The Astrology of Family Karma and Relationships

Astrology, Politics, and Empowerment: Kamala Harris and Alex Cooper - Who's the Daddy?

Alexander Mallon Season 1 Episode 12

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Kamala Harris brings her powerful presence to the "Call Her Daddy" podcast, where she engages in a crucial dialogue about  politics, and human rights—a perfect blend for the 2024 White House race. Join us as we uncover the cosmic influences shaping these discussions, starting with Alex Cooper's dynamic Leo rising and Full Moon birth chart. Her Mars and Saturn alignments suggest a journey of empowerment and rebellion against patriarchal constraints, making her an ideal host for these pivotal conversations. Together, Harris and Cooper delve into profound topics like sexual abuse, women's health, and the nation's evolving consciousness, framed within an astrological perspective that casts a fresh light on these critical societal issues.

Our exploration doesn't stop there. We take a deeper look at the United States' birth chart to understand the emotional undercurrents influencing national identity and family dynamics. The Black Moon's symbolism and Sedna's mythological insights highlight ongoing struggles with our American history of colonization, immigration, and  essentially family trauma.

 As Kamala Harris's chart reveals her dedication to healing patriarchal wounds, Alex Cooper's embodies themes of sexual feminine power, making them a formidable duo in the fight for women's rights and human welfare.

 This episode promises a rich tapestry of astrological insights into the psyche of Black Moon Lilith and the planetoid Sedna, and societal analysis of these energies offering listeners a unique lens through which to view the path towards empowerment and change.

Find out about YOUR important chart placements !

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Thank you for listening!
Alexander & Sheila

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to another episode of Astrology of Family, karma and Relationships podcast. I'm your host, alexander Mallon, and today we'll be discussing Kamala Harris' Call Her Daddy and the race for the White House 2024. Of course, folks, it's a little bit of a tongue-in-cheek about Kamala's recent appearance on the super famous, super trendy podcast Call, call Her Daddy with Alex Cooper. So of course, I was wondering when I saw that pretty awesome podcast. Who is this person, alex Cooper? What's her connection? How is she this ideal promoter for Kamala right now? So we'll dig into that a little bit. Actually, some interesting charts to look at regarding those topics and what's happening with this race for the White House 2024. We're about 21 days or 20 days out from the election and things are getting pretty intense. So I also want to share that. Since we are a fairly new production, of course we need to have your subscriptions and your followings for our podcast and our YouTube channel. So please, folks, do follow, do subscribe, so the search engines can find us and others can share in our show. We've got lots to do, lots of ideas, and the more subscriptions we have, the sooner those search engines pick us up. So thanks for your subscription efforts. So 2024, election 2024,.

Speaker 1:

I really think, folks, it's not so much about, let's say, abortion rights or women's rights or women's health, but really it's a theme of human rights. The theme right now for all of us is our individual, inalienable human rights. That is the topic of the day. I think those are the bigger topics of this election. Of course, immigration, what's happening at the border, what's happening with the economy those are always very important topics, but this particular election, I think, really stands out regarding this women's rights, human rights issue. So Alex Cooper has this super famous podcast, call Me Daddy, and recently she had Kamala Harris on, I think last week, and of course, kamala spoke about a number of things, but particularly about combating sexual abuse against women, about women's issues in general, about women's health and women's welfare. Again, I think it's really about human health, human welfare and Kamala's position on these themes of the nation, the people of the nation and where we're going as a nation in terms of our consciousness.

Speaker 1:

So I thought it'd be interesting to see if I could find Alex Cooper's chart online and, lo and behold, I found her data. You know you don't always find that with public figures, but there's her data August 21st of 94. And I thought that there were a couple of things about her chart that were really interesting standouts. One of the first things that an astrologer will look for folks is what's happening in this 10th house of career, this top part of the chart. It is really the highest point of the ecliptic, the highest point of the zodiac signs, astronomically visibly. So we have the horizon line, always with the chart how things get earthed. So we have the horizon line, always with the chart, how things get earthed. The horizon line, or the ascendant line, for an astrologer is an important piece. That ascendant line describes that physical earth you're standing on and the sky, the dome of the sky, above what you can see. So we see in this dome of the sky.

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When Alex was born, at 528 in the morning, but just before sunrise. Here's her sun. It'll be rising in roughly an hour or so. We see that Alex Cooper is born just a couple of hours after the exact full moon. That's one interesting thing that leaps off the chart that full moon in Alex Cooper's chart, the fact that the moon is about to set and that sun's about to rise. So she's a sunrise baby.

Speaker 1:

Alex Cooper is a Leo rising and a Leo sun, her rising or ascending sign is the ascending, rising sign of Leo. It's literally the star pattern of Leo on that rising eastern horizon line. So, as an astronomer, we'll see the planet Mars pretty high in the sky visibly. As an astronomer, we'll see Saturn. I always say, if you see this yellowish star in her sky and it took folks out to look at the beautiful sky after Alex was born and if it was clear, you'd say, gee, look at that yellowish star above that moon that's getting ready to set. It's almost, in fact it's a full moon, isn't it Alexander? Yes, indeed, it's a full moon, that yellowish star. Put a telescope on it, you'll see rings. You'll know what it is right away. So Alex Cooper had the ringed planet Saturn right next to the moon, mars rising and the sun about to rise. Those are really key factors Sunrise, baby, a full moon, baby, mars rising.

Speaker 1:

She rises in a martial way about Mars, topics of power, empowerment and sexuality, and you could even say that she sets or leaves us discussing women, the moon, the moon cycle that women have. The moon symbolizes moon cycle. She sets or leaves us with discussions around the moon and women's concerns. It's a good moment to also notice that the planet, saturn, is just connected to that moon. It would have been astronomically a really cool thing. You'd say, wow, look at that full moon and look at that star right near it. It's a highlight in Alex Cooper's chart. The theme of Saturnine concerns the proper word, saturnine, or Kronos, father time. It's about the patriarchy. So we could say in Alex's chart, her emotions, her mother, even quite literally, what was happening for her mother in 1994 when she was born and having a baby come out of her body. For mom, there are themes around the patriarchy and daddy figures, by the way, at Alex's birth. But these other things I've highlighted are also really significant In Alex's chart.

Speaker 1:

We have two points I want to discuss today. So here's the Pluto body, this Kuiper belt object, this Pluto planetoid called Sedna S-E-D-N-A. We'll discuss Sedna, the south node of the moon, where there are eclipses. The south node, north node, south node deals with karma, north node deals with dharma. So here Alex Cooper has Jupiter and dharma, her mission statement of this life incarnation-wise, and her Pluto, all conjoined together here in the bottom of the chart, that midnight point of the chart, the nest, the home. Her theme is Jupiter to expand our knowledge around the Dharma, creating healthy families or this idea of challenging family systems. So again in this 10th sector, this 10th house of the chart, the career sector, that highest point where the sun is every day at noon. 10th house of the chart, the career sector, that highest point where the sun is every day at noon, the highest point of the chart, highest point of the sky, alex being a sunrise baby. She has Sedna, south node, pallas, athene, the warrior goddess who was born fully clad in warrior garments, with a sword and a shield. The warrior goddess, pallas, athene, right next to the Black Moon.

Speaker 1:

The two points I want to discuss today, particularly for Alex's chart and Kamala's chart and the US chart, are the Black Moon and Sedna. The Black Moon. So what is the Black Moon? The Black Moon, lilith. In astrology. It discusses women's empowerment and the feminine psyche, archetype. It's really sort of our inner feminine female, our connection to mother and mother energy and family energy and maternal family energy, really the maternal family psyche. You know how our mom and dad process that maternal family connection. In themselves is what we pick up as children and that black moon in our charts tells us where that's happening Astronomically, to understand the nature of the black moon, as a backyard astronomer myself, I want to say well, the moon in its orbit around the Earth has its perigee, closest point, like a supermoon being really close to the Earth or a micromoon, not a perigee supermoon but a micromoon, a small moon in the sky.

Speaker 1:

That happens occasionally, a few times a year. So this lunar apogee on the one hand and lunar perigee on the other, apogee on the one hand, perigee on the other, that black moon point is right in the middle. You could sort of say loosely, astronomically it's the most distant part of a lunar orbit at any given time. And since the moon is moving away from the Earth every single year by about an inch and a half, astronomically the moon is leaving us by an inch and a half every single year and many, many millions of years the moon will be so far away that it will of course tremendously affect what happens on Earth, tides and growing seasons etc.

Speaker 1:

But that's all sort of part of the psyche of Black Moon Lilith. It describes that point of departure or sort of psychic disconnect or emotional psychic disconnect of the moon. And the moon is the psyche, the plexus, the gut. So Black Moon Lilith, we say it's an astronomical point in space that locates the moon's most distant portion of its orbit when we're born, that place in our chart where that black moon is placed, it's also known as a deep psychic unconscious the repressed issues regarding one's sense of acceptance and safety in family. Black Moon is also the position in our charts of discussing where and what our family has repressed or held hidden from the world. You could kind of say loosely family secrets, what the family doesn't want us to discuss or reveal, where we have our psychic vulnerability. It can be any topics or themes that are not to be discussed with the outer world.

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The Black Moon's house position, where it is in that chart, describes where we wish to expose and unblock our inner world. To unblock our inner world, to reveal, to relieve, to connect and sort of exteriorize ourselves to say what we want to say. But we shouldn't say so. The black moon also therefore governs taboo subjects Sex, death, resurrection, healing from trauma. It's really all about those blockages that most humans carry. That's why we're incarnate is to work on those emotional, psychological blockages of our soul, of our birth, family and really even our lineage, since an astrology chart describes your mom and dad and the family they come from. Your chart describes your lineage and how you're part of that family lineage.

Speaker 1:

The black moon describes particularly where there's this deep sort of psychic well that needs to be tapped into, that Pluto body, sedna, s-e-d-n-a. Sedna has a Pluto-like quality. It's way far out there. It talks about sort of the deep symbolic psyche of humanity, sort of the deep symbolic psyche of humanity. Pluto has an orbit of 12,594 years, so almost 13,000 years. So when Sedna makes a Pluto-like statement, this deep, powerful statement, when Sedna makes a deep astronomical shift, there's a deep shift in the psyche. We just had the Pluto body, this asteroidal body, sedna, shift from signs for the last hundred years, roughly per sign of Taurus into the sign of Gemini. Gemini is a sign of information and data. And when Sedna just astronomically shifted, astrologically shifted into that sign of Gemini this year of 2024, it marks a shift of a mass shift of consciousness, a mass 13,000 year shift of consciousness. One could say it's a shift now about mental, conceptual, verbal exchange of data, about mental, conceptual, verbal exchange of data. And right coincident, with Sedna shifting from Taurus into Gemini, we have the birth now of AI.

Speaker 1:

So Sedna, the mythos of Sedna, sedna is an Inuit, an Eskimo Inuit goddess, and she is a goddess of abandonment, of betrayal by father-mother, lacking safety with family, finding inner courage, protection of the vulnerable and of deep psychic and psyche understanding. There's the glyph or symbol for Sedna, kind of Saturn-like that glyph, isn't it Saturn-like with a little sort of accent here Sedna describes this goddess who in some ways was betrayed by her father. Her father didn't protect her. So when we have Sedna powerfully in our charts it brings up themes of a lack of safety or protection in a family, either for us or perhaps for our mother or father when they were growing up. But it's still part of the family psyche, you know. So Sedna describes where there are themes of abandonment or betrayal and also finding inner courage, like psychologically finding inner courage.

Speaker 1:

We'll go back to Alex Cooper's chart the gal who does Call Me Daddy podcasts and she has Sedna and Black Moon at the top of her chart. So Black Moon, it talks about that astronomical, distant point, the deep, unconscious, psychic, emotional material. Black Moon, goddess, a sort of unprocessed emotional material that we want to reveal taboo subjects. That's conjunct, alex Cooper's career angle and Sedna, which talks about betrayal of father or lack of safety or masculine domination themes also at the top of Alex Cooper's chart. So it also has us ask, during this election season, when the themes of family and family, karma and family wellness are all particularly a part of this election, women's rights, family rights, rights of children, rights of humanity. Really, where is Sedna and Black Moon in the US chart? Well, interestingly, lo and behold, the Black Moon is in the ninth house of law and legalities in the US chart, directly, exactly opposite the US Moon.

Speaker 1:

The Moon in your chart, my chart, talks about where mommy's psyche was. The Moon in a nation's chart, july 4th 1776, describes the psyche of the nation, the emotional family, children, connections. Psyche of the nation. The Moon in general describes the people of the nation, the emotional family-children connections. Psyche of the nation. The moon in general describes the people of the nation. So Black Moon opposing the moon says there are deep themes about family and family traumas that have brought us to colonize this nation. There are also deep themes around us colonizing this nation that had Native Americans. So that's why in our astrology birth chart, the US, here's our sun and the sign of cancer, july 4th 1776. Our sun sign is a cancer nation, a nation of the family and people. So, as a nation of family and people, a melting pot from all over the world. It's interesting that we ourselves are a full moon nation, the moon on this side of the chart, the sun on this side of the chart, and so there's a balance between the conscious light of day, the ego of the United States, the ego of who we think we are, and our emotional wellness. A full moon like a harvest moon or, this month, a hunter's moon in October, it's about illumination at night. So it's about this awareness of illumination of ourselves as a nation, and emotional illumination is a theme for our American chart. Interestingly connected to that moon Sedna.

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Sedna. Sedna describes the Inuit goddess. You can read about Sedna Again. Here's the spelling S-E-D-N-A. Sedna is the goddess, the Inuit goddess.

Speaker 1:

That talks about themes of daddy abandoning or betraying Sedna, of harming her, hurting her, abandoning her at times of trauma or at times of her needing protection. Here we have themes moon of the United States, about women and also about women's rights and about children and family. Conjoined Sedna, conjoined Pluto. There are these deep psychic issues in our family around family wellness. I again want to say if we think about how we colonized this nation, this nation that had Native Americans for 30 or 40 or 50,000 years at least, that tells us some answers. We have not really processed our colonization and our immigration to this nation, even if we are the melting pot of the world. World.

Speaker 1:

So that Sedna conjunction moon says there are themes for women around safety or lack of safety with men and with father figures and with daddy figures. That black moon opposing says there are deep themes, legal themes, philosophical themes ninth house here, that black moon for the US that deal with these themes of safety and psychic wellness, psychic safety. We should note, folks, that transiting Saturn in the sky this year 2024, is right, exactly conjunct Sedna, the asteroid planet that describes betrayal of father figures. So this campaign 2024, saturn, fronos, father Time, the planet that deals with patriarchy, saturn in the sky is right. On the US Sedna, there are themes of patriarchy and father abandonment or abuse by men. Think about that one in this election 2024. That's what the astrology is election 2024. That's what the astrology is.

Speaker 1:

So going on to Kamala's chart had me wonder what about Kamala, since she was on this famous show Call Me Daddy. What about Kamala? Where are these themes in her chart? Kamala has Saturn, a patriarchy, fathers, domination of men. At her career angle, kamala has Chiron, the asteroid like Pluto, like Sedna, the asteroid, pluto body. We could say that deals with healing. So healing father issues in her career is Kamala's career focus.

Speaker 1:

This chart says Kamala has Sedna betrayal of men conjoined her moon. We do know at least Kamala's best friend in high school had sexual abuse themes that were happening at her household. Kamala and her mom rescued that child from those sexual abuse, that young girl I should say a teenage girl from those sexual abuse things at home. So we have this person who is definitely in Kamala's chart, powerful about her outer world themes of patriarchy, healing, sexual abuse themes or themes of betrayal of family or father or mothers, or safety, with our families providing safety. Kamala also has Jupiter conjunct to that in her personal chart. It says law and legalities is Jupiter. Law and legalities, philosophical law and legalities, as well as material earthly laws and legalities are all wrapped into this outer world personality of Kamala. These were Saturn, moon, jupiter. These are planets that we could visibly see astronomically when Kamala was born and to an astrologer it says these planetary cycles, what they cyclically represent, are really how, in this case, how she identifies the outer world Themes of men, themes of mommies and themes of philosophical, spiritual concerns are Kamala's outer world orientation, kamala's black moon in her chart falls in the house of health and healing and conjoined her marriage angle.

Speaker 1:

So it says that Kamala is going to seek marital partners who are willing to probe and dig into these deep themes of safety, a lack of safety, of personal power, of feminine power. I mean, put all that together. Kamala is a feminine powerhouse and I don't think we need an astrologer to tell us that. But the chart is mirroring. That's what charts do. They don't make us what we are, they're just roadmaps of the soul, mirroring who we are. Alex Cooper's chart and Kamala's chart together. That's an interesting little blend as well. So Alex Cooper has that black moon and Saturn. Let me go back to her chart so it's a little clearer for you to see. Here's Alex's chart In her career angle Mars, martial themes, sexual themes.

Speaker 1:

Alex Cooper's podcast Call Me Daddy was largely about sexual feminine power. Black Moon, lilith, the deep unconscious material that we want to reveal. She reveals it here in the career angle publicly. We had Pallas, athene this little asteroid, by the way, we'll discuss another time the warrior goddess, also conjoined Black Moon and conjoined Sedna in the career angle for Alex. So where does Kamala and Alex, where do those two charts coincide. That was what I was going to show you here. So here's Alex Cooper's chart in the inner wheel, that Sedna, betrayal of women, themes around men and women, safety of women, safety of girls, black Moon, deep issues that we want to discuss but we're afraid or told not to discuss. But here in Alex Cooper's 10th house of career, she's going to discuss them, that's what she does. Mars is right there to help her discuss them.

Speaker 1:

Interestingly, kamala's Jupiter falls right on the black moon of Alex Cooper. Jupiter legalities, spirituality, philosophies, philosophical discussion, philosophies, philosophical discussion. You know, in Indian Vedic astrology and in Tibetan Buddhist astrology they don't use the Greco-Roman name Jupiter for that planet. They call it guru. Guru Gu means maya or delusion, not seeing things or not having things seen clearly or shown clearly. Ru guru RU symbolizes revealing or exploring or describing or enlightening. So a guru figure is someone who takes delusion or maya or lack of truth and illuminates it. So Kamala has her guru, her Jupiter placement.

Speaker 1:

That is in Kamala's chart, right in Alex's 10th house of career, on her black moon, on her Sedna, on her south node of karma. These two have an interesting philosophical thing that connects them Kamala's Sedna and moon conjunction in her chart. Remember I said Kamala has Sedna and moon conjoined. That Sedna-moon conjunction again falls near the career angle of Alex Cooper. So again, themes of women, women's rights and men and whether men are or are not supportive. Kamala has her chiron of healing right on Alex Cooper's Saturn.

Speaker 1:

Kamala has Kamala's Saturn right conjunct Alex Cooper's moon and since Alex Cooper is a full moon baby herself, kamala's Saturn, which symbolizes patriarchy and daddies, fathers is right on Alex Cooper's moon. I mean it's kind of interesting. That's why I said you know we talk about Kamala being on. Call Me Daddy. Which one is daddy, you know? Was it Alex Cooper, whose high school or other college friends called her daddy because she had wisdom to share? Or in this case, if Kamala is on her show, maybe it is Kamala daddy. I mean Kamala is literally older, kamala is a previous generation. That is all Saturnine stuff. Kamala's Saturn placement at 28 degrees of Aquarius falls on Alex Cooper's 29 degrees Aquarius moon and opposes Alex's 28 degrees Leo sun. So Kamala's Saturn falls on Alex Cooper's moon and sun opposition. That's all stuff around family and mommy and daddy and father and daddy themes.

Speaker 1:

Interestingly, kamala's Mars over here at 21 degrees of Leo. Kamala's Mars falls on Alex Cooper's 17 Leo ascendant and on Alex Cooper's 28 Leo son. So Alex Cooper has her Mars at 28 Leo. Kamala has her Mars I'm pardon me. Alex Cooper, pardon me has her son at 28 Leo and Kamala has her Mars at 21 Leo. So Kamala's Mars is on Alex Cooper's son, sidebar here. Donald Trump has his Mars very close to Alex Cooper's son as well. Donald Trump has his Mars on Leo, right next to Kamala's Mars. So Mars Mars between Trump and Kamala, you know, either they're fighting in the same team or there's a fight there. Mars is about fighting, mars is about one's personal empowerment and position. So Kamala has her Mars of sexuality, mars of power, mars of personal power, right on Alex Cooper's ascendant in Leo and right on Alex Cooper's Leo sun.

Speaker 1:

Lastly, there's a very powerful theme as well where Kamala's sun and Mercury fall on Alex Cooper's Venus in Libra. Kamala Harris is a Libra October 20th. Kamala's sun and Mercury fall on Alex Cooper's Venus in Libra. Kamala Harris is a Libra October 20th. Kamala's sun is 27 degrees Libra. Alex Cooper's Venus is 14 Libra. Alex Cooper's Jupiter is 8 Scorpio, very close to Kamala's 27 degree Libra sun. So again, these ladies would connect in a very friendly kind of a way we could sort of say each of them, both of them are doing work around the rights of women and families.

Speaker 1:

Kamala's chart in this section of the chart, this quadrant of the chart, this rising quadrant of the chart, the 11th and 10th house of career and social standing, social meaning, social, philosophical connection Kamala has Jupiter and Sedna and Moon and Eris, the disruptive goddess, as well and Chiron and Saturn, all at the top of her chart. Kamala's career is about philosophical, spiritual, defending and healing of families, defending and supporting family connections with men and women, both that is definitely Kamala's focal point. Again, looking at the chart of Alex Cooper, in the 10th house of career for Alex the theme is Mars fighting, getting out there, describing Alex has her Mars in that house, the 11th house of social connections, and that Mars and Cancer fighting for Cancer, families and women. Cancer is a sign of family Conjoined Black Moon and Sedna. So she's a fighter for all these things that we don't discuss and shouldn't discuss.

Speaker 1:

I believe, where Alex's career might have started off, discussing taboo topics, black Moon, taboo topics, sexual topics, women's sexuality, women's sexual power, women's orgasm, etc. I think she's going to mature more and more or shift into as she matures. I should say I think Alex Cooper will shift into discussing these powerful themes about women and women's power, women's rights, which comes back to human power, human rights, human dignity. So those are the themes that are happening these powerful months pre-election 2024. And I hope that we all look at our own charts to see where Black Moon of deep, unconscious desire to reveal and Sedna of the deep desire and need to expand our family story to heal themes of confusion or betrayal or not having support. Those are big themes these days for us as individuals and also for our nation. Right now. Those are very big themes. Thanks for watching folks. We'll see you again soon for our next episode of the Astrology of Family, karma and Relationships. Alexander Mallon, see you again soon, thank you.