The Astrology of Family Karma and Relationships
Welcome to The Astrology of Family Karma and Relationships Podcast, hosted by me Alexander Mallon along with my co host Sheila G.
A Certified Astrologer and Intuitive who has practiced for over 47 years, I offer Consulting and Counseling Services to a broad clientele, from business leaders to entrepreneurs to teachers and more.
This podcast is about exploring how and why we are ‘astro-genetically’ bonded to our parents, and how our own birth chart is a map of this powerful 'soul-birthing' moment for our entire family. Astrological birth charts are a mirror of the Soul, highlighting hidden themes and revealing our Sacred Karmic Lessons.
Each episode will address our family relationships and family themes, as well as how we relate to our spouses, friends, co-workers and other relationships in our world.
Alexander will be sharing interviews and stories from fellow astrologers, as well as audience members who wish to participate. We will periodically draw names to invite viewers and listeners to have a mini review of their charts during future broadcasts.
To enter our drawing, please email us a screen capture of your review on our Podcast or YouTube channel at info@astrologyspirit.com. Participants will be chosen via a monthly drawing.
We look forward to sharing and learning together with you all, and may the Stars guide your way on.
The Astrology of Family Karma and Relationships
Pt 1: Home for the Holidays! Understanding Family Connections and How we are Wired for Relationship!
Join Alexander Mallon and Sheila G as we unravel the cosmic connections between Astrology, family, karma, and relationships ... as we all go
'Home for the Holiday Season' !
This episode promises to challenge and expand our understanding of the simplistic Sun Signs paradigm, connecting the Sun's journey through the Zodiac with the idea of... 'Season Signs'.
We will explore our experience and embodiment of nature's cycles of life, and their profound influence upon the roots of our personalities. By understanding the astronomical significance of 'season-signs', such as this Sagittarius and Capricorn season now of this recording, you'll discover how the time of year you were born 'creates' who you are and how you interact with those around you. We illustrate these ideas with the example of this 2024 holiday season, occurring in the wake of what some pundits called perhaps the MOST significant Presidential election in U.S. history !
We take a fascinating look at the intersection of astrological signs with psychological frameworks like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, rooted in Carl Jung's pioneering work. With inspiration from Ram Dass's perspective on enlightenment within family contexts, we link Personality Types with Jung's seasonal-zodiac signs to offer a broader understanding of Self and others.
Whether you're intrigued by your wintertime/Capricorn granddaughter's maturity, or baffled by your summertime/Cancer son and his emotional nature, you'll come to understand how each of us is connected to these social-seasons of growth.
During this episode we will also introduce the influence of Day vs. Night Births as indicators of extroversion and introversion, and astrology's Four Elements—
Fire, Earth, Air, and Water— illuminating the intricate dynamic-play of these personality forming factors of nature-cycles.
Providing practical insights into interpersonal connections, we aim to help you to navigate the family dynamics of holiday season with newfound awareness and understanding.
Find out about YOUR important chart placements !
~Alexander can be contacted for Consultation and Coaching sessions. You may contact him via his email: info@astrologyspirit.com or website: https://www.astrologyspirit.com/
You can view his offerings and book directly here: https://www.astrologyspirit.com/book-online
Thank you for listening!
Alexander & Sheila
Welcome to the Astrology of Family, Karma and Relationships podcast. I'm your host, Alexander Mallon, with our wonderful co-host.
Speaker 2:Sheila G the guide on the side.
Speaker 1:Today, Sheila, our discussion will be home for the holidays, since we are taping this in early December of 2024, and we just had Thanksgiving holiday and, of course, all the rest of the holidays are now upon us shortly.
Speaker 1:So our theme is Home for the Holidays, understanding Our Family Connections and how we Are Wired for Relationship. This is intended, sheila, to be sort of part one of part two episodes Today Sun Signs and Jungian Archetypes. Those people who don't know you probably heard of Freud, but sort of Freud and Jung were collaborators and some say Jung was sort of the if you would be student of Freud. But they're kind of similar Contemporaries Contemporaries of each other and their ideas about archetypes of personalities and people and who we are. So, before we get rolling folks, we do invite you to follow and subscribe to our Apple and Spotify podcasts and hopefully subscribe to our YouTube channel. We are still a new program out there and the search engines need to know that we have enough subscribers to list us when people go to search for astrology. So we're still building that subscription list. We need to have a certain critical mass to be easily found by search engines. So we do ask you, please do subscribe, do follow, do like as much as you're able to. That would be very helpful.
Speaker 2:Yes, and we appreciate those of you that are already following our podcast and subscribe to our YouTube channel. So thank you, and hopefully you can share it along to the people who may be interested.
Speaker 1:There you go. Thanks much. So you know, sheila, very commonly in my life, particularly since I'm a very, very avid backyard astronomer as well, the question would come to me what is astrology? How does it apply to my life? And my answer will be something like astrology is a study of humanity's experience of life and living cycles of nature. That really is the essence of what I try to communicate.
Speaker 1:The slide here showing the sun rising and culminating at noon and the sun setting during the course of the day. So cycles of nature. You know, we're all so used to the cycle of day and night we don't really think about how we are all born into this natural world, environment. So astrology really is the human sky experience. You know the seasonal, environmental experience. You are one at one with your environment. Where else could you be but born here on Earth? We're not born on the moon or Mars yet. So astrology is a mirror of how you're born into this environmental world, seasonal and time of day and so forth environmental world, seasonal and time of day and so forth.
Speaker 1:So you know, commonly, sheila, people think of astrology singularly as your sun sign. It's far, far, far more a complex art form, astrology, than just something as simple as your sun sign. But the sun sign, one person's sun sign, really is a foundational piece of a chart. And what is that sun sign? You know, we think of sort of memorizing that you know you're an Aries or a Taurus or a Gemini, what have you? But people don't realize what that really astronomically means is that the sun is moving in front of a star pattern, as we see in this pictograph here, the sun moving or transiting as we call it in astrology and astronomy, the Sun transiting in front of these signs. These star patterns are literally the same as those months, month long, at the time it takes to pass from one sign to another. And here, of course, since we're filming this in early December 2024, we have a graph that shows those late fall, late summer, early fall signs of Virgo, libra, the mid-fall of Scorpio, the early winter of Sag, mid-winter Capricorn and, like you know, dead of winter, aquarius.
Speaker 2:Aquarius yeah, it's really really harsh. Yeah, and a lot of times. People are familiar with sun signs. They usually call it the zodiac sign.
Speaker 1:Your zodiac sign is your sun sign and you can see, think of it as your season sign when you were born into a given season and, if you really want to get exacting about it, what sub-season you know? Is it early winter, midwinter, late winter? Is it early spring, mid-spring, late spring? I mean, this is really what those astrology signs are about. It's literally, astronomically, the sun moving in front of each star pattern. In other words, during the day, at noon hour, let's say, if you block out the sun's blinding light, what would you see behind the sun at any given time? The star pattern of, you know, virgo, or Libra, or Scorpio, or, right now, december, you know, early December, like December 8th thereabouts, the star pattern of Sagittarius and Capricorn. That's what you see behind the sun right now, when you remove that blinding light.
Speaker 2:And yeah, so when you experience that season that develops your nature with nature.
Speaker 1:Well, that's right, it is very true. Where we're going here, folks, is if you're born during a blizzard for the newborn baby and for mom and dad, you know, is if you're born during a blizzard for the newborn baby and for mom and dad, you know everything that led up to that blizzard and the blizzard itself that your child was born during you know. All of that is a psychological, emotional patterning. That happens. So wintertime babies are one pattern, summertime babies are another pattern. Yeah, so we're shooting this show right Early December. We just had Thanksgiving, didn't we?
Speaker 2:We did, and one of the reasons why we thought this may be a good idea is because we have you are in here in the US. Our big holiday, thanksgiving was occurring after this big election that we just had in the US, which was having some impact on families, dividing families, and there were a lot of pundits on TV giving advice on how to manage your holiday season, as if some of your family's members weren't on the same page as you are with the voting. So we thought we would discuss how you could navigate using knowing about the nature of your family and how that could help you navigate this holiday time together.
Speaker 1:Typically, families know, certainly spouses know, you know. They know their own birth signs, their son signs, they know the son signs of their children. Certainly, if you're a mom, you probably memorized not only the day of each child's birth but the time, maybe even those things that astrologers look at. So yeah, we know, when we go home for the holidays, that we have a host of people that are, on the one hand, family connected, on the other hand, sometimes radically different, and that's another thing we can discuss here. Why is it certain members of your household really connect easily and others seem maybe to not connect? I think, sheila, often in a family system, there's usually one or two birds, so to speak, that just come from a different flock altogether, yet they're part of the family. But you wonder how the hell did they wind up in this family?
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, term used a lot is black sheep of the family. They don't seem like they belong in the family at all. But it's just how we all inculcated into nature.
Speaker 1:That's right. So this idea of this powerful holiday time, this really powerful Thanksgiving time that we just had, in this holiday that we're having 2024, we just had an election Some say that we had not only a very important election for the USA, but some would even say the most important election for the USA which led to this idea of family, how the family connects or doesn't connect. And, as you said, sheila, you made reference to these pundits and people on TV and psychologists, and what have you suggesting? How to navigate these troubled times when not everybody in the family votes for the same candidate, not everybody has the same political ideas or concepts, and what does one do?
Speaker 1:So the theme here is can astrology, our understanding of people's nature, help us navigate these complex relations? So you know an important theme here, foundational theme for astrology. Really, it is the essence of astrology nature, nature's cycles, the sun's passage, describing these one twelfth, twelve signs of the zodiac, one twelfth of the year as nature unfolds, from springtime to summer, to fall and to harvest season. So the important thing really to understand, to really get astrology, what's a quick way of understanding astrology as the natural system? It is that we're all born into a season of the year, astrology being a system which mirrors your being born into nature Fire, earth, air, water that were born during these seasonal changes, that are hot or that have sun or a lot of sunlight, or you know the themes of change, of earthy change and growth, etc. We'll talk about that.
Speaker 1:So I love this slide because of course we have an American guru who passed not long ago, ram Dass, who used to say if you think you're enlightened, if you think you've really gotten to a place of knowing oneself, knowing yourself and being clear minded, go home for Thanksgiving and talk to me. Then that when you go back to that root ball, that foundational place of your family where you've got these people who are ideally, are family and get along, but not necessarily really get along that they're really very different. That's again a kind of a good test that people just had to go home for Thanksgiving, to go home for the holidays and join these personalities, that sort of from whence you came. Yet you've individuated and found your own way. So this slide describes something that has become, I think, a normative uh, in our culture. Everybody knows their personality type the myers-briggs personality type indicator wheel well, they may or may not.
Speaker 2:It depends not. It depends because it is a tool that's used a lot in corporate America and also, if you're trying to go to some kind of career counseling, someone may give you a test like this so you can obtain your interest. But it is definitely a tool that's used in corporate America. Some use it to hire people to make sure they fit within that company culture, and I know from my experience in corporate America. Some use it to hire people to make sure they fit within that company culture, and I know from my experience in corporate America it was used a lot to help build teams, put people together that's going to work cohesively and to get to the goal of that particular project. And so it's there. It's very other types like it, like the desk dominant, influential, compliant or steady.
Speaker 1:They're just tools that help you determine your nature, how you move into the world hiring staff, for instance, a company would commonly today have a prospective employee run through a series of tests and one, typically the most common, would be this Myers-Briggs personality indicator that had you do questionnaires, fill out a questionnaire to determine how you act and react and your value systems in different way, and they come up with four basic principles. Right, sheila? Yes, intuition, so in other words, there are intuitive types, sensing types, thinking types and feeling types of people. These four foundational pieces intuition, sensing, thinking, feeling are four fundamental pieces of the Meyer brain.
Speaker 2:And you might be a little bit of either, and that's why they have these different combinations there. Yeah, you could be a combo of those, and which is stronger and which is weaker, and so, yes, it's very, very so.
Speaker 1:we brought this slide up because one might think well, if you, if you go home for thanksgiving, you know, if you go home to be with the family or interact with people, it's really good in today's modern society to think, well, what is your type, you know? Are you an intj, are you an infj? What is your person? It's become a very common, uh point of discussion to understand someone's nature. Uh, but as an astrologer, I say hold on here.
Speaker 1:While we all are now commonly brought into this idea, system of testing and discovering what our Myers-Briggs type is, as an astrologer I want to say this looks very familiar. You mean sort of the fiery nature, the emotional water nature, the sensing nature. Is that what we're talking about? Indeed, what people don't really know is that the Myers-Briggs type was based upon the work of Carl Jung, and the work of Carl Jung was based upon astrology. Carl Jung himself was an astrologer. His daughter was a professional astrologer. Jung, it was said, literally had a quote that stated something like I will never sit with a patient without their astrological chart in my hand to understand their type. And so Carl Jung's ideas, his four personality types, that Myers-Briggs based its work on the intuition type, the sensing type, the thinking type, the feeling type is astrology, that is directly that seasonal premise are you?
Speaker 1:a fiery season intuitive.
Speaker 2:And it's not, yeah, brian, and it's not just the those types, then it's also if you're introverted or extroverted. That's also something you can determine quickly looking at somebody's chart whether they're born in the day or the night.
Speaker 1:Well, that's true, we're going to, we're going to get there, whether a person is is a daytime extroverted personality or nighttime introverted personality, those are also things we will talk about in a moment. So this idea of intuition, carl Jung's four personality types, intuition, sensing, thinking and feeling type, these four types, intuition are the three fire signs, sensing, like, physically, earthy, physically experiencing. Sensing are the three earth signs, in other words three fire signs or three fire seasons of the growing season, three earth signs of the growing season, three thinking or air signs or social communication. Three thinking or air signs or social communication, socially communicative turning points of the year, the social year. And three water, literally like water, rain, change of the environment throughBriggs. Intuition, fire sensing, earth thinking, analytic, mental Feeling, gut feeling, moving through life with our feelings.
Speaker 1:So we could look Through astrology here. Each sign belongs to one of these types. Fire signs Aries, leo, sag, aries is the sun rising after long winter and the sun beginning to rise ever higher every noon, the beginning of the warming and the growing cycle, the seed bursting out of the soil is that fire of life. So springtime fire, middle of summer, you know long day, the longest days of the year, shortest nights and the heat of the summer and then lighting the hearth, lighting the fire. Sagittarius, this time December. Those are the three fire signs, the three earth signs Taurus, mud, springtime. You know what's the old adage Sheila, april showers bring May flowers.
Speaker 1:I always think of that as Taurus sun sign. So Taurus, earth sign, virgo. Earth sign the harvest, capricorn. Earth sign, the roots of the tree, the energy of life surviving the long winter by going into the roots of the earth. So earth signs, taurus, virgo, capricorn.
Speaker 1:Air signs, the turning points of the year that are verbal, analytical, intellectual and social, in other words, gemini. That first turning point Gemini is May, june, and if June, of course, is when corporate America and the schools and children begin to go back cancer, it's the next sign back home for summertime break. So it turns out that mutable sign, changeable air sign, gemini is the first air sign. They are intellectually, verbal, mentally oriented to a very, very high degree. Air signs are analytical and they are social, verbal, people. Gemini, air Libra. Air Libra is the turn of the year, libra is after the harvest, libra is that time of back to school, back to work and team building of corporate America. And then air sign Aquarius. The third air sign is the middle of the winter. In other words, you've got to use your brain to survive below zero weather. That if you happen to be in a below zero environment, you've got to really be intelligent and be practically down to earth intellectually problem solving during February Aquarius. So Gemini, libra, aquarius, the air signs and the water signs. Lastly, that is the first water sign, cancer.
Speaker 1:June, july and July. June is about the birthing of creatures, the nesting of creatures, multiple clutches of eggs for birds and it's literally fecund. It's when the things you've planted in the spring have really come to full bloom. So we have full bloom and then we have in spring, summertime rather cancer time the harvest of berries. So it's that fruit, the fruit of the year, is cancer water sign. Cancer is a water sign. Scorpio is the next water sign when the rains begin and the snows begin in October, November for Scorpio. And the last water sign is Pisces. That's where the end of the winter comes and the melting of the snow Pisces. So the three water signs Cancer, scorpio, pisces.
Speaker 1:The water signs move through the world strictly based on their emotional gut feeling I feel good, I don't feel good, I feel safe, I don't feel safe. Air signs move through the world strictly based on their socialization. They're being born during those social months, verbal, mental exchange. Earth signs move through the world based on functional practicalities what can I hold in my hand? What is real, what is tangible, what is preserving of life. Fire signs fire signs Aries, fire sign Leo, fire sign Sag. They move by moving first. Strike first, figure it out after Shoot first, ask questions later. Fire signs are about going forward. And so intuition the Myers-Briggs intuitive type uses their gut to go forward. The Myers-Briggs sensing type senses and assesses the practical environment. The Myers-Briggs thinking type well, analytically, makes sense of the world and moves through it by thinking, reason and social-verbal connection. And the Myers-Briggs feeling type well, analytically, makes sense of the world and moves through it by thinking, reason and social verbal connection. And the Myers-Briggs feeling type well, again, water signs they feel their way through the world.
Speaker 2:Okay, Alton, can you go back to that slide for a minute For those watching on YouTube? They'll be able to see it for those that are listening. This chart also has plus and minus in each of these sun signs, and now I know there's a lot to trying to understand someone's personality, but we're focusing mainly on the sun signs today. But I did want to understand the plus and minus that's in this chart.
Speaker 1:Yeah, in astrology thanks for pointing that out, sheila the plus and minus, each sign having a plus or minus sign. That really talks about yang or active and yin receptive. So there are subseasons of the growing season, subseasons of the year, subseasons of this seasonal time period that we all go through as we see fire signs and air signs and earth signs and water signs. There are actually another quality here where each sub-season can be an active yang season or a yin receptive.
Speaker 1:And so we call certain signs positive really they mean yang but negative or receptive, positive action, kind of going forward and negative reception, tuning in and receiving, waiting for information and data. Aries is a yang sign it takes action. Taurus is a yin sign. It receives and waits for data and information to react to. Gemini is a yang sign. It uses mental, verbal to interact with the environment, to assess how to be in the environment. Cancer is a yin sign it receives and emotionally tunes in in a gut feeling, tunes in in a gut feeling. Leo is a yang sign. Active Virgo is a yin sign. Receptive. Libra is a yang sign. Active, doing social interaction. Scorpio is a yin sign tuning into the interaction to see what's happening and who's doing what and why. Sag is a positive or yang sign. Act of lighting the hearth, lighting the fire, getting things moving as the winter begins, responding to what must be done in the outer world. Capricorn is a yin sign sensing, receiving, tuning in to what must be done to respond to the environmental changes, practical changes. Capricorn Aquarius, the last yang sign. It's about analytically, intellectually assessing and having the right answer, the correct answer, because Aquarians always think they're right and oftentimes darn it. They are having the right answer to address the practical concerns of wintertime. Pisces, the last yang sign, totally receives a sense of what's happening. And how do I respond? Whereas Pisces, the two fish, the season of Pisces, february, march, in like a lion, out like a lamb, in like a lamb, out like a lion, is the adage about the weather. You never know whether you're going to have snow. And when the snow hits, pisces is that duality of winter giving way to spring, tuning in to what's happening. So that's yang versus yin. Good, thank you.
Speaker 1:Another quick tool besides this idea of what sign are you, what element? Are you fire active? Are you earth practical? Are you air intellectual? Are you water feeling? There's a sidebar here, sheila.
Speaker 1:When you and I were prepping, you were asking me can we use your fire, earth, air, water, nature to describe back in that family gathering or social connection, um, who gets along with whom and why and how? So yeah, here we have another element of astrology, sheila, which is fire people and air people. They flow, earth people and water people. They flow like earth and water. You mix it together, you get mud, air and fire. Well, you know, air feeds fire. So those are complementary elements and those are complementary signs. So let's say, aries and Gemini they get along. Or Aries and Aquarius Aries, fire and Aquarius air, they get along. Fire and air signs flow, earth and water signs flow. But what do you get when you combine, let's say, fire sign Aries with, for instance, capricorn earth sign Capricorn, fire and earth, what do you get? Lava, you know you get lava, you get melted earth. Or when you have, let's say, earth, and air Volcanic explosions.
Speaker 1:Volcanic explosions, fire and earth, volcanic explosions. When you have fire and air, what do you get? Like a tornado, A tornado, a conflict. I'm sorry, fire, pardon me, I meant to say air and earth. With air and earth signs, you have a tornado. You get a conflict of, of natural states, of moving through the world. Each person's being born fire, earth, air or water sign says that's the literal environment they're born into, the season they're born into and the nature that their family relates them through and by. Again, simply put, if a child's born during the middle of a blizzard, that mom is really keenly aware it's a blizzard and the season that led up to that child being born in a blizzard was also about hunkering down wintertime. And also, too, if you're born during, let's say, the middle of the summer, fire sign. Leo, I think of President Bill Clinton, sheila, you know that guy was clearly born during a time when kids were off from school. It's a party, you know party time.
Speaker 1:Bill Clinton is the epicenter of party and this is the epicenter of partying. So our fire, earth, air, water, nature's seasonal timing is about the social environment, the physical environment that imprints mom and dad and child. Yes, that's very much like the Myers-Briggs archetype is simply Sheila. Are we born in the spring, are we born in the summer months? Are we born in the fall months? Are we born in the winter months? That's another really quick way to understand a person's nature, how they operate and organize themselves to be in the world Wintertime people, right now, december. So Sag is that turning point of fall into winter.
Speaker 1:Sag, capricorn, that turning point, the turning point is fall preparation Libra, scorpio, sag, preparing for the depth of winter, capricorn, aquarius, pisces being in the depth of winter. So there is a nuance here, sheila, where if you're a spring baby Aries, taurus, gemini if you're a summer person Cancer, leo, virgo you're all about the fecundity and the ease, and when things are flowing, if you're fall, you're preparing for the hardship of winter. If you're winter, you're in it. It you're about surviving and practical function in the environment. So if a person's character is wintertime capricorn, aquarius, pisces they're going to have a fundamental premise that life must be orderly and organized to be okay well it's springtime.
Speaker 2:I'm sorry no, I'm going to say so. People, if the signs in the winter probably have on the same page with how to flow through life, so they go along pretty well, right? So that's another way to look at this. If you just, even if you didn't know the person's birthday, but if you say, hey, what season were you born? In winter, you know. Or we can just ask, most people know their zodiac sign, but you, yeah, I'm just one. I just see this nice graph and I'm thinking well, the quadrants, if everybody in that quadrant gets along, what about the cross quadrants? That means some potential conflict.
Speaker 1:So you're asking if everybody in the same quadrant, let's say winter quadrant capricorn, aquarius, pisces do they all get along? Generally yes, because their premise is internal safety and functional safety, survival. You're asking if all the spring signs Aries, taurus and Gemini do they all get along? Again, the answer is yes, because their fundamental nature is springing forward. You know, going sort of shooting first, asking questions later, getting out there and happening at life, happening to to life, having life flow with you. Go forward. Summer cancer, leo, virgo it's all about those days of summer that are long, long days, short nights and really living life and doing what you want, enjoying your time, even your summer vacation yeah.
Speaker 2:So here's scorpio. Yeah, it's fun, fun what's that yeah, the the summer is fun, fun, fun until dad takes your t-bird away fun, fun, fun.
Speaker 1:Dad takes the t-bird away yeah that's right. Fun, fun, fun, like the beach boys song, that's right on. So if you know what season you're born in or the person that you're encountering is born in, you can assess whether they're going to understand you. Winter and fall, people get the idea of being prepared. Spring and summer, people get the idea of just having at it. You're going at life, enjoying life, embracing life. What was the? The movie? Um? So to seize the day. Seize the day is spring, summer okay also in astrology, the time of day.
Speaker 1:We alluded to it before. In our next show we'll discuss it at in depth. But that time of day is very similar to this idea of what season what season. If you're spring, summer, that means you're an extrovert. If you're fall winter, it means you're an introvert. If you're a daytime baby, it means you're an extrovert. If you're a daytime baby, it means you're an extrovert.
Speaker 1:If you're a nighttime baby, it means you're an introvert. So we'll discuss in depth in our next show daytime babies versus nighttime babies and that cycle of human experience from dawn to sunset and sunset to midnight and back to dawn again. So the time of birth for astrology charts is very important to really understand. So the time of birth for astrology charts is very important to really understand. So again, we'll discuss this slide also how you are wired for relationship, basically fire, earth, air, water and a thing called quadruplicities, whether you are a cardinal sign, a fixed sign, or a mutable sign. Cardinal meaning one of the four quarters of the seasonal change, either a season that be a sun sign that begins the season or ends the season. That's a cardinal sign. Yeah, those signs that are right in the middle of change.
Speaker 2:I can say, yeah, this gets into more detail, so you can really get into, you know, the nuances of the relationship. But can you go back to the other slide for a second? No one more, the one that has, one more, sorry, the one that has. Yeah, this because one of the things we wanted to explore or or give our audience a taste of, is how you can, just knowing what sign that they are and how it relates to you in a sense like I'll give the example of when my granddaughter was born.
Speaker 2:She's born as cap, born in capricorn, um, son and um I am. And when and capricorns tend to like to say prepare and they can be serious and they're typically old souls and she did not like me calling her a baby, she did not like me saying or taking you to daycare. She said it was school and I quickly realized that oh, she's, she wants to be treated almost like a little adult. Oh she's, uh, she wants to be treated almost like a little adult. So baby talk and that and handing her like a baby didn't work. She just did not want to be thought of as a baby. So when I changed gears and talked to her more like an adult and acknowledged that, yes, she's going to school, then it was easier to get her to go to school and dealing with her in general when I realized that that's that was part of her nature being serious, don't laugh at her If she's in, if she's trying to tell you something and also the fact that to speak to her like an adult, not not in.
Speaker 1:It's a very typical Capricorn story for children. They very commonly want to be spoken to as if they are already an adult and of course some believe in reincarnation. At some point, not long ago, they were an adult and here they are as kids again. But there's something else too, that when we say a person's born during a certain season spring, summer, fall or winter like a Capricorn is born at the beginning really of winter, really settling in, we are saying that that child came in when mom and dad were really stabilizing, settling in and really like prepping for the winter storms to really hit. So Capricorn children, aquarius children, pisces too, capricorn Aquarians especially, are really born during the depth of winter and they are born when all the practical, functional sort of when the reality pill is hitting, you know. But you could say likewise Capricorn is opposite the sign of Cancer, june, july. So would a baby born in winter have an opposite fundamental way of organizing themselves in the world from a summertime baby? The answer is yes. A summertime baby, a Cancer opposite Capricorn, leo opposite Aquarius.
Speaker 1:These summertime people will say God, you wintertime guys are just way too practical and stuffy, you're just too uptight, you're too stuffy, you're too practical, you're too concerned with, functionally, what's happening and why, and what's going to happen next. Can't you just live? Can't you just party and enjoy? So there's another idea of a person's essential nature. In other words, too, when we're talking about family systems here, whether they're your children or parents or other siblings in your family, if you're a wintertime baby and one of your siblings is a springtime baby, you're going to have a very different operating system. You're going to look at life from a totally different lens. So that's an important concept to consider as well. Although that sun sign, that one element of a birth chart, that one cycle of a chart, only your sun sign, your season, sign, your birth. While there's much more to look at, it is foundationally fundamental to understanding how we relate to the world out there.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So we'll come back in our part two to this table of fire earth, air, water signs, quadruplicities, cardinal, fixed and mutable. Are you action-oriented? Are you fixed in your nature? Are you changeable in your nature? Are you born mutable signs Gemini, virgo, sag, pisces, for instance, born during a changeable season, a season of change versus a season like fixed sign, leo, you know the dead of winter, the dog days summer, rather the dog days of summer. We'll come back to this at length next time.
Speaker 1:So last slide here for this episode, the chart of the United States, july 4th 1776. July 4th means we are a Cancerian nation. It means the sun's moving in front of the backdrop of stars of Cancer. It means that we're born, our nation's born, july 4th, the middle of summertime really it's sort of, I should say, beginning middle of summertime and we're born at 13 degrees or on the 13th day of Cancer. July 4th is the 13th degree or 13th day of the sign of Cancer. There's 30 days per sign. 30 days per sign, 12 signs, 360, a whole seasonal wheel. So we're born as a Cancerian nation during the time that families gather, that they're not at work, they're not hammering away at the job, families are gathering together to join one another for summertime unity and summertime family vacation.
Speaker 1:Cancer is the sign of family gathering and family abundance. It's a spring summertime sign, so it's outgoing, it's extroverted, and it's a water sign, so it's feeling. It says essentially that our nation is a nation of feeling emotional, personalizing individuals. We personalize the heck out of everything emotional, personalizing individual. We personalize the heck out of everything that's all about us, the individual. A good example, sheila, of another chart for a nation Great Britain's chart is a Capricorn nation, the opposite of Cancer, and they're not so much about what do I feel personally, but what is our collective social need. So we'll discuss this a lot more during part two Keep calm and carry on.
Speaker 2:The British say keep calm, carry on stiff upper lip Right, Whereas I've traveled overseas when I was working in corporate America and you could always tell where the Americans were. They are especially without. Especially after dinner they're usually the ones laughing and kind of loud. Um, because we're kind of very social in that sense. So that's an example of again.
Speaker 1:Americans are known for their emotionalizing and personalizing and being really personally in your space, where maybe people from the Great Britain Capricorn nation are known to be rather conservatively cautious about what they personally deliver. Well, so, folks, another episode has come and gone. We're going to do part two shortly, but in the meantime, anyone who wishes to book an appointment with me, please do. Please do visit my website, wwwastrologyspiritcom. Love to work with you, love to see you, love to have you even join us in a mailing list for future webinars and teachings and so forth. So, with all that, thank you all for watching and listening. We'll see you again soon.
Speaker 2:Yes, thank you. Bye-bye.