whole chart and bundle opposing his moon. Kamala's chart, by contrast, interestingly has a pattern in it that's called a grand rectangle, with Kamala's sun, kamala's Mars, kamala's Saturn, kamala's moon in Aries a grand rectangle. We saw that in Robert Asiagioli. I think there might be a grand rectangle, sheila, in the chart of Carl Jung as well. This promises somebody who can think, if you will outside the box.

Speaker 1:

Outside the box, the person who has the capacity to do sort of seen from many different perspectives at once, that grand rectangle when Donald Trump has everything in his chart bundled opposite that moon. If you will, the moon is a handle women, which we see him operating.

Speaker 2:

That's right so common.

Speaker 1:

This chart on election day, uh, that has some interesting positive juju um, she's got uranus on her jupiter jup her Ascendant. There are some really powerful positive things that have a lot of astrologers saying she's going to win, without a doubt. However, kamala is also having that Neptune-Saturn right on her career angle of her chart, which is challenging. So there are as many positives in Kamala's Election Day chart as there are challenges. However, I would say the challenges might outweigh the positives. So a key factor, sheila, of this Election Day chart on Kamala's chart is a theme of partnership. Kamala's partnership area of her chart is super highlighted around election day and therefore partnership with the moon there and that transiting Venus yeah.

Speaker 2:

Again, if moon is, is representing women and family those, those, those themes are highlighted yes she'd be the first female president.

Speaker 1:

She'd be the first female president of color, right? Those are big factors. And she'll then the. Her husband will be the first, he'll be the first husband talk about revolution.

Speaker 1:

There's a positive evolution, evolutionary evolution. Wonderful, she likes that evolutionaryary revolution will be Kamala and the first husband. The great potential is there, folks. I also say that means that who Kamala chooses as her running mate is extraordinarily important to Kamala winning this election. If she's going to win, who she chooses is extraordinarily important. And again, that P word that I don't like to throw around If she's going to win, who she chooses is extraordinarily important. And again, that P word that I don't like to throw around I like to look at astrology as being cycles and I always say that your birth chart is sort of like the backdrop.

Speaker 1:

Your birth chart is the roadmap of your life, but you're driving the car, so that's why I look at our charts as cycles, including a national chart. But I'm going to use that p word prediction. I hate that word. It's not a good word. It implies that we're not free, will minded and, you know, cooperative here in creating our world. But that p word I'm saying tongue-in-cheek, folks that I have here, depending on who kamala um I think it's going to be Mark Kelly.

Speaker 1:

I went to look at Mark Kelly's chart. Mark Kelly's chart, in my opinion, is not well suited at this particular time. The cycles in Mark Kelly's chart are not overly fantastic about what might happen for him individually. I don't know that his personal chart will necessarily define this election, but it is concerning. It's not a great-looking situation for Mark Kelly, but I think they're going to. I predict I say jokingly Sheila they're going to bring Mark Kelly in.

Speaker 2:

Well, we'll see. It's coming up shortly. One factor you said we have free will, so with that moon over there in her house, the transiting on election day. On the election day moon. Does that also signify if women get out to vote? But for her that would also play a positive for Pamela.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's no doubt. I mean truly, if we had a landslide effort of women and people of color to come out for this election, I mean that's, you know it's a. You don't need an astrologer to figure that one out. It would be a landslide, it would be a, it would be a game changer, unequivocally right. So you and I, individually, are talking to family members, friends, and we're just trying to shake the trees.

Speaker 2:

Well, we have to be part of the destiny of our country and that is by voting. And we don't want to lose those rights by becoming a dictatorship. That we want, I want, I would like for our country to maintain our democracy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I think we can say folks, a dictatorship under Donald Trump. Trump's chart says it. Trump's chart is a classic chart of a dictator. Trump has Pluto plutocrats, dictatorial plutocrats, rising on his Mars war. Conjunct his Leo Ascendant Donald Trump has 29 Leo rising. That is the fixed star, regulus. It is the royal star of the four royal stars of Egypt. It's one of those key stars that talks about the turning of the seasons, but it's particularly that star of monarchy and royalty, meaning Donald Trump sees himself that way. Yeah, Donald Trump has Mars on that star. It says he sees himself as a military dictator, a military leader. Donald Trump was not even militarily involved. Am I mistaken in this?

Speaker 2:

Was he? Did he serve in the military?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I don't think he did. Yet his chart says folks that he sees himself as a military leader, military dictator. He tells us that Europe, that other nations, will ride all over Kamala if she is the president. I think that's not at all the case. I'm concerned, actually, that Donald Trump's chart says what we already know. People say he will join, he admires dictators, and we're at a time and a phase and a cycle that we had when we had the beginning of World War II.

Speaker 1:

It's unfolding right now, when we actually entered World War II. We have similar cycles, some exact same cycles as, in fact, pearl Harbor Day when Japan attacked court concordance with yes, this election day mentioned. So right, we don't want to have explosiveness being focused upon. I'm looking at connoisseur now and I say connoisseur talks about her own evolution. This would be a time period with her own evolutionary shift, her own evolutionary upliftment. Common was charted on election day as Jupiter in the sky Crossing over her North Node and her ascendant. The North Node is sort of what we're. One Dharma is one fulfilling, one sort of Destiny, one potential. And when you move toward your Dharma, your North Node in your birth chart, you move toward your destiny, jupiter's expansion of destiny, in common with chart. So if she were to elect the president, her mission statement would be expanding her destiny, in effect.

Speaker 2:

And the destiny of our country. So if we go back to when our nation was born, if you say July 4th 1776. What hope do we have? Well, my thing is, the people have the power and the people need to use their power to make sure we have the country that we want to continue to live in, indeed, that we want to continue to invent.

Speaker 1:

Indeed, and so again, the Jupiter return upcoming at the end of this year, 24 into 25, Jupiter cycles are back, cycles of expansion. The cycles of expansion are right on the US chart, particularly in the area of partnering and partnerships. Then the issue is how can we better rise and create ascension for ourselves, evolution, as you said for the US, through partnerships. It definitely will be embracing our European partners, for instance, rather than in any way pushing them away. So, in closing, number one. In closing, what should we say? Vote.

Speaker 1:

Get out there and vote Number two, convince all those people that you know feel that the rights of women, the rights of family, the focus on family, the fact that our nation is about family values that is where our focus should be.

Speaker 1:

Corporations run the world, but maybe we should even ask ourselves should they really? You know, I kind of go back to the reagan reaganomics, when they made corporations. They gave corporations the rights of individual people and things began to really shift in a very plutocratic way. And here we are. So the theme of women and family rights and everyday working American rights.

Speaker 2:

Let's get back to evolutionizing that so that you can support your family with one job and that you can have basic needs taken care of, that you're not wiped out by a medical emergency.

Speaker 1:

So really, it comes down to this Jupiter cycle, this election cycle, with a Jupiter return, Jupiter heading into the sign of cancer next year. It's about reaffirming the values and the reason that we came together, that we founded this nation to begin with. That's our parting thoughts. Thanks everyone for listening. We'll see you again on YouTube and please listen for and watch our program again.

Speaker 2:

Yes, thank you and vote.