The Astrology of Family Karma and Relationships
Welcome to The Astrology of Family Karma and Relationships Podcast, hosted by me Alexander Mallon along with my co host Sheila G.
A Certified Astrologer and Intuitive who has practiced for over 47 years, I offer Consulting and Counseling Services to a broad clientele, from business leaders to entrepreneurs to teachers and more.
This podcast is about exploring how and why we are ‘astro-genetically’ bonded to our parents, and how our own birth chart is a map of this powerful 'soul-birthing' moment for our entire family. Astrological birth charts are a mirror of the Soul, highlighting hidden themes and revealing our Sacred Karmic Lessons.
Each episode will address our family relationships and family themes, as well as how we relate to our spouses, friends, co-workers and other relationships in our world.
Alexander will be sharing interviews and stories from fellow astrologers, as well as audience members who wish to participate. We will periodically draw names to invite viewers and listeners to have a mini review of their charts during future broadcasts.
To enter our drawing, please email us a screen capture of your review on our Podcast or YouTube channel at info@astrologyspirit.com. Participants will be chosen via a monthly drawing.
We look forward to sharing and learning together with you all, and may the Stars guide your way on.
The Astrology of Family Karma and Relationships
Astrology and Politics: Trump's 2025 Inauguration and Cycles in the USA Chart
Renowned Astrologer and writer Tim Nielsen joins Alexander in this episode to unravel the cosmic tapestry of the Trump 2025 Inauguration.
Journey with Tim and Alexander as they review the groundbreaking Astrological Cycles of Trump's 2nd term in the White House ... a pivotal time in history.
The episode explores the astrological implications of the 2025 Presidential Inauguration, examining significant celestial events shaping America's future. With insights on Donald Trump's chart, the emotional landscape of the populace, and the transformative influence of Pluto's entry into Aquarius, the discussion emphasizes the need for awareness and evolution amid unfolding challenges.
The Astrological charts of Trump and the 2025 Inauguration Chart, and the chart of the United States take center stage as we navigate the celestial undercurrents.
Donald Trump's natal chart is dissected, revealing a Gemini Sun coupled with a dynamic Sun-Uranus conjunction, hinting at his revolutionary spirit... his birth during a Lunar Eclipse suggesting oppositional inner emotional struggles.
We turn our gaze to the 2025 Inauguration Chart, interpreting Mars' opposition to the Sun-Pluto-Mercury conjunction amidst a Mars retrograde and Mercury/Mars Out of Bounds event ... These planets aligned in a Grand Cross Pattern !
The transformative Transit of Pluto into Aquarius beckons, always coinciding with major historical and generational upheavals, and promising profound shifts in societal consciousness.
Additionally these years of a Major Lunar Standstill 2024 into 2025, and Saturn's Ring Plane Crossing further highlight 2025 to be a year of profound importance!!
Delve into the symbolism of these cosmic cycles and their impact on public welfare and political landscapes, underscoring astrology's potent role in deciphering world affairs.
Find out about YOUR important chart placements !
~Alexander can be contacted for Consultation and Coaching sessions. You may contact him via his email: info@astrologyspirit.com or website: https://www.astrologyspirit.com/
You can view his offerings and book directly here: https://www.astrologyspirit.com/book-online
Thank you for listening!
Alexander & Sheila
Okay, well, welcome folks to another episode of the Astrology, family, Karma and Relationships podcast. I'm your astrologer and host, alexander Mallon, and today we've got a special guest astrologer. Thanks so much, tim, for joining us today. It's great, great to have you, tim Nielsen, who is a brilliant astrologer, writer, extraordinaire, and I don't know if you want to share, Tim, a little bit of your background. I think you were a Tillite, weren't you? Weren't you kind of a major participant in the School of Astrology by Noel Till, famous astrologer?
Speaker 2:I did, thanks for the invite, Alexander. There's nothing more that I enjoy than our connections, our uh, um, our connections when we, when we chat on the phone, um and uh, Kibbitz, I think you uh, refer to it as um, and so this is fun. This is fun for me to you know. Hop back on. I mean, we've done this in the past and it's been. It's been long overdue and I appreciate your reaching out today. Just very timely.
Speaker 2:Many other astrologers and astrology, quite frankly, in his own right, in the way he approached astrology in a way that I will always appreciate, I actually joined his course out of frustration because I had studied with Patricia Norelli Bachelet for 10 years prior to signing up with Noel. Now, all these years later, I've come to appreciate their distinct approaches to astrology and they're they're, they're basically different animals. You know One I think is a pet lion, which would be till, and his, his work can help someone Approach the natal chart with such ferocity that you know addresses the psychological challenges much in the way that you do your work on individual astrology and keeping the human being in mind and not leaving the human being behind, right, you do that so very well. But you know, Patricia, her work is kind of like having a pet unicorn. It is a different animal. I don't know too many people who get immersed in it and stay with it very long. And here I am all these years later and I finally have embraced that they are distinct and so that's the way I treat them.
Speaker 2:But that's a little bit of my background. Patricia was very much connected to Srar Bindo and his work and built on that, and so for some of your listeners they may be familiar with Richard Tarnas's work who, at the Integral School or University in San Francisco, is a Oribindo satellite, and so that's a fascinating connection that I just didn't even realize till I picked up cosmos and psyche. Um, he he's as verbose as sri aurobindo, uh, but but it is very fascinating work well, we're gonna.
Speaker 1:We're gonna have to come back together, tim and and really dig into your experience and knowledge of uh, patricia's work and aurobindo's school. Sri Aurobindo, the listeners will probably know more popularized figures like Ram Dass, sort of an American guru, or maybe Pahamansa Yogananda back in the 30s. Sri Aurobindo was another major figure, another major spiritual figure who brought ideas of the East to the West. Maybe we can have you back a bunch of times to really dig into that?
Speaker 2:Well, I would love, because you are well-versed in all those areas, especially the embrace of the East and the Hindi viewpoint. And it's powerful, it's powerful. And yet here we are. We are Western astrologers, and so was Patricia. She had a very adamant approach that there is only one Zodiac, and she has actually a paper up on her site that was written by a friend of mine, robert Wilkinson, and they've both passed since, but it is a brilliant, brilliant piece. But that would, that would like, knock us off the path that we're on.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, let's come back about juicy stuff. So, folks, you see that that's why I have such a grace to have you here. I see that that's why I have such a grace to have you here, tim. Tim Nielsen is a brilliant writer, brilliant astrologer, brilliant thinker and many other things you'll share with us in the future. Let's jump into today's program, if we can that. We're talking about the inauguration here. Our focal point would be the 2025 inauguration. Let me bring this slide up a little more clearly here. Hold on a second, I'll kind of get my screens arranged here. So sorry, folks, for this challenge of my computer skills. I've had a couple of different windows here and a couple of interesting different incarnations for this.
Speaker 1:I've had a couple of different windows here and a couple of interesting different incarnations for this. So we can say, tim, that here we are. I was joking with Tim earlier folks. So I have 100 billion suns, 100,000 light years across one cosmic year, 240 million years. Our sun has traveled 20 cycles and counting and here we are, sort of this powerful time period. How did we arrive at this powerful time period, tim, with all these?
Speaker 2:amazing things that are shifting for us. Am I supposed to be seeing a deck?
Speaker 1:Sorry, let me do that. Sorry about that screen share here.
Speaker 2:I mean, I was visualizing with you?
Speaker 1:Yeah, you made it look like that.
Speaker 2:Excellent description. Start over and do it again.
Speaker 1:Oh well, I was having a little fun. A little fun with the fact that we're all traveling around this cosmic egg and we're trying to make sense of things always when we're going, where we're coming from and how to best get there. So I love this idea of our galactic. You know we're in the galactic outer arms, as the sun-Earth relationship, in the outer arms of our galaxy of the Milky Way, and we're all trying to figure out as we go along, right, what's next. And here we are, all these powerful themes of this year, 2024, 2025. We've got Ukraine and we've got flooding and we've got leaping lizards and all kinds of incredible things that are happening in this journey. Wow.
Speaker 2:To me. You go from so big, so vast to so small.
Speaker 1:But keep going, although I would wonder if Aurobindo and Yogananda and others would say, yes, the universe is within us and without us. We're unified. That's kind of the idea of astrology that we are part of this giant cosmos. Well, of course, here's the mastermind behind all these major things that are happening. He is behind and he is making America all kinds of things with the flag here. So I kind of wonder, tim, you know 2025, some say it's a reset for humanity. There are other programs that we'll be discussing folks about Pluto, saturn, uranus Maybe we'll touch on it today a little bit, but there's some really big things that are happening for us astrologically, right, tim?
Speaker 2:For sure, for sure.
Speaker 1:But I've been hearing that we should be holding on to our butts and remember to breathe. So here's Donald Trump's chart, folks. He's going to be our next leader, as he was before, and he's coming on board again to take the reins. His time of birth Tim, by the way, is disputed by some. They say he gave it to be I think it was like 10.30 or something, 10.20 in the morning, but we are using June 14th of 46 for Donald Trump at 10.45 in the morning in Queens, new York, and that would give him a couple of powerful things in his birth chart. That Leo rising, the king, in fact, the 29 Leo which, in terms of astronomy, fixed stars, is that fixed star, regulus, the heart of the lion, which is rising, and it's one of the four royal stars of Egypt that marked the turnings of the seasons. But the royal star of Egypt is 29 stars of egypt that marked the turnings of the seasons, but the royal star of egypt is 29 degrees of leo regular is this.
Speaker 2:Is this the chart that? Um? So the other chart is the chart that he supposedly supplied on the internet with his birth certificate right, I think that's 920.
Speaker 1:Okay, could, could have been 920.
Speaker 2:Thanks, I forget but that might be right.
Speaker 1:It's about a 15 degree rising.
Speaker 2:This one Bill Cerubi said is the correct chart because in his opinion it was the time that was given by his mother. It came directly from her. So it's a pretty powerful argument and you know who knows the birth chart?
Speaker 1:even though it could be authentic and it might not be a ruse, it could still be wrong because hospitals get it wrong, but the idea there is that the mother, um uh, was probably ought to know she was there. Well, and astrologically it makes a lot of sense for those people looking at the chart having Mars rising. Uh, you know, the rising sign and chart describes how we collectively pull our inner self to to meet the outer world requirements and demands of our day and how we rise. And it says he rises in a martial way and it says he rises in a monarchical way. Am I inventing a word here?
Speaker 2:No, that's good, that's good and anger right.
Speaker 1:Well, and he's Leonianly proud to be a fighter and seen as a fighter, although it's interesting, you know he may be a fighter and seen as a fighter. Although it's interesting, you know he may be a fighter in character, but I'm not quite sure. Well, he wasn't militarily a leader or otherwise, but there is certainly a martial quality.
Speaker 2:Well, that is beautiful and you know it's interesting. He's got all that projection and potential, but yet you've got this opposition between the sun and the moon which you know classically I think it was Grant Louis who talked about that particular combination, being someone with feet of clay. So how fascinating is that. You know, all talk right but no substance, and that certainly is fitting, for you know his personality. And the other thing you pointed out to me before the call was the contact with the nodal axis and I don't know if I read that in Louis or somewhere else the preponderance of mental illness with that connection to the south node. And you know I'm not I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, you know, but anyone who saw the campaign thought for sure Kamala was going to run away with this thing, because you know the wheels were coming off for Donald Trump. And you know that's not what happened.
Speaker 1:You're bringing up some big juicy stuff when we look at the US chart. Oh, Maybe we can come back to that, but you were saying that Grant Louis, a famous astrologer of the 30s and 40s, Grant Louis, that he was suggesting the nodes near the lights like the moon.
Speaker 2:No, specifically near the moon. Near the moon? Well, actually, no, you're correct Near the lights, because I think it was a reference to that conjunction during an eclipse, specifically and I apologize, I don't know if it was Grant Lewis, so I don't want to speak out of turn.
Speaker 1:It very well could have been speak at a turn it very well, could have been so well, but one thing astrologers know, right, tim, is that when we have the moon's nodes that is where the eclipses are during a given year Correct and always. The north node and south node of the moon are opposite to each other in a person's birth chart.
Speaker 1:In Donald Trump's chart, the north node Dharma, usually in Western terms is conjoined next to his son and his Uranus, uranus of revolution and son of one's ego projection and one's life force. One's son is, let's say, one's life force. That literally where the sun is. That day, donald was a Gemini, born June 14th. Here's a son at 22 degrees of Gemini, right in that, so moving in front of the stars of Gemini. So he's a Gemini sun and his sun is right next to planetarily. If we could have blocked out that sun artificially, I could have pointed a telescope and shown you Uranus right next to his sun that day of his birth. So he's a sun-Uranus conjunction in a full moon. Baby Donald Trump is that moon opposite that sun.
Speaker 1:Donald Trump is that moon opposite that sun, and the moon on the south node and the sun on the north node. So this says he's born during a lunar eclipse. And I kind of throw out there this idea. You know, the Earth's shadow in between, a lunar eclipse covering the moon or cloaking the moon, materialism in a way, the Earth, the material Earth, the physical world, cloaking one's emotional core, is something I thought about.
Speaker 1:Oh interesting, yeah, so here's the inauguration date that a lot of people are talking about, january 20th, upcoming this next week, 2025. And a couple of really key things in this chart. Right, tim, we've got, especially this, mars opposite a Sun-Pluto-Mercury conjunction. So at 12 noon the Sun's overhead, as it would be always in a chart, overhead at the top of the chart, not at the midnight point, the Sun's at the top of a chart, mid, uh, midday rather. So here's the midday chart. And it happens to be in the sky that Mars has been these weeks now last week, last couple of weeks, the next few weeks, actually, these months, I should say, kind of like Thanksgiving, through February, mars has been retrograde and stationed retrograde and opposite that Sun and Mercury and Pluto. So a lot of people are looking at that opposition in a big kind of grandiose way, right. So I wonder what your thoughts, tim, might be about a Pluto, sun-mars-pluto opposition.
Speaker 2:Mars-Pluto opposition. I just want to interject that your work with retrogradation is really quite skillful. I want to just throw that out there. You were buzzing through your program, which you do know quite well, and were able to get significant dates related to I think we were talking about the retrograde mercury during the election and the shift in the trajectory of that. The election, which you know, ended up with the outcome being Donald Trump winning, but you know, conloat looked like she had gained the lead and was running away through it through August and moving into September, and then things shifted, but now we know who the next president will be. It's fascinating to me.
Speaker 2:I personally look at the chart and I don't get my panties in a bunch like some people do over. Oh my God, the world's going to end. I mean, I think he's there for a reason. I have the advantage of having other synthetic models because you know astrology to me and the symbolism is a synthetic model of the cosmos and we're applying what we learn from pattern recognition to like okay, what's going to happen this time, based on, you know, past rounds that we've gone through. So you know, be that as it may, I'm also using other models to help inform my view.
Speaker 2:I think what this chart suggests to me, aside from all the things that we discussed prior, alexander, is significant. In the Grand cross that you identified you were talking about other things first, but that's where my eye went to uh, immediately, um, and I'm looking at the moon square, mercury, I'm looking at especially mars square, the moon, that opposition between uh, mercury, mercury and Mars and how they're tying in those three planets are tying into Chiron in the 12th, and so you know we don't really even need the chart to look at the experience, the lived experience, like there's a lot of pain and woundedness in the country and there's something about this that's unfolding, that needs to heal. Administration has to approach these issues with subtlety and diplomacy and balance None of those attributes that are probably going to be in, you know, very much quantity in the next administration. So I look at that moon and you know the Hellenistic crowd loves to talk about the Via Combusta. You know that range.
Speaker 2:I don't put too much. You know stock in it personally because you know my daughter's chart. She has a moon at 16 Libra. She's a doctor at Harvard, you know so whatever.
Speaker 1:So, tim, you're relating to the fact, for those people who are beginner or early astrologers, the Via Combusta, the fiery way of sort of Libra, scorpio, right, any placements in those degrees, and that moon could be considered sort of part of the, you know, heading toward the Via Combusta, a fiery way or explosive, turbulent.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, just as an aside, fun fact. So my wife and two of my daughters are getting. They got already and they sent me the pictures, tattoos, of glyphs that they requested, of glyphs, that the request. I have two daughters getting married this year and they wanted to do something together to try to do some kind of bond. So, uh, they thought, dad, draw us these, these glyphs, and I shared it with you. Um, alexander, the the uh. Glyph of the Capricorn. Glyph of the Capricorn, which is my youngest, gracie she's the dancy goat, that's what I call her. So they got those drawings, sent them over to the artist who replicated my hand on their lats. It looks like they put them. So it's like I got thinking about it. It's like, wow, they branded themselves with their sun sign, so kind of fun. And then you called, and here we are talking about the inauguration chart. They're incredible and I feel that sometimes the rules that we inherit need to be taken with a grain of salt. You mean the astrological rules.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, and at least, if not a grain of salt, that we need to be a little circumspect about what will unfold. Talking about the election, I was very confident that Kamala was going to pull this off and you never were. And you were such a pain in the ass you were sitting there in your diaper, oh the world's and son of a bitch. You were right.
Speaker 1:Well, I'm not sure that my diaper I'm never going to forgive you for that? I'm not sure my diaper was fully loaded, although it may load up further as we get into this presidency. I will say that when I saw that we were having transiting Jupiter in Gemini on Donald, a 12-year cycle. So Jupiter's cycle around the sun is 12 years, a 12-year orbit. So it's in Gemini. So in general right, gemini is supposed to be having this really terrific year these years. It was just plain and simple, astrology 101, you know.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, I mean the crowd that was, you know, gunning for Kamala. They were hopeful because, you know, Jupiter is not very strong in Gemini. So was their card that they were playing. But it just doesn't matter, Jupiter is Jupiter.
Speaker 1:Well, also, too, though, there's something else that we need to look at. We were discussing earlier and you made a reference that this election, during the election, we had a retrograde Mercury period, and I believe, the last few presidential elections, we had the same retrograde Mercury, and astrologers say, gee, when you try to execute something during a retrograde Mercury, things usually go awry or weird things happen. Yeah, so we had this retrograde Mercury right before. In fact, the whole shadow period of the retrograde Mercury actually occurred like two days before this presidential election 2024. And so we had a retrograde mercury cycle that was just about to begin. We have a mercury that is out of bounds. It's called out of bounds right now opposite of out of bounds Mars, and what that basically means is mercury being very, very low from the ecliptic and or Mars being very, very high. In other words, the net effect of that Mars being out of bounds is when we look up these evenings, folks.
Speaker 2:Hold on a second. So you were talking about Mercury being out of bounds during the election, and now you're talking about Mercury being out of bounds during the inauguration. And now you're talking about Mercury being out of bounds during the inauguration.
Speaker 1:I'm discussing Mercury being. Pardon me if I said that Mercury being retrograde during the election and Mercury being out of bounds. Now, gotcha, we have an out of bounds Mercury messaging and a highlight of martial Martial meaning military or martial meaning. Well, mars is like cutting and burning. Well, think about the fires we just had last week, the firestorm in California. We're having a literal firestorm, right, and some would say a political firestorm, concurrent with each other.
Speaker 2:Well, I like that. I like that. I think that when you look at the Grand Cross here, the way it's depicted, the words, the messaging, the thought processes are at odds with the actions that are necessary for the public, in the mundane I guess it's a mundane chart. So we're considering the moon to be the public, right? Yes, and public welfare. It's in the sixth house, you know. It's in the sixth house, you know, and all of these forces are really coming together, sort of in a perfect storm, to experience the wounded healer. Experience, right, chiron, the wounded healer. We are going to be in it.
Speaker 1:We are putting on the shoes of Asclepius. Asclepius, that's right. Well, you know. Also too you made it mention this particular inaugural chart of 12 noon on the 20th has Mars at the bottom of the chart, meaning the root, meaning the home, meaning in real estate. Rather, in Astrology 101, it's real estate, it's home, it's and cancer, what's that and it's in cancer? What's that and it's in Cancer? Well, and Cancer itself is the sign of the home, the root, family, childbearing. So Mars, the god of fire, and more, in the root of the inauguration chart, meaning the root of the nation, or you could say the home of the nation, or the land of the nation, or the property or one's house.
Speaker 1:The firestorms in California are really, I think, perfect timing. It is, in fact, when you look at the LA chart. One of the LA charts I have has that Mars-Pluto opposition right on the LA chart, and so you know one of the things that would be the extreme of Mars-Pluto Pluto think plutonium Mars, think Marshall or fire. Plutonium Mars, think Marshall or fire explosion. So this presidential inauguration has all the fixings of an explosiveness behind it, that's for sure, plus what's happening in the world right now, 2025. I wanted Tim, if we could to segue to one other slide or two about this Pluto sign I just want to add if we didn't say about that chart, this pluto.
Speaker 2:I just want to add if we didn't say about that chart, um, I just want to add that what it does everything you said. And then I just want to add that that emotional component is huge, right it. To me it feels like that is the tinderbox. There's an emotional, there's a need for diplomacy and balance, as I mentioned, but the undercurrent of emotional and passionate divide, I think, comes to a head here. That's what it looks like to me Ultimately. I think this is a positive thing, but it's not going to feel that way for people.
Speaker 1:I don't think, and no surprise, right, since in a political chart or a nation's chart, the moon does describe the people, okay, the individuals, the people, the populace. Um, the south node there with the moon, uh describes karma, or or karmic changes, or fateful karma, or fateful, uh, fateful turning points. So when I talk about karma and opposite dharma, karma to me is more like a habituated unconsciousness where there's a need for awareness and awakening to happen, and this chart says there's a need for an awakening to happen around the health and wellness of the people in the home, the home, the hearth and the people we also have. Some have asked me, tim, what this black moon, transiting black moon next to moon? What is the black moon? I've discussed it in other programs, but the black moon is kind of like a Pluto point. It's a mathematical point. It's where the moon is most distant to the earth in its orbit, so that black moon talks about sort of a hidden underbelly theme, like a Pluto theme, like a hidden underbelly emotional. The hidden underbelly theme like a Pluto theme, like a hidden underbelly emotional, the hidden underbelly emotional theme of families and people. Well, we could talk about immigration law, we could talk about Mercury in the ninth house of law and Mars, the firestorm opposing it, immigration law and the people. So that opposition and that grand cross, a grand cross, think of like you know I guess I was raised Irish Catholic Jesus on the cross. You know Well, that's a lot of constructs people give to grand cross. So it says this inauguration is certainly a powerful, karmic, moving thing that's happening. That's why I wanted, if I can, to go to Pluto.
Speaker 1:We're having Pluto change signs. It's been a big thing in the astrospeak right, yeah. And Pluto changing signs, it's been a big thing in the astrospeak right. And Pluto changing signs into Aquarius. Last time that happened. Well, that was the French and American revolutions, and before that, pluto changing into the sign of Aquarius, the Copernican revolution. Think of Kepler, galileo and Newton, isaac Newton. Before that, the Islamic Golden Age where literature, science, economics, medicine, mathematics, astronomy, astrology, it was kind of the golden age of awakening.
Speaker 1:So, in a way, this Pluto Aquarius that we're having might be an age of awakening and God knows. This presidential inauguration chart is right on awakening, but the oppositions in Grand Cross says challenging awakening, challenging awakening.
Speaker 2:Well done.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we'll talk another show if we can, if we can get you back about these three planets changing sign. Uranus changing signs Uranus discovered during the French and American Industrial Revolution. Neptune changing signs this year. Innovation, imperialism where all Neptunian change of signs, things that happened in the past. And again Pluto itself, discovered in 1930, where, within five years of discovering plutonium and energy themes and within a decade or a handful of years, where plutocrats abounded in the 1930s. So again, pluto themes deal with energy themes, power themes and plutocracy themes. That's what we're going through right now. We'll talk about this lunar standstill another time. We'll come back to the saturn changing uh ring plane. We have a ring plane crossing maybe you and I can discuss this another time.
Speaker 1:That's a 20-year cycle. This ring plane crossing of saturn uh boston party story.
Speaker 2:That is your discovery, isn't it?
Speaker 1:uh, no, all astronomers are all super tickled and giddy to have these the, the changing of the rings over, uh, a 14 year period.
Speaker 2:No, I understand, but the the astrological significance no astrologer has talked about that before you right.
Speaker 1:No astrologers discussed it before me and that's because they're not back. They're not. I mean I'm at the eyepiece every night. I mean literally. I'm at the eyepiece every night and I do what astronomers do I watch the sky, literally.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's brilliant stuff. And then the lunar standstill was. You know, I was godsmacked at that, and so those are discussions I think your listeners are going to really want to tune into. That's pretty exciting.
Speaker 1:Yeah, these lunar standstills, these major lunar standstills, these major lunar standstills where the moon is really really high in the sky overnight, rises far northeast and it's way high overhead and when these major lunar standstills, I guess we'll get into it, we'll touch on it. The major lunar standstills usually correlate with major turning points emotionally and generationally and sort of zeitgeist. So the last major lunar standstills we had 1913, 1931, 1950, 1969, 1987, reagan years, 2006, and this year, 2025. 1913, 1914, world War I, 1931, 30, 31, 33, 35, the beginnings of World War II and the rise of Nazism. 1950, the Korean War. 1969, the Vietnam War and the US entering Vietnam really powerfully in earnest right in 1967, 68, 69.
Speaker 1:87 is the only year period that lunar stencil didn't seem to really generate much that we could put our finger on. The Reagan years. But then again, the Reagan years were when we gave corporations the values of people, the power of an individual person. So corporations, the corporate America really took off. That corporate America really took off. 2006 was near that 2001 9-11 event and what happened politically thereafter, including the Gulf Wars.
Speaker 2:And here we are Global financial crisis too, what's that? The global financial crisis. It's even closer.
Speaker 1:The global financial crisis.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean it was a couple of years later, but Same in the 1931 cycle.
Speaker 1:I would say yeah. I would say 2006.
Speaker 2:What's interesting about that with the lunar standstill is that that is probably when the lending went parabolic in the mortgage business. You know anyone who watched the big short. That's when all the investment houses were making hay off of these derivative products and it got really inflated at that point. You know values got inflated. So that was the point of mania, as things were climbing to you know heights that supposedly, would you know, no one would ever fall from until very short time later everything came off so we could see something similar.
Speaker 2:Now it's 2025. We could see all-time new highs. I think we're heading there in the market and we could go quite a ways beyond all-time highs and keep climbing and it will look. You know we've reached a new day. We've reached a new day. But that chart that you showed, the inauguration chart, depending on how much weight that carries suggests that you know the other shoe will fall, it will come off. Know the other shoe will fall, it will come off. We'll have to wait and see 2006,. It took three years to get to 2007, when that's when we knew there was a problem. I'm thinking it won't take that long this time. I think we'll probably know by. You know, within two years, probably within the midterm elections.
Speaker 1:So well, I love what you're sharing and I want the audience to think about this and fellow astrologers, we get rather I think you alluded to it before, tim about you know, rethinking or being open, or you know, not having proscribed ideas. Astrologically too, there's still much to be understood and learned about the art of astrology, and that we're looking at cycles. That you know. Yeah, astrologers get myopic about when something is exact. When will Pluto exactly change from Capricorn to Aquarius? Oh, that marks that. X marks the spot. God doesn't work that way. Great Spirit doesn't marks the spot. God doesn't work that way. Create spirit doesn't work that way. Life doesn't work that way. It's a cycle. It's a cycle. I always tell clients we don't go from fall directly into winter. There's a period, there's a cycle, there's a shift over time, and I think you're telling us that and you're sharing about the market.
Speaker 1:Well said, beautiful so Tim always awesome to be with you. You're magical, you're wonderful. There's so much more for Tim to share with us folks and we'll make sure that we'll put on any contact information you wish us to have to share with people so they can talk to you or reach out to you and your brilliance, and we'll hopefully have Tim back again for a bunch more shows, because we've got a powerful time that we're in folks. Thank you so much Alexander.
Speaker 2:You're always the consummate astrologer. It's a pleasure, it's a pleasure reconnecting with you. Thank you for sharing such wealth, such a wealth of knowledge and information. Today I've learned a lot, and I hope your listeners did too.
Speaker 1:Good to be here. I hope so. Thank you so much, folks. Great to see you, tim, and we'll see you again soon. Bye everyone, bye guys. Take care now, bye-bye.